
2022-05-27 06:39:55

  下面我们给大家带来知关于如何应对雅思阅读paragraph heading题的几个策略,全英文,希望今天的内容,即训练了你英语阅读的习惯,也同时了解了一种阅读题型的解题技巧,一举两得。接下来请看雅思内容:雅思阅读如何做题(全英文)

  Strategies to answer the questions

  1. Quickly read through the paragraph headings so you can see what they say.

  2. Then look at the first paragraph.

  3. Often only the topic sentence needs to be read carefully because the main idea and answer are there - you may be able to just skim the rest.

  4. Sometimes, however, the answer is not in the topic sentence and the whole paragraph needs to be read more carefully.

  5. If a match is not immediately obvious, move on to the next one.

  6. If you are unsure between two answers at first, put them both in. You may be able to eliminate one answer later if it fits another paragraph better.

  7. If at the end you are still stuck between two answers for a question, pick which fits best.


