英文阅读素材:美国保安一生清贫 死后捐款600万刀

2022-06-14 01:02:00


  以下即小编为大家分享的英文阅读素材:美国保安一生清贫 死后捐款600万刀



  A Vermont man who during his lifetime foraged for wood and held down jobs as a janitorand at a filling station, has left his local hospital and library $6million (£3.95 million).



  janitor n.看门人;守卫;门警。Janus是罗马神话中的门神,具有前后两个面孔或四方四个面孔。罗马士兵出征时,都要从象征Janus的拱门下穿过,后来欧洲各国的凯旋门形式都是由此而来。January一月是因其承前启后、辞旧迎新的作用而得名。

  The bequest from Ronald Read, who died last June, aged 92 has stunned residents of Brattleboro, Vermont.



  Vermont n.佛蒙特州。美国东北部新英格兰地区一州,名字由两部分组成:ver+mont,ver-,verd-词根表示绿色(植物),-mont部分同mountain,因此字面意思是“绿山”,因其境内有The Green Mountains绿山山脉得名。 Young(这家伙非常狠,。再如单词verdure n.翠绿。

  Little did they know that the man whose clothes were held together by safety pins was a remarkably adroit stock market investor.


  Rather than a sharp suit he usually sported the traditional New England attire of a flannel shirt and baseball cap.


  He drove an old Toyota Yaris which he would leave away from the centre of town rather than pay to park.


  Mr Read’s frugality was legendary. One woman knitted him a hat to help him get through the ferocious New England winters.


  She even bought some old fence wiring from him, because she thought he could do with the money.


  But life had always been tough for Mr Read, who was a widower after his wife died in 1970.


  As a child he walked four miles each way to school and then after his military service in North Africa, Italy and the Pacific, he worked at a filling station for 25 years and then spent another 17 as a janitor at a branch of J.C Penney, a department store.


  The only hint that there might have been a bit more to Mr Read than met the eye was that his chosen newspaper was the Wall Street Journal.


  According to Laurie Rowell, the lawyer administering his estate, his fortune grew steadily thanks to his shrewd stock market strategy.


  "He had two lifelong hobbies: investing and cutting wood," she added.


  Philip Brown, Mr Read’s stepson, knew nothing of his wealth.

  “I was tremendously surprised,'’ he said. “He was a hard worker, but I don't think anybody had an idea that he was a multi-millionaire.’’


  The bequests of $4.8 million to Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and $1.2 million to the town’s library are the largest both institutions have ever had.

