
2022-06-09 10:32:18
考试日期: 201291
Reading Passage 1
Title: Man and Machine
Question types: 段落细节信息配对题
文章内容回顾 关于机器人的,MIT和日本的一些研究
英文原文阅读 Types of Robots
Humanoid Entertainment Robots
ASIMO, manufactured by Honda
QRIO, by Sony
HOAP(*1) Robot Series (Humanoid for Open Architecture Platform), Manufactured by Fujitsu
Toyota Partner Robot, manufactured by Toyota.
EMIEW, by Hitachi
Androids are robots designed to strongly resemble humans.
Actroid, a realistic female robot demonstrated most prominently at Expo 2005 in Japan
Hanako, a humanoid robot designed for dentist training
HRP-4C, a humanoid robot with a realistic head and the average figure of a young Japanese female
Animal (four legged) robots
Aibo playing with kids
AIBO is a commercial robotic dog manufactured by Sony Electronics.
Social robots
Paro, a robot baby seal intended for therapeutic purposes
Guard robots
Guardrobo D1 is manufactured by Sohgo Security Services.
Banryu, manufactured by Sanyo and TMSUK.
Domestic robots
SmartPal V, manufactured by Yaskawa Electric Corporation.
TWENDY-ONE, developed by Waseda University.
TPR-ROBINA, manufactured by Toyota.
Mobility Robot
WL-16RIII, developed by Waseda University and TMSUK.
i-foot, developed by Toyota.
i-REAL, developed by Toyota.
Murata Boy, developed by Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Rescue robots
T-53 Enryu, manufactured by TMSUK.
Industrial Humanoid Robotics
HRP-3 PROMET Mk-II, manufactured by Kawada Industries, designed by Yutaka Izubuchi. HRP-4
Industrial Robotics
Eventually the deeper long term financial resources and strong domestic market enjoyed by the Japanese companies prevailed, their robots spread all over the globe. Only a few non-Japanese companies managed to survive in this market, including Adept Technology, Stäubli-Unimation, the Swedish-Swiss company ABB (ASEA Brown-Boveri), the Austrian manufacturer igm Robotersysteme AG and the German company KUKA Robotics.
This includes the one used by the robot based automative production plants,known as assembly line robots.
Moreover, a recently created robot called CB2 or Child-robot with Biomimetic Body may follow moving objects with its eyes. CB2 can dangle its legs, raise its shoulders and fall with rhythmic breathing. CB2 may recognize the human touch, which is possible thanks to the 197 film-like pressure sensors that are placed under its rubbery skin. Asada, the team of engineers and brain specialists together with psychologists and many other specialists in the related domain created a CB2 that may record emotional expressions, memorize them and then match them with physical sensations.
The characteristics of robots are however progressive, their abilities being enlarged as the technology has progressed. The same CB2 acts more and more as human and it was capable of teaching itself how to walk with the aid of human help. The robot learned how to move around the room by using its 51 "muscles," which are driven by air pressure.
The humanoid Japanese robots characteristics include abilities such as blinking, smiling or expressing emotions akin to anger and surprise. One of the newest Japanese robots, HRP-4C is a female-robot programmed to catwalk. It walks and talks and with the help of 30 motors it may move its legs and arms however loudly and awkwardly. The facial expressions that are capable of are driven by 8 facial motors to make it smile or blink and change the facial expression as a response to anger or surprise.
Robots that are intended to play with children usually look like animals and depending on what animal they are, they make different sounds, move, walk and play. Robot-dogs for example may bark, move their tails and somehow run or play with a child.
There are also the mountable robots that can carry their passengers almost anywhere they need to go. Some of the Japanese robots move through rolling.
题型难度分析 据学生回忆,这篇题目相对简单,而且是旧题V080621。
首先有六个段落细节配对题,分别对应了C, D, E, F段,F段重复了一次。接下来有个summary的填空题。
题型技巧分析 Summary题,有顺序原则。
其次,通读summary, 并且划出关键词,主要包括名词,连接词,介词,不定冠词。
然后根据空格前后信息,预测空格上的单词(单复数,可数与否,词性,-ing, -ed, 固定搭配等)
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑5 Test3 Passage3

Reading Passage 2
Title: Fossil Database 化石数据库
Question types: Multiple Choice
True/False/Not Given
文章内容回顾 文章大意讲编纂整个生物资料的fossil database来预测第六次物种大灭绝的缺点和值得改进的地方,科学家们打算建一个关于所有有记录化石的数据库,有的人认为很好,有的人认为不好,因为数据不全。
接下来是各个科学家的观点,最后是建议建立一个有关living creature 的数据库。
英文原文阅读 Fossils (from Latin fossus, literally "having been dug up") are the preserved remains or traces of animals (also known as zoolites), plants, and other organisms from the remote past. The totality of fossils, both discovered and undiscovered, and their placement in fossiliferous (fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers (strata) is known as the fossil record.
The study of fossils across geological time, how they were formed, and the evolutionary relationships between taxa (phylogeny) are some of the most important functions of the science of paleontology. Such a preserved specimen is called a "fossil" if it is older than some minimum age, most often the arbitrary date of 10,000 years ago.[1] Hence, fossils range in age from the youngest at the start of the Holocene Epoch to the oldest from the Archaean Eon, up to 3.4 billion years old.[2][3] The observations that certain fossils were associated with certain rock strata led early geologists to recognize a geological timescale in the 19th century. The development of radiometric dating techniques in the early 20th century allowed geologists to determine the numerical or "absolute" age of the various strata and thereby the included fossils.
Like extant organisms, fossils vary in size from microscopic, such as single bacterial cells[4] only one micrometer in diameter, to gigantic, such as dinosaurs and trees many meters long and weighing many tons. A fossil normally preserves only a portion of the deceased organism, usually that portion that was partially mineralized during life, such as the bones and teeth of vertebrates, or the chitinous or calcareous exoskeletons of invertebrates. Preservation of soft tissues is rare in the fossil record. Fossils may also consist of the marks left behind by the organism while it was alive, such as the footprint or feces (coprolites) of a reptile. These types of fossil are called trace fossils (or ichnofossils), as opposed to body fossils. Finally, past life leaves some markers that cannot be seen but can be detected in the form of biochemical signals; these are known as chemofossils or biomarkers.
题型难度分析 首先,单选题包括细节类和主旨类的。
题型技巧分析 是非无判断题是雅思考试阅读的经典题型,虽然今年的题量相对减少,但是仍是复习备考时应关注的题型。
1. 速读问题的句子,找出考点词(容易有问题的部分)。考点词:比较级,最高级,数据(时间),程度副词,特殊形容词,绝对化的词(only, most, each, any, every, the same as等)
2. 排除考点词,在余下的词中找定位词,去原文定位。
3. 重点考察考点词是否有提及,是否正确。
NOT GIVEN原文未提及,不做任何推断,尤其多考察题目的主语等名词在原文是否有提及。
配对类题型是雅思阅读的一个特色题型之一。其难度相对较大,对考生能力要求相对较高。在目前的雅思考试当中,配对题已经占了非常大的比重,考生在复习的时候必须非常重视。配对类题型有很多种,常见的种类有:1. 人名-观点配对;2. 地名-描述配对;3. 句子-句子配对;4. 分类题(Classification);5. 段落-标题配对;6. 段落-细节配对。其中前四种做题方法比较类似,而后两种相对较复杂。
I. 所考内容全部为细节,和后两种题型考察主旨不一样,前四种题型主要考察的是考生对于文章细节的把握和理解。因此,这些题型的解题方法主要是先用Scan的方法定位出关键的段落。
II. 出题不一定遵循顺序原则。在对剑桥雅思真题集进行研究后发现,上述四种配对题型中,除了句子配对题肯定按照顺序原则出题之外,其它的题型有些是讲顺序原则的,有些则不讲。大体上说来,如果一道题目的定位词很明确,很容易在原文中找到信息,那么该题就讲顺序原则;反之亦然。
III. 个别题目会有NB出现。在部分题目的指令中,会有这么一行字:NB You may use any letter more than once. 这就意味着在选项中,有至少一个选项可以重复选。但是根据真题的出题思路和考生的实考回忆,一般认为如果出现NB, 很有可能是有且仅有一个选项重复使用一次,个别情况会出现两个选项使用两次;而从来没有三个选项使用两次或两个选项使用三次。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑8 Test3 Passage3

Reading Passage 3
Title: 儿童识别错误 Fault-belief experiment
Question types: 判断题 TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN
句子配对 Matching
选择题 Multiple Choice
文章内容回顾 关于孩子的意识形成年龄。讲儿童心理学上的错误认知,就是几个实验,然后各个专家给出不同解释。

False-belief task

One of the most important milestones in theory of mind development is gaining the ability to attribute false belief: that is, to recognize that others can have beliefs about the world that are diverging. To do this, it is suggested, one must understand how knowledge is formed, that people’s beliefs are based on their knowledge, that mental states can differ from reality, and that people’s behavior can be predicted by their mental states. Numerous versions of the false-belief task have been developed, based on the initial task done by Wimmer and Perner (1983).
In the most common version of the false-belief task (often called the ‘Sally-Anne’ task), children are told or shown a story involving two characters. For example, the child is shown two dolls, Sally and Anne, who have a basket and a box, respectively. Sally also has a marble, which she places in her basket, and then leaves to take a walk. While she is out of the room, Anne takes the marble from the basket, eventually putting it in the box. Sally returns, and the child is then asked where Sally will look for the marble. The child passes the task if she answers that Sally will look in the basket, where she put the marble; the child fails the task if she answers that Sally will look in the box, where the child knows the marble is hidden, even though Sally cannot know, since she did not see it hidden there. In order to pass the task, the child must be able to understand that another’s mental representation of the situation is different from their own, and the child must be able to predict behavior based on that understanding. The results of research using false-belief tasks have been fairly consistent: most normally-developing children are unable to pass the tasks until around age four. (Notably, while most children, including those with Down syndrome, are able to pass this test, in one study, 80% of children diagnosed with autism were unable to do so.)
题型难度分析 这篇文章中的三个题型中句子配对题较难,句子完成的配对。剩余两个题型也都为主流题型,但文章中有两个实验,考生在理解方面有难度。
题型技巧分析 选择题的做题步骤
一、阅读指令 (Instruction)
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑8 Test1 Passage3
