
2022-06-04 01:40:43


  雅思阅读素材英文原文:Failed confrontation

  Barry had never been the person they choseforconfrontationof the enemies ofconservation,but when he had twoconsecutivesuccessful meetingswithconfidentbusinessmen it was theconsensusofhis organization that heconfrontthe large oilcompany president scheduled to come to town thenext week.

  Theconfigurationfor his plan was to first ask tohave aconfidentialmeeting with the man inaconfinedlocation. If this did not work he would askthe man toconsentto meeting in a public forum where he would feel safe from aggressivequestioning. If the man would notconform, Barry would accept theconsequencesand addressthe man there when he met him. There was certain to beconflictwith this option, but Barrywould talk to the man in asconscientiousof a fashion as possible. He simply needed to beconfronted.

  When the time came for Barry to approach the president of the oil company, however, severalof the businessman’s bodyguardsconnectedthe signals and saw that Barry might be a problem.Theyconfirmedwith each other in their headphones and moved the businessman toacongruentlocation. Barry never had a chance.

  Afterwards Barry knew that nocongratulationswould be given to him inconjunctionwith thisfailed event. As he fell out ofconsciousnessand into sleep that evening in his bed, however,Barry was relieved that nothing bad had happened. He had been brave andconsequentto theconservation movement. And there would always be a next time.







  confident a.确信的,肯定的;有信心的,自信的

  confidential a.秘密的,机密的;表示信任的

  configuration n.1配置,布局;构造,结构2形状,外形

  cnfine v.限制,使局限


  confirm v.证实,肯定;进一步确认;巩固,加强

  conflict n.(尤指长期的)战斗,战争;冲突,争论

  confirm v.证实,肯定

  conflront v.面临,遭遇;勇敢的面对,对抗

  confrontation n.对抗,冲突

  congratulation n.1祝贺,道贺


  congruent a.适合的,一致的;【数】叠和的,全等的

  conjuction n.连词,联合,连接

  in conjunction with 与...共同,连同

  connect v.1.联结,连结2.给...接通电话,用通讯工具于...联系

  conscientious a.认真的,按良心办事的;小心谨慎的

  consciousness n.感觉,知觉;觉悟,意识,观念

  conseutive a.连续的,连惯的

  consensus n./n.同意,准许

  consequence n.结果,后果

  consequent a.作为结果的,谁之发生的,合理的,何物逻辑的,逻辑上一至的

  conservation n.(对自然资源的)保护;森林(获其他自然资源)
