
2022-05-25 17:59:16


  文章给同学们介绍了雅思阅读真经5 pdf的部分内容。阅读部分是需要同学们将自己掌握的知识内容熟练的运用在雅思考试中的。真经5是非常值得同学们去使用的,详细请看以下主要内容:

  本期重点分析Test 2第三篇The Birth of Scientific English的Summary题型。这篇Summary是剑桥5中最难的一篇,也是全文Summary的典范。

  这篇文章的Summary题目共有7题(28-34题);题目要求是NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage。

  In Europe, modern science emerged at the same time as the nation state. At first the scientific language of choice remained 28_________. It allowed scientists to communicate with other socially privileged thinkers while protecting their work from unwanted exploitation. Sometimes the desire to protect ideas seems to have been stronger than the desire to communicate them, particularly in the case of mathematicians and 29 ________. In Britain, moreover, scientists worried that English has neither the 30________ nor the 31_________to express their ideas. This situation only changed after 1660 when scientists associated with the 32_________ set about developing English. An early scientific journal fostered a new kind of writing based on short descriptions of specific experiments. Although English was then overtaken by 33_________, it developed again in the 19th century as a direct result of the 34___________.


  在分析32题时教师要特别分析该题所涉及的句式结构:This situation only changed after 1660 when scientists associated with the 32_________ set about developing English. 该句的主句是This situation only changed after 1660,从句是when scientists associated with the 32_________ set about developing English,在从句部分有两个动词associated和set about,因此这道题目在讲解是一定要突出scientists associated with the 32_________ 作为主语的概念,然后再到文章中定位搜索相关信息。第33题和34题做题的时候只能借助19th century定位信息。在文章中并没有Although句式的出现以及as a result of的原词对应内容,因此句式结构的转换和上下文内容的理解成为解题的关键!

  以上就是给同学们带来的雅思阅读真经5 pdf的主要内容,同学们可以点击
