雅思阅读真题库:Expert in musician

2022-05-19 08:42:37

  雅思阅读真题库:Expert in musician!雅思考试阅读(学术类)部分共有三篇文章,考生需要回答40道题目。考生在备考雅思阅读中可以结合有效练习熟悉题型掌握解题方法,当然积累阅读中的背景知识也很重要。下面

  重复年份 20160130 20140517

  题材 人文社科

  题型 选择 4+判断 6+填空 4

  文章大意 天赋是遗传先天的还是靠练习,主要以音乐为例。讨论坚持不懈对成功的作




  1. what's the definition of talent in the first paragraph

  brain structure different from others

  2. what can we learn from violin players?

  Not sure the change of brain size is the cause of effect of practice

  3. the result of findings by experts suggest

  Talent may have little to do with ....


  1. ericsson's study has influenced other researchers. NG

  2. the other areas have one thing in common. Y

  3. whose who becoe world scale practice regularly every day NG

  4. anyone who practiced over 10.000 will become a talent N

  5. current learning and cognitive skills support the practice theory Y


  Receive a lot of practice from his father. .... first symphony at the age of four....not popular...but not inherited.
