
2022-05-20 00:08:52




  本次考试题型涉及选择题(multiple choice)、配对题(matching)、分类题、判断题、简答题等。


  passage 1:Back to life

  passage 2:极地冰川和气候

  passage 3:心理进化


 passage 1:

文章内容 保护野马
题型分布与参考答案 配对
·             两种马对…有difference NG
·             …中的11匹马如何?
·             T
简答题:no more than 3 words
·             From which year Przewalski’s horses kept in zoo? 1990
·             How many groups? 3 groups
·             马在哪个地方跑出去了,researcher用什么定位?Genetic reserve
·             free to ______ land? 13000 hectares
·             多少匹马?27
passage 2:
文章内容 Antarctica ---come in from the Cold?
A: 南极洲(Antarctica)曾经被人遗忘,在人们印象中是偏远又生活无比艰苦的地方(only the most courageous of men)
B: 进入21世纪人们的看法有所改变,对南极洲开始有所了解,把它视为地球的一部分(seen to an integral part of Planet Earth),也开始做scientific research,发现它对气候、海洋环流(ocean circulation)有很大的影响。
C: 解释了南极洲的气候变化,提到Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC),ice is up to 4 km thick, temperatures as low as -89.2°C,第一次提到katabatic wind(下降风),并对其进行了解释,the icy blast that howls over the ice cap and out to sea,时速可达300km/hr,造成fearsome wind-chill effects.
D: 对南极洲气候的预测对澳洲农业的影响,by receiving more accurate predictions, graziers(牧场主) in northern Queensland are able to avoid overstocking(过度放牧)in years when rainfall will be poor. Not only does this limit their losses but it prevents serious pasture(牧场的牧草)degradation(土地退化) that may take decades to repair.
E: 从南澳的experience可以看得出sea ice对生态的影响。Antarctic krill(磷虾)在sea ice is extensive的时候就breed的好,否则就breed不出,它是baleen whales, penguins, seals, flighted(迁徙) sea birds and many fish的staple diet(主食)
F: sea ice的形成为北半球带来活力。Cold water caries more oxygen than warm water, so when it rises, well into the northern hemisphere, it reoxygenates and revitalizes the ocean.
G: 人类对于南极洲的新认识,知道它不是useless and barren(贫瘠的),而是a powerful engine that has impacts on human, animal and plant life across the globe. 已经publish了300 research papers and articles.
题型分布与参考答案 配对题
14 the effect of weather prediction on agriculture D
15 sea ice brings life back to Antarctica E
16 sea ice formation contributes to northern hemisphere’s vitality.F
17 the explanation of Antarctic climate change C
18 Antarctica was once a forgotten continent. A
A Ice
B Wind
C Air pressure
19 Southern Oscillation Index C
20 Fresh water A
21 Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) B
22 Why do Australian farmers value the prediction system?
B. Prevent grassland from degradation.
23. What would happen to sea creatures if sea ice decreases?
D. Krills fail to reproduce babies successfully.
24. What is the effect of katabatic winds?
C.Bring fresh ice into southern ocean.
25. what happens near continent shelf of Antarctica?
A. Salt density increases.
26. How does Antarctica benefit Northern hemisphere?
C. Flowed Cold water is rich in oxygen.
