
2022-06-03 04:08:22


  Passage 1:奥运火炬

  Questions 1-3 Complete the summary below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage.

  Write your answers in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

  The Olympic torch, as Olympic Committee requested, is carefully designed which takes a years to design and build so that it is capable of withstanding all kinds of 1 ______and staying lit through widely differing weather conditions. The torch used in the modern Olympics which is to hold the 2 ______ And the torch must then be copied and thousands are built as demanded by the thousands of runners who carry them through. Each runner has the opportunity to 3 ______ his torch at completion of his journey of the relay for memorial and as for souvenirs

  Questions 4-9

  Match the following statements as applying to different Olympic flames A-H.

  NB There are more choices than questions. You may not need all the choices.

  A ancient Greek Olympic flames

  B Berlin Games torch(1936)

  C 1952 Winter Games flame

  D 1956 Games torch

  E Munich Games torch (1972)

  F 1996 torch (Atlanta)

  G 2000 torch (Sydney)

  H 2002 torch (Salt lake city)

  Write your answers in boxes 4-9 on your answer sheet.

  4 first liquid fuel torch

  5 not environmentally friendly

  6 began to record the runners’ name

  7 potential risky as it burnt runner’s arms

  8 special for a theme

  9 flame not lit in Greek

  Questions 10-14 Diagram filling

  The chart below shows the structure of the 1996 Olympic torch.

  Complete the chart using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each blank.


  1. climates

  2. flame

  3. purchase

  4. E

  5. F

  6. B

  7. D

  8. H

  9. C

  10. fuel tank

  11. openings

  12. handle

  13. propylene

  14. double-flame

  Passage 2:新西兰农民公司


  The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-J.Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-J, in boxes 15-19 on your answer sheet.

  14 Generosity offered in an occasion for helping the poor E

  15 Innovation of offer made ahead of modem-time business by the head of company. B

  16 Fashion was not chosen as its strong point. G

  17 A romantic event on a memorial venue dedicating to Farmers. D

  18 Farmers was sold to a private owned company. I

  Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet.

  Farmers was first founded as a 19 in Auckland by Mr. Laidlaw. Farmers developed fast and bought one 20 then.

  During oversea expansion, Farmers set up 21 in major cities outside New Zealand.Farmers held a 22 in a sale once a year for the companys mascot animalSome senior employee considered Farmers as a 23 both for themselves and for the whole country.

  Questions 24-26 Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-C) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-C in boxes 25-27 on your answer sheet.

  NB you may use any letter more than once

  A Lincoln Laidlaw

  B Rod McDermott

  C Ian Hunter

  25Product became worse as wrong aspect focused.

  26 An unprecedented statement made by Farmers in New Zealand.

  27 Character of the company was changed.


  14 E【原文参考依据-E】小男孩one penny 买到巧克力的事件 = generosity

  15 B【原文参考依据-B】创始人 robert laidlow 提出超前的广告口号和服务理念

  16 G【原文参考依据-G 第二句话】We were first price point focused, we weren’t fashion focused.

  17 D 【原文参考依据-D】在总部大楼天台瞭望台(look out tower)发生的纪念意义浪漫(ring)事件

  18 I【原文参考依据-I】末句 it went back to”family”ownership,with the purchase by the James Pascoe Group,owned by David and Anne Norman the latter being the great-granddaughter of James Pascoe,whose first business interest was jewellery.

  19 mail-order company【原文参考依据-A】第二行Laidlaw establishesmail-order company Laidlaw Leeds in Fort Street,Auckland.A段的第1句

  20 chain store 【原文参考依据-A】第四行expansion:purchase of Green and Colebrook chain store;

  21 buying offices【原文参考依据-A】倒数第二行….and New Yorkbuying offices,With permission from the Harbour Board, the large FARMERS electric sign on the Wyndham Street frontage is erected.

  22 celebration (sale)【原文参考依据-F】第2行annual sale of celebration for birthday of Hector the Parrot……..

  23 big family【原文参考依据-I】once,Farmers was like a big familyand all of the people who worked for it….

  24 B【原文参考依据-G】原文见G段,选择了忽视消费者需求,一味追求价格为主……We were first price point focused, we weren’t fashion focused. “Remove the rose-tinted nostalgia, and Farmers is, quite simply, a business, doing business in hard times. Dancing with the Stars presenter Candy Lane launches a clothing line? “We put a trial on, and we thought it was really lovely, but the uptake wasn’t what we thought it would be. It’s got to be what the customer wants,” says McDermott.

  25 C【原文参考依据-B】中部“It was the first money back guarantee ever offered in New Zealand by any firm,” says [u style=word-wrap: break-word;]Ian Hunter[/u], business historian. “And his mission statement was, potentially, only the second one ever found in the world.””

  26 A 【原文参考依据-I】中部.. then the businesswas being divided up and so that kind of family situation was dispelled and ithasn’t been recovered.”
