
2022-05-20 12:13:07



  第一段: 开头段。主要是归纳论点,说明论点有问题,存在逻辑漏洞,准备发起进攻。


  第五段: 结尾段。作者的结论似乎是合理的,但是通过论证,不是这样的。因此作者在做出决定之前,应该还要考虑其他情况。



  In this memo the vice president of Nature's Way CNW), a chain of stores selling health food and health-related products, recommends opening a store in Plamesville. To support this recommendation the vice president cites the following facts about Plainesville: (1) sales of exercise shoes and clothing are at all-time highs; (2) the local health club is more popular than ever; and (3) the city's schoolchildren are required to participate in a fitness program. Close scrutiny of each of these facts, however, reveals that none of them lend credible support to the recommendation.


  Merely based on unfounded assumption and dubious (suspicious) evidence, the statement draws a conclusion that_____. To substantiate (support) the conclusion, the arguer points out evidence that_____. In addition, he indicates that_____. Furthermore, he cites the result of a recent survey in support of this recommendation. At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some substantial concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument. In my point of view, this argument suffers from N logical flaws.

  1. 先在开头段指出原文的conclusion

  2. 指出作者引用哪些evidence or assumption

  3. 指出存在几个flaw

  In this argument, the author concludes that, to support his conclusion, he points out that ____. In addition, he infers that____. Furthermore, the arguer sites as a typical example in support of his recommendation. However, this alone / only this do not constitute a logical argument in favor of its conclusion, and fails to provide convincing support, making this argument sound and invulnerable.



  1. 按照逻辑错误出现的顺序,分段顺序攻击。 (不特别推荐)

  2. 按照逻辑错误主次进行分段攻击

  3. 让步式攻击法(重点)

  1)seven years ago 外推类错误

  2) since then 时序性因果错误

  3) we should adopt our own set of … 错误类比



  2. 对于无根据的调查和比较是不能说明任何问题。


  To sum up, this arguer fails to substantiate its claim that_____, because the evidences cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more information with regard to_____. Additionally, he would have to demonstrate that_____. Therefore, if the argument had included the given factors discussed above, it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.

  八.各个逻辑错误的攻击方法和语言 重点。

  调查类错误 包含子类多,存在题目量大。所以重要。



  核心攻击两大问题: a. 样本质量 b.样本数量


  A. Selective sample 选择性、片面性样本(片面的、特定人群的,最后缺得到了普遍性结论。)

  Eg. 题库 8

  The following appeared in the editorial section of a corporate newsletter:

  “The common notion that workers are generally apathetic about management issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”

  Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

