剑桥雅思11Test 3答案

2022-06-07 21:05:14

  剑桥雅思系列资料是考生在备考的过程中比较喜欢的资料,为了便于大家更好的进行练习,小编为大家带来了剑桥雅思11Test 3答案,大家在练习结束后,可以参照以下答案对自己的做题情况进行分析,并不断的进行提升。

  先来了解以下阅读部分的剑桥雅思11Test 3答案:

  剑桥雅思11Test 3答案阅读答案 Passage 1

  Question 1

  答案: tea

  关键词: 3000 BC, cocoon, fell into, emperor's wife

  定位原文: 第1段第5句“It just so happened that... ” 这些蚕茧中的一粒掉进了热茶中并开始松散成为一根细丝。

  解题思路: “3000BC”和“皇帝的妻子”都很好定位,在第一段的第二句中便可看到,但却偏偏没有“掉进”这个信息,直到读者看到第五句中的landed in这个同义表述才能恍然大悟,答案为tea。


  Question 2

  答案: reel

  关键词: emperor's wife, invented, pull out silk fibres

  定位原文: 第1段第8句“She also devised a special reel to draw... ”她还设计发明了一种特殊的卷轴来将蚕茧中的纤维纺成丝线。

  解题思路: 此题的定位距离上一道题不远,仍是皇帝妻子所做的事。题干说“皇帝的妻子发明了一个 _____ 来拽出丝绸纤维”,读者只需回到原文找到devised这个对invented进行同义表述的单词,即不难发现答案为reel。

  Question 3

  答案: women

  关键词: only, allowed to produce

  定位原文: 第2段第1句“Originally, silkworm farming …” 起初,桑蚕业完全是只由女性来进行的,她们要负责种植、收获和纺织。

  解题思路:此题基本是考査考生对于solely表示only这个意思的认知。题干说“只有被允许生产丝绸”,根据语法还可推知此空格内需填写名词的复数形式。定位到原文的solely restricted to即可得到答案women。

  Question 4

  答案: royalty

  关键词: only, allowed to wear

  对应原文: 第2段第2句“Silk quickly grew into a symbol of status, and originally, only …” 成为社会地位的象征,起先只有皇室才能穿。

  解题思路: 此题结构与上一题极其相似,题干说“只有______被允许穿着丝绸”。这次题千里的only一词倒是原词重现在文中,不过却考査考生是否认识be entitled to与be allowed to的同义替换,或者考生也可通过题干中wear与文中clothes的对应确定答案为royalty。

  Question 5

  答案: currency

  关键词: used, a form of, farmers' taxes

  定位原文: 第2段第4、5句“Sometime during …” 到汉朝的某个时段,珍贵到被当做一种货币。

  解题思路: 此题的题干本身给出信息不多,“丝绸被用作一种形式的______”;考生也可能并不熟 悉a unit of与a form of的同义替换。但好在下一句的例子提到了更多细节:例如,农民交税的一部分就是丝绸。利用“农民交税”这个信息可以更顺利地进行定位,答案为currency货币。


  Question 6

  答案: paper

  关键词: 168AD,made from

  定位原文: 第2段最后1句“The earliest indication of … ”人类最早使用丝质纸的证据发现于一位贵族的墓中。

  解题思路: 此题中最明显的定位词非168AD莫属。题干说“大约在公元168年发现了用丝绸制作的的证据”,因此考生需要在定位句中寻找某种以丝绸为材质的物品。对比原文indication(此处意即证据) of silk paper可知答案为paper。

  Question 7

  答案: wool

  关键词: Silk Road, westward, precious metals

  定位原文: 第3段第1句“Demand for this exotic fabric eventually …” 最终催生了“丝绸之路”的贸易路线,且向西输送丝绸而向东则运来金、银和毛料。

  解题思路: 此题题干说“商人们利用丝绸之路向西运送丝绸并运______回来和贵重金属”。定位十分容易,对比原文可知precious metal即文中的gold 和silver,于是答案为另外的物品wool。

  Question 8

  答案: monks

  关键词: hide, canes, Constantinople

  定位原文: 第4段前第3句“According to another legend, monks…” 根据另一个传说版本,是为拜占庭皇帝工作的和尚们走私偷运了蚕卵。

  解题思路: 此题依然可以利用题干中的数字和大写轻松定位。题干说 “在公元550年,_____把蚕卵藏在手杖里带到了君士坦丁堡”,可以推知此题答案必然身份为人,不过考生需分辨清楚发出smuggled (走私)这个动作的人是一些为拜占庭皇帝工作的僧侣而非在句子中离smuggled这个动词更近的皇帝本人,答案为monks。


  Question 9

  答案: nylon

  关键词: 20th century, manmade fibres, decline

  定位原文: 第5段的第3句。“Then in the twentieth century, new ……” 接下来在20世纪里,新型人造纤维材料,例如尼龙,开始应用在传统上一直使用丝绸的产品中,例如长筒袜和降落伞。

  解题思路: 此题的定位需先找到“20世纪”这一信息。题干说“ _____和其他人造纤维材料造成了丝绸生产的衰落”,可以推知答案必然为某种具体的人造纤维材料。対比原文只有一种具体人造材料被提及,答案为nylon。

  Question 10

  答案: False

  关键词: Gold, most valuable material, Silk Road

  定位原文: 第3段第2句“It was named the Silk Road after... ” 之所以命名为丝绸之路,是因为运输了最贵重的商品,比黄金价值更高的“丝绸”。

  解题思路: 原文意思不难理解,丝绸之路之所以名为“丝绸”之路,是以其最有价值的货品(即丝绸)来命名的,还有定语从句进一步澄清“丝绸被认为比黄金价值更高”,与题干信息相悖。

  Question 11

  答案: True

  关键词: Most tradesmen, certain sections of the Silk Road

  定位原文: 第3段最后一句“Few merchants travelled …” 基本没有商人走完全程,货物传递都靠很多中间人。

  解题思路: 只需认识merchants这个可以用来替换tradesmen的词汇即可顺利定位,而原文内容说很少有商人会走完整条路线,分号后更是换了种方式再表达一遍:商品大多是由一系列中间经手入来传递交接的,与题干内容一致。

  Question 12

  答案: False

  关键词: Byzantines, spread, across the West

  定位原文: 第4段第4句“The Byzantines were as secretive…”

  解题思路: 文章中说“拜占庭人和中国人一样守秘不宣,在很多个世纪里丝绸料子的纺织和贸易都受到帝国严格的把控垄断”,也就是说拜占庭人并没有积极地把丝绸生产的做法传播出去,而是保守了秘密,与题干信息相反。注意:本段第二句中曾经提及,丝绸制作的秘密确实是经由拜占庭帝国而传播到世界上其他国家去的,但这句表述并不能等同于题干中的“拜占庭人将丝绸生产的做法传遍西方”,因为后者是在说他们出于主动的意愿去传播这种方法,而前者则是陈述事实:无论如何,最终丝绸的生产方法确实是经由拜占庭传播到各地的。二者不能混为一谈。

  Question 13

  答案: Not Given

  关键词: Silk yarn, majority, exported from China

  定位原文: 第5段最后两句“However, in more recent decades, China…”

  解题思路: 原文只说中国在近几十年成为世界最大的生丝和丝线的生产者和出口国,其产量几乎占全球丝绸产量的三分之二,并没有明确提及在这些产品的构成中,丝线是否占到大多数。


  剑桥雅思11Test 3答案 Passage 2

  Question 14

  答案: False

  关键词: local gulls, arctic terns, food

  定位原文: 第2段前两句“An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight…”

  解题思路: local gulls 会为了herring 这样的 handouts 而 voraciously 俯冲下来,然而arctic tern却会继续飞行,显然二者在面对食物时表现得并不一样。不考虑有可能很不多不认识的单词,但看while这个提示词又明确强化了是不一样的,与题干信息相悖。

  Question 15

  答案: True

  关键词: expert's definitions, vary, area of study

  定位原文: 第3段第1句“But migration is a complex…”迁徙是个复杂的问题,生物学家依据研究的动物不同对定义也各不相同。

  解题思路: 只需按照“专家的定义”找到原文中的相应描述即可,答案与题目“专家们对于迁徙的定义往往会根据他们的研究领域而各有不同”为同义表达。

  Question 16

  答案: Not Given

  关键词: very few experts agree, movement of aphids

  定位原文:第4段前两句“But daily vertical movements by…”

  解题思路: 本题具有一定的迷惑性。“蚜虫移动”这个信息不难定位,原文也以事实陈述的口吻指出:浮游生物和蚜虫的移动确实可以被视为某种形式的迁徙。但此题是一道典型的“将事实与观点相混淆”思路的判断题,题干说“基本没有什么专家认同这个看法”,是明确的“专家观点表达”,与原文的“事实陈述”既不能说是矛盾,也不能说是一致,而是Not Given。

  Question 17

  答案: True

  关键词: aphids' journeys, affected, changes in the light

  定位原文: 第5段第3句“..., aphids will become sensitive to blue light (from the sky) when it's time for takeoff on their big journey…” 对蓝光和黄光敏感…….

  解题思路:可能未必认识aphids (蚜虫)这个单词,但它在文中作为昆虫名并没有被替换。阅读定位句可知,这种生物确实会在不同的情況下分别对蓝光和黄光更加敏感,也就是“会受到光色变化的影响”,答案为True。


  Question 18

  答案: False

  关键词: Dingle's aim, distinguish

  定位原文: 第5段最后一句“The value of his definition, Dingle…”

  解题思路: 由于有Dingle这个大写人名,本题定位不难。Dingle的目的在于找到迁徙行为的共性,与题干所表述的“目标在于区分不同物种迁徙行为之间的差异”是两个不同的意思。

  Question 19

  答案: G

  关键词: Dingle, migratory routes, likely

  定位原文: 第1段的第4、5句“The biologist Hugh Dingle has identified five…”

  解题思路: 题干说“按照Dingle的说法,迁徙的路线往住会______” 回到原文中Dingle这个人名不难找到,route (路线)这个意思却是通过linear和 zigzaggy这两个用以描述“路线”是平直还是曲折的形容词来间接表达的,需要考生认识其中至少一个才能更准确定位。而一旦定位之后确定答案则很容易,为G项:follow a straight line (沿着一条直线)。

  Question 20

  答案: C

  关键词: prepare for, likely to

  定位原文:第1段第5句“…; they involve special behaviours concerning preparation…”

  解题思路:题干说“为了给迁徙做准各,动物们往往会_____”。prepare这个题干中的定位信息在原文中仅仅改了词性,变成了名词preparation,很容易被找到;而括号里对于“做准备”的举例说明overfeeding也不是困难的词汇,可以轻松得出答案为C: eat more than they need for immediate purposes (吃得比它们当下立刻就需要的要多)。

  Question 21

  答案: A

  关键词: during migration, unlikely to

  定位原文:第1段最后一句“And one more: migrating…”

  解题思路:题干说“在迁徙过程中,动物们一般不会______”,此题比较有迷惑性,原因在于原文中给出了两个否定性信息:undistracted by temptations 和 undeterred by challenges that would turn other animals aside,分别对应于选项E和选项A。注意:选项E和A所描述内容的方向是相反的。根据题干中的unlikely,可得出答案为A: be discouraged by difficulties,即“不会被困难阻挡”,如果选E的话,则与文意相反。

  Question 22

  答案: E

  关键词: Arctic terns, illustrate, ability

  定位原文: 第2段前四句 “An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from …”

  解题思路: 题干说“北极燕鸥证明了迁徙中的动物的______能力”。Arctic ton不难定位,但考生需要具备耐心,在第一次找到定位词的句子里没有提供相关解题信息的时候继续向下阅读原文,直到看至第四句时能得出完整信息,答案为E: ignore distractions (忽视那些分散注意力的因素)。

  Question 23

  答案: speed

  关键词: pronghorns, rely on, eyesight, predators

  定位原文:第6段倒数第3句“Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision…”

  解题思路: pronghorn这个词在文中出现在了两个部位。第一次是在第三段中,只是在介绍Joel Berger 的研究领域时被简短地一带而过,没有展开;第二次则是在文章的后两段中密集出现,此时才是真正说到了其迁徙行为的细节内容,是此部分summary题型对应的正文部分。题干说“叉角羚依赖它们的视力和_____来躲避捕食者”。対比原文中与vision形成并列关系的内容,可得答案为speed。

  Question 24

  答案: plains

  关键词: summer habitat, national park, winter home

  定位原文: 第6段第3、4句“One population, which spends the summer in the mountainous…”

  解题思路:题干说“某个特定种群(叉角羚)的夏季栖息地是一个国家公园,而它们的冬季家园则位于_____”。“夏季”和“国家公园”这两个信息都不难在文中找到,但包含这两个信息的句子里提供的地点“平原”却不容易被确定为答案,原因在于本句中并没有明确提及“冬季”这个信息。考生需要耐心向下再阅读一句,找到“冬季”的同义替换frozen months,从而用here这个地点指代词来确认,答案为plains。

  Question 25

  答案: bottlenecks

  关键词: route, three

  定位原文:第6段第5句“These pronghorn are notable for…”


  Question 26

  答案: corridor

  关键词:problem, construction of new homes, narrow

  定位原文:第6段倒数第2句“At one of the bottlenecks, forested hills…”


  Test 3 Passage 3

  Question 27


  关键词:assume, lack of mathematical knowledge

  定位原文:D段第1句“Other scientists have written books to…”

  解题思路:题目:a reference to books that assume a lack of mathematical knowledge; 译文:提到了这样一些书,它们都设定其内容缺失数学专业知识。books所进行的assume是针对书的读者而言,也就是说,它们假设的是“读者并不具有(或者说缺乏)特别深厚的数学知识”,但在英语地道表达中此句并不需要出现readers这个单词,需要考生自行领会。回到原文中,have necessarily had to omit这个表达也清楚地表明这类书籍是“出于必要、不得不省略了”数学相关内容。也就是说,这些书并不是故意对数学专业知识避而不谈,而是考虑到了读者群的具体情况而刻意避免了深入艰涩的数学内容。

  Question 28:


  关键词:not a typical book

  定位原文: B部分第2段第1句“In that respect, this book differs from…”

  解题思路:题目:the way in which this is not a typical book about mathematics;译文:本书在何种意义上并非一本典型的数学题材相关书籍。此题相対来说比较容易,只需考生看出not a typical book 与 differs from most books 的简单同义替换。

  Question 29:


  关键词:personal examples, helped by


  解题思路:题目:personal examples of being helped by mathematics;译文:得到数学助益的个人案例。此题从理解题干或原文的角度来看都并不困难,文章中医生和律师的个人案例无论读懂哪一个都足以帮助解题。但如果考生仅仅只着眼于在文章中寻找某个关键词的同义替换,则无论 personal, example 还是help 都无法找到,反而会遭遇困难。

  Question 30:


  关键词:examples of people, abilities, incompatible

  定位原文: C段最后一句 “To illustrate our human potential, I…”

  解题思路:题目:examples of people who each had abilities that seemed incompatible; 译文:举例同时具有的各种能力看起来似乎并不协调的人物例子。需灵活理解题干中的incompatible一词,未必一定是“不可兼容的”,也可以泛指“似乎有矛盾、不一致”这样的状态。言下之意,一个人可以既具备这类能力,又同时具有另外一类不同的能力,而看似这两种能力好像不应该同时出现在一个人的身上。原文中列举了四人,每个人都在两个截然不同的领域中有所建树,正是为了表达这样的意思。

  Question 31:


  关键词:different focuses

  定位原文:B 部分第2段后3句 “Some present the lives …”

  解题思路:题目:mention of different focuses of books about mathematics;译文:提到了不同的数学类书籍的不同关注点。此题从理解题干意思到理解原文意思都不困难。题干属于总结阐述型,而原文则给出细节,具体列举有哪几类着眼点各自不同的数学类书籍。

  Question 32:


  关键词:contrast, other kinds of publication

  定位原文:E段第3句“You will turn…”

  解题思路:题目:a contrast between reading this book and reading other kinds of publication; 译文:比较阅读此书和阅读其他出版物的不同体验。此题最容易的入手点在于“其他出版物”这个信息,文中的novel和newspaper都能与此构成对应,只需按部就班读到此处信息即可。

  Question 33:


  关键词:whole of the book, accessible to everybody

  定位原文: A部分第1段最后一句和第2段第2句“Anyone can understand …”“Thus all readers…”

  解题思路:题目:a claim that the whole of the book is accessible to everybody; 译文:声称这本书的所有部分都能让每个人看懂。此题相対比较简单,A部分中无论是看到第一段还是第二段的相关内容,都可比较顺利地得出答案。

  Question 34:


  关键词:different categories, intended readers

  定位原文:F部分第1段“As I wrote, I kept…”

  解题思路:题目:a reference to different categories of intended readers of this book; 译文:提到这本书的目标读者群的不同类别。本题没有什么难度,定位后可以比较轻松地解题。

  Question 35:

  答案: beginner

  关键词:both music and mathematics, suitable

  定位原文:A部分第1段第1、2句“Occasionally, in some difficult musical…”

  解题思路:题干说“音乐和数学中都有某些领域是适合于这样的人的”。根据语法可以推知此处应该寻找某种“人”,回到原文中可以迅速、轻松定位“音乐”这个信息,根据So it is...as well的信息也可认定此处确实是音乐与数学并列被提及的答案出处,再通过阅读定位句可得答案为beginner。

  Question 36:

  答案: arithmetic

  关键词:understand advanced mathematics, limited knowledge

  定位原文:A部分第1段第3、4句“There are some discoveries… ”

  解题思路:题干说“有时候要理解高等数学也只不过需要使用关于_____的一点有限知识就足够了”。考生可以轻松用advanced mathematics回到原文中定位,也不必在看到可能不熟悉的algebra geometry, or trigonometry 担心,根据本句上下文看出它们都是“高等数学”的具体举例内容即可。下一句则以instead和a little 来表明此处列举的内容“并不高深”,对比题干要求可知答案为arithmetic。

  Question 37:

  答案: intuitive

  关键词:as well as, analytical skills

  定位原文:A部分第2段最后一句“Thus all readers will…” 或C段第一句 “I hope this book…”

  解题思路:题干说“作者意在展示数学除了需要分析技巧外也需要_____思维”。其实在文中两处都可找到答案。第一次是在A部分,虽然没有analytical这个定位词,但有logical这个类似信息,按部就班通读全文完全可以通过此句中的yet对比关系确定答案为intuitive;但如果更倾向于利用关键词analytical skills和as well as这个并列关系来寻找答案的话,更容易的定位出现在C段中,可以直接找到analytical原词,再利用and并列关系可以确定答案为intuitive。

  Question 38:

  答案: scientists

  关键词:leave out, central to their theories

  定位原文:D段第1句“Other scientists have written…”

  解题思路:题干说“一些由_____写出来的书不得不省略一些对于他们的理论来说至关重要的数学知识”。细读题干可以推知空格内必然是作者、人,此处考査考生是否认识原文中omit一词为leave out词组的同义替换,如果有此词汇基础则可比较轻松地得出答案为 scientists。

  Question 39:

  答案: experiments

  关键词:perform, while reading

  定位原文:E段最后两句“You will turn these pages…”

  解题思路:题干说“作者建议非数学专业出身的读者们在阅读此书时进行_____”。考生应该不难看出原文中 turn these pages 与题干中 while reading 的同义替换,只是在确定具体答案的时候需要仔细辨別,因为句中给出了两个并列信息,分别是 check claims 和 carry out experiments。 经过对比可知,只有carry out才能与perform对应,因此答案为experiments。

  Question 40:

  答案: theorems

  关键词:lawyer, helped, even more than, other areas

  定位原文:G部分第2段第2句 “I attribute much of my success there…”

  解题思路:题干说“一个律师发现在其学习法律的过程中学习_____甚至比其他数学领域知识更有帮助”。根据此信息可以得知空格内必定需要填写某个具体的数学领域。利用lawyer可以轻松定位,仔细阅读定位部分可以知道,只有in particular这个词组之后的内容才有可能是具体数学领域知识,由此得出答案为theorems。

  以上是阅读部分的剑桥雅思11Test 3答案,下面我们来了解一下听力部分剑桥雅思11Test 3答案,一起来看一下。

  听力部分剑桥雅思11Test 3答案Section 1

  Question 1



  MARTIN: The gallery opens at 10. and the 'Family Welcome' event runs from 10.30 until 2 o'clock.

  解题思路:'Family Welcome' event 是定位词,很容易听到起止时间。

  Question 2



  The gallery stays open until 5. And several times during the day, they're going to show a short film that the gallery has produced. It demonstrates how ceramics are made,


  Question 3



  Well there are several free concerts taking place at different times - one or two in the morning, the majority at lunchtime.

  解题思路:the majority 同义表达于题干中的“most of”,答案很容易得出lunchtime。

  Question 4



  MARTIN: It's being repeated several times, in different places. They're performing in the central library at 1 o'clock, then at 4 it's in the City Museum, and in the evening, at 7.30, there's a longer concert, in the theatre.

  解题思路:用4 P.M.和Latin America 进行答题定位,容易听到in the City Museum是答案。

  Question 5



  MARTIN: Something else you might be interested in is the boat race along the river.

  SUE: Oh, yes, do tell me about that.

  MARTIN: The race starts at Offord Marina, to the north of Burnham, and goes as far as Summer Pool. The best place to watch it from is Charlesworth Bridge, though that does get rather crowded.

  解题思路:boat race 很容易定位,begin和start 是同义表达,此题不难。

  Question 6



  MARTIN: Well, local boat clubs, but the standard is very high. One of them came first in the West of England regional championship in May this year - it was the first time a team from Burnham has won. It means that next year they'll be representing the region in the national championship.

  解题思路:one of them 是题干中 one of the boat race teams的同义表达,came first in the West of England 是选项A的同义表达。

  Question 7



  Now I've heard something about Paxton Nature Reserve. It's a good place for spotting unusual birds, isn't it?

  MARTIN: That's right - throughout the year. There is a lake there, as well as a river, and they provide a very attractive habitat.

  解题思路:用Paxton进行听力定位,注意空格前面两个词的改写,spotting unusual 同义于题目中的 seeing rare。注意birds的单复数。

  Question 8



  And just at the moment you can see various flowers that are pretty unusual - the soil at Paxton isn't very common. They're looking good right now.

  解题思路:unusual 是关键词,很容易得出答案是flowers。

  Question 9



  MARTIN: And there's going to be a talk and slide show about mushrooms - and you'll be able to go out and pick some afterwards and study the different varieties.

  解题思路:值得注意的是答案词mushrooms 被前置,pick some 同义于题干的collect。

  Question 10



  SUE: Is it possible for children to swim in a river?

  MARTIN: Yes. Part of it has been fenced off to make it safe for children to swim in. It's very shallow, and there's a lifeguard on duty whenever it's open. The lake is too deep, so swimming isn't allowed there.

  解题思路:原文中的swim in the river 不难听到,后面提到part of it时可以清楚判断答案为river,注意是单数形式。

  听力部分剑桥雅思11Test 3答案Section 2

  Question 11



  Most people used them frequently, but not now, because the bus companies concentrate on just the routes that attract most passengers. So parts of the town are no longer served by buses. Even replacing old uncomfortable buses with smart new ones has had little impact on passenger numbers. It's sometimes said that bus fares are too high, but in relation to average incomes, fares are not much higher than they were 50 years ago.


  Question 12



  Changes in the road network are affecting the town. The centre was recently closed to traffic on a trial basis, making it much safer for pedestrians. The impact of this is being measured. The new cycle paths, separating bikes from cars in most main roads, are being used far more than was expected, reducing traffic and improving air quality.

  解题思路:关键词是 road network 和 most, 自行车道的使用远超过预期。

  Question 13



  Shopping in the town centre has changed over the years. Many of us can remember when the town was crowded with people going shopping. Numbers have been falling for several years, despite efforts to attract shoppers, for instance by opening new car parks. Some people combine shopping with visits to the town's restaurants and cafes. Most shops are small independent stores, which is good, but many people prefer to use supermarkets and department stores in nearby large towns, as there are so few well-known chain stores here.

  解题思路:but引出了答案句,few well-known chain stores 和B选项的 lack of major retailers 是同义改写,因此选择B选项。

  Question 14



  Turning now to medical facilities, the town is served by family doctors in several medical practices - fewer than 50 years ago, but each catering for far more patients. Our hospital closed 15 years ago, which means journeys to other towns are unavoidable.

  解题思路:medical facilities 进行定位,后面直接听到 our hospital closed 15 years ago 对应A选项,B选项未被提及,C选项与原文内容相反。

  Question 15



  On the other hand, there are more dentists than there used to be. Employment patterns have changed, along with almost everything else. The number of schools and colleges has increased, making that the main employment sector. Services, such as website design and accountancy, have grown in importance, and surprisingly, perhaps, manufacturing hasn't seen the decline that has affected it in other parts of the country.

  Now I'll very quickly outline current plans for some of the town's facilities, before asking for your comments.

  解题思路:利用employed 定位听力原文,说到了,学校的数量在增加,成为了主要的就业区,当然选C。

  Question 16



  As you'll know if you regularly use the car park at the railway station, it's usually full. The railway company applied for permission to replace it with a multi-storey car park, but that was refused. Instead, the company has bought some adjoining land, and this will be used to increase the number of parking spaces.

  解题思路:car park 在原文中非常容易听到,instead 表示了强调和转折,出现了答案句。公司买了地,增加了停车区,选G。

  Question 17



  The Grand, the old cinema in the high street, will close at the end of the year, and reopen on a different site.

  解题思路:cinema后提到了reopen a different site,对应选项A。

  Question 18



  I expect many of you shop in the indoor market. It's become more and more shabby- looking, and because of fears about safety, it was threatened with demolition. The good news is that it will close for six weeks to be made safe and redecorated, and the improved building will open in July.

  解题思路:indoor market是重点词,后面说到重新装修,对应选项C。

  Question 19



  Lots of people use the library, including school and college students who go there to study. The council has managed to secure funding to keep the library open later into the evening, twice a week.


  Question 20



  There's no limit on access to the nature reserve on the edge of town, and this will continue to be the case. What will change, though, is that the council will no longer be in charge of the area. Instead it will become the responsibility of a national body that administers most nature reserves in the country.

  解题思路:靠关键词 nature reserve进行定位,后面只提到不再由 council 负责,转而由national body 管理,对应选项F。

  听力部分剑桥雅思11Test 3答案Section 3

  Question 21



  JEREMY: Now, I'm not sure about the drawing of the cave -it's got trees all around it. Which is great, but the drawing's a bit too static, isn't it? I think it needs some action.

  解题思路:本题定位简单,cave后面的内容trees all around it 与题干是同义表达。

  Question 22



  Yes, there's nothing happening. Perhaps I should add the boy - Malcolm, isn't it? He would be walking up to it.

  JEREMY: Yes, let's have Malcolm in the drawing. And what about putting in a tiger - the one that he makes friends with a bit later? Maybe it could be sitting under a tree washing itself.

  解题思路:Malcolm 进行定位,tiger的答案很容易得出。

  Question 23



  Then there's the drawing of the crowd of men and women dancing. They're just outside the forest,and there's a lot going on.

  解题思路:drawing为定位听力原文的关键词,people和men and women是同义表达,就能听到dancing为答案。

  Question 24



  No, he's been left out of all the fun, so I'd like him to be crying that'll contrast nicely with the next picture, where he's laughing at the clowns in the carnival.

  解题思路:tree trunk为定位词,注意干扰项laughing,但是描述的是next picture。

  Question 25



  JEREMY: And then the drawing of the people ice skating in the forest.

  HELEN: I wasn't too happy with that one. Because they're supposed to be skating on grass, aren't they?

  解题思路:用ice-skaters进行听力原文定位,注意介词搭配,skating on grass。

  Question 26



  JEREMY: And I like the wool hats they're wearing. Maybe you could give each of them a scarf, as well.

  解题思路:答案在“Maybe you could give each of them a scarf as well”。

  Question 27



  HELEN: What do you think about including a section on how we planned the project as a whole, Jeremy? That's probably quite important.

  JEREMY: Yeah. Well, you've had most of the good ideas so far. How do you feel about drafting something, then we can go through it together and discuss it?

  解题思路:关键词为planned the project, 男生问 how do you feel about drafting something…? 女生回答OK,对应A选项。

  Question 28



  HELEN: OK, that seems reasonable. And I could include something on how we came up with the ideas for our two stories, couldn't I?

  JEREMY: Well I've started writing something about that, so why don't you do the same and we can include the two things.

  解题思路:难点在于 “I've started writing something about that, so why don't you do the same and we can include the two things. ”意思是两个人都做,之后再进行讨论,对应C选项。

  Question 29



  HELEN: Right. So what about our interpretation of the stories? Do we need to write about what we think they show, like the value of helping other people, all that sort of thing?

  JEREMY: That's going to come up later isn't it? I think everyone in the class is going to read each other's stories and come up with their own interpretations, which we're going to discuss.

  解题思路:interpretation为关键词,听到with their own interpretation时,可以确定D选项,句意为让大家读完之后再给出各自的解释,最后进行讨论。

  Question 30



  JEREMY: No. But we need to write about the illustrations, because they're an essential element of children's experience of reading the stories. It's probably easiest for you to write that section, as you know more about drawing than I do.

  HELEN: Maybe, but I find it quite hard to write about. I'd be happier if you did it.

  解题思路:现有一个小让步,接着女生说“I‘d be happier if you did it”,男生回答说OK,对应B选项。

  Section 4

  Question 31



  Well, businesses are finding that ethnography can offer them deeper insight into the possible needs of customers, either present or future, as well as providing valuable information about their attitudes towards existing products.

  解题思路:利用customer needs进行定位,as well as 和题干中的and为同义表达。

  Question 32



  They saw that the cooks had to check and recheck the contents, because although the measuring cups had numbers inside them, the cooks couldn't see these easily.

  解题思路:cooks 和 measuring up可以定位听力原文,容易得到答案numbers,因为限定词为cups是复数形式,所以答案也是复数形式。

  Question 33



  Because these customers paid in advance for their calls, they were eager to know how much time they'd spent on the call so far.

  解题思路:because 引出的原因句为考点,wanted to check和eager to know为同义表达。

  Question 34



  It was found that a large amount of their work involved communicating with colleagues in order to solve problems, but that they didn't have a standard way of exchanging information from spreadsheets and so on. So the team came up with an idea for software that would help them to do this.

  解题思路:空格前面的develop在原文中同义替换为came up with,software 后面接了一个定语从句,这个部分和空格后面内容一致。

  Question 35



  In another piece of research, a team observed and talked to nurses working in hospitals. This led to the recognition that the nurses needed to access the computer records of their patients, no matter where they were.

  解题思路:nurses needed to access 是原文重现部分,很容易定位,computer records 替代了information,紧接着就出现了答案。

  Question 36



  Occasionally, research can be done even in environments where the researchers can't be present. For example, in one project done for an airline, respondents used their smartphones to record information during airline trips, in a study aiming at tracking the emotions of passengers during a flight.

  解题思路:预读题目时,可以确定答案为一个名词,定位到原文后听到emotion of passengers,即可判断emotions 为答案词。

  Question 37



  The criteria according to which the participants are chosen may be something as simple as the age bracket they fall into, or the researchers may select them according to their income.


  Question 38



  But it's absolutely crucial to recruit the right people as participants. As well as the criteria I've mentioned, they have to be comfortable talking about themselves and being watched as they go about their activities.


  Question 39



  So what makes this type of research special is that it's not just a matter of sending a questionnaire to the participants, instead the research is usually based on first-hand observation of what they are doing at the time.

  解题思路:转折词都是考点,在此题中,instead 表达强调和转折,based on first-hand observation 同义表达于有direct observation。

  Question 40



  Most researchers estimate that 70 to 80 per cent of their time is spent not on the collecting of data but on its analysis - looking at photos, listening to recordings and transcribing them, and so on.

  解题思路:原文中的 70 to 80 percent of their time is spent 是空处前 a lot of time is needed的同义表达,but 后的重心是此题的答案。

  以上是小编为大家带来的关于剑桥雅思11Test 3答案的介绍,希望能够对大家备考雅思有帮助。
