
2022-05-20 21:01:01







  例1 Q: Environmentalists take a pessimistic view of the world for a number of reasons.

  原文: For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. (剑 5 Test 1 P3)

  在这个例子中,形容词 pessimistic 因为有反义词 optimistic ,故这个词就是本题的考点词。与原文相对照,发现 pessimistic 对应的词是 seems to be getting worse ,与原文一致,因此答案选 YES.

  例2 Q: Current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle’s view on the subject.

  原文: But most modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle’s belief that…(剑 5 Test 2 P3)

  在本题中,考点词是位于重心部位的谓语动词 ignore,因为其有反义词 didn’t ignore。正好与原文中的 settle on 相对应,故此题选 FALSE。



  例3 Q:The 1990 survey related to 550,000consultations with alternative therapies.

  原文:The 550,000consultations with alternative therapies… (剑 4 Test 2 P1)

  本题答案 YES,非常容易判断,因为考点词是 550,000 ,正好在原文中也出现了。但是要提醒考生的是,这道题目并不是仅仅根据两个数字对应就做出来的,数字修饰的概念 ”consultations with alternative therapies” 同时也是考点词,只不过这里恰好一致罢了。

  例4 Q: The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289patients who visited alternative therapists for acupuncture treatments.

  原文:Dr Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapies’ practices in Sydney. These practices offered a wide range of alternative therapies from 25 therapists. (剑 4 Test 2 P1)

  这道题目很容易选成 YES ,因为 289 在原文中和题目中都出现了。但是需要提醒考生的是,不能光看数字考点,还要看一下数字修饰的概念是否一致。在本题中,题目中 289 人的概念是“参加针灸疗法的病人”,而原文中的是“各种各样的疗法”,因为可以肯定 289 人不是都参加针灸疗法的,因为即便其中包括针灸,289 个病人一定还有参加其它疗法的。故本题选 NO。


  绝对考点词指的是 all, must, every,only, always 等语气绝对的限定词。这类考点往往因为与雅思阅读的原文中所述事实矛盾而选 FALSE/NO 的答案。但是也有很多例外,考生不应不看原文就直接选出答案。

  例5 Q: The ISTP study examined public and private systems in every city of the world.

  原文:The study compared the proportion of wealth poured into transport by thirty-seven cities around the world. (剑6 Test 2 P1)

  很显然,这道题目的考点词 every 出错了,因为原文中只讲有 37 个城市。

  例6 Q: All cultures have been able to express large numbers clearly.

  原文:The lack of ability of some cultures to deal with large numbers is not really surprising. (剑 8 Test 2 P3)

  题目中所是所有的文化都能表达大的数字,但是原文中却说一些文化缺乏处理大的数字。故答案选 FALSE。


  例7 Only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400 years.

  原文:Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years.(剑 7 Test 2 P1 )

  这题虽然题目是绝对考点词,但是因为原文中也用了一样的绝对考点词,故答案选 YES。


  比较考点词指的是在 A is … than B 或者 A is as … as B 中用于比较的形容词或者副词。这类题型在雅思阅读中比较常见。通常有以下几种情况:

  a、A和B有一方在原文中没有出现,答案选 NOT GIVEN。

  b、A和B都在原文中出现,但并未出现比较,答案选 NOT GIVEN。

  c、A和B都在原文中出现,且出现比较,但比较的内容不一致,答案选 NOT GIVEN。

  d、如果A和B都在原文中出现,而且比较内容相同,则根据方向来判断答案选 YES 或者 NO。


  例8 Q: Early peoples found it easier to count by using fingers rather than a group of pebbles. (剑 6 Test 2 P3 )

  原文: … because it is possible to count by matching the items being counted against a group of pebbles, grains of corn, or the counter’s fingers.

  在本例中,题目把 finger 和 pebble 进行了比较,但是原文中者两个词是并列关系,根本没有进行比较,因此答案选 NOT GIVEN。

  例9 Q: Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about the rainforest’s destruction.

  原文1: More girls (70%) than boys (60%) raised the idea of rainforest as animal habitats.

  原文2: More girls (13%) than boys (5%) said that rainforests provided human habitats. (剑4 Test 1 P1)

  在这道题目中,比较考点词是 more likely to hold mistaken views ,原文中虽然也出现了比较,但是比较的内容与题目完全不同,因此答案选 NOT GIVEN 。

  除了以上例举的考点词外,如果一道题目没有出现明显的考点词,或者题目的重心位置中出现 some, may, likely, not all, not always等语气保守委婉的词的时候,这道题目选 FALSE/ NO 的概率就很小,选 TURE/YES 的概率相对较大。

  例10 Q: Not all of the assistants survived to see the publication of the Dictionary.

  原文:He was also helped by six assistants, two of whom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation。(剑 5 Test 1P1 )

  题目中没有明显的考点词,但是 not all 这个词语气非常保守,正好对应的雅思阅读的原文中的 two of whom died,因此答案选 YES 。

  例11 Q: Some peoples with simple number systems use body language to prevent misunderstanding of expression of number.

  原文:But in real situations the number and words are often accompanied by gestures to help resolve any confusion. (剑8 Test2 P3)

  本题同样没有明显的考点词,但是 some 这个词语气保守,与原文中的 often 正好对应,故选 TRUE。


