
2022-06-08 12:41:23





  On a wet Tuesday, I am hovering furtively in the fresh produce section of Sainsbury’s. But my absorption in the merits of Golden Delicious and Washington Reds is but a cunning charade. I’m really on a mission.



  furtively adv.偷偷地;暗中地。拉丁词根fur-表示小偷、盗窃,想想小偷是干什么的?是把我们的钱物“带”跑的,与fer-表携带这个词根是一回事,还与希腊词根pher-,phor-表携带和日耳曼来源的bear承担等同源。于是transfer,refer,defer,differ,confer,suffer等就好理解了,往不同方向或不同程度的“携带”而已。

  I have just received four hours of tuition in the art of flirting from relationship coach Jean Smith and I’m here to put my skills to the test.



  receive v.收到;接待。这个单词我们很熟悉了,可是一般词汇书上会说是来自拉丁词根cap,capt,cip,表示to take,to seize,to hold。那问题来了,我看着二者根本不像呀!原来呀,拉丁语在罗马帝国的高卢行省(即今天的法国)演变为法语时,拉丁词根拼写中的p变成了v,于是receive的词根ceiv实际就与capture、except和receipt等中的capt,cept,ceipt是一回事。

  Spotting a middle-aged victim, I sidle up and deliver the line suggested by Jean to provoke conversation.


  ‘Um,’ I begin magnificently. ‘Have you tried that kind of apple before?’


  Flirting has been Jean’s specialist subject for more than a decade, after doing a masters degree in social anthropology. Not only has she produced an entire book on the subject (The Flirt Interpreter), but she runs ‘Flirtology’ courses.


  ‘Clients appreciate a scientific approach. Flirting is a skill — you can learn it. I’m a catalyst to set people on track — it’s up to them to act on it,’ Jean says.


  My four hours with her are a condensed version of one of her courses. Judging by her central London flat where we met for the first two hours, she is doing very nicely.


  Jean asks what I’m looking for, ushering me away from ‘objectifying laundry lists’ such as height, weight and income.


  This is not to say she advocates hooking up with a short, fat pauper. But she urges me not to rule out someone just because I prefer taller men: ‘It’s holding you back. How much of your life are you standing up next to each other?’


  Then she asks what I’m doing to improve my chances of meeting someone, and suggests a big party where everybody brings a single friend, adding: ‘You need to spend more time in places where you can start up conversations without expectations.’


  This, it turns out, is largely what Jean’s ‘flirtology’ is about — not being coquettish, but simply going to places where there are other people, and talking to them. The idea is meeting as many potential partners as possible in the hope one will click. It’s a numbers game, but one you can only embark on if you’re confident enough — which is what Jean hopes to teach.



  flirtology。这是个不存在的单词,是作者臆造出来的。构词法来讲,flirt v.调情;玩弄是个日耳曼词源,而我们熟悉的-logy表the study of something是个希腊语来源,二者的结合就像白人和黑人结婚一样是不自然的。想想biology生物学、physiology生理学、geology地理学、pedology土壤学/儿科学和psychology心理学等是多么的高大上,与其-logy部分搭配的也都是希腊词根呢!

  She has also devised an unlikely acronym for six flirting signals to look for. ‘It’s HOT APE — Humour, open body-language, touch, attention, proximity and eye contact. That’s what you look for to tell someone is flirting with you. Also self-disclosure — they tell you something about themselves.’

  不可思议的是,她还设计了一组首字母缩写字符,概括了六种人们应当注意的搭讪信号。“这六个首字母就是HOT APE(直译为“性感的大猩猩”)——幽默(humor)、开放式的身体语言(open body-language)、接触(touch)、关注(attention)、距离(proximity)和眼神交流(eye contact)。