
2022-05-22 07:49:43

  1. Baby Mammoth

  a. A Russian in Siberia found a wholly –preserved carcass (dead body) of a baby mammoth.

  b. He knew the specimen would be worth a lot of money, so he consulted with a friend.

  c. They then found out that the man’s cousin sold the baby mammoth to a store, then through government help, the baby mammoth was then stored in a museum.

  d. Researchers used a variety of methods to figure out why the infant mammoth was preserved so well.

  e. When one of the researcher went to the site where the baby mammoth’s corpse was discovered, it left him more questions than answers. He wondered why the body didn’t rot under the sun.

  f. Then through autopsy, and careful analysis at the lab, the researchers found out that the reason why the body is preserved so well is because it was preserved by underwater microbes.

  2. Comparison between classical and neoclassical theories of management.

  a. Characteristics of Classical approach to management: bureaucracy as ideal form of organization, promotion by meritocracy, impersonal climate, promoted by Weber

  b. Criticism of classical approach: rules applied dogmatically can have negative effect, Weber’s ideal bureaucracy may not have existed in the first place, and may not be applicable to today’s world

  c. Neoclassical approach characteristics—stress individual worker co-decision making, value meaning and satisfaction workers receive from work, emphasize input from all chains of command, emphasize emotional feeling of employee, emphasize cross-cooperation between different teams and departments.

  d. Criticism of neoclassical approach: not all workers are motivated by non-monetary gains or satisfaction; overemphasize feeling; Some jobs may not be as meaningful or fun. Like classical approach, thinks there’s only one approach to management, and ignores/underestimate environmental factors that make each organization unique.

  3. Passage: Power of Music to heal.

  a. A disable patient is able to communicate through music device.

  b. Relationship between music and language: not known why people respond to music emotionally.

  c. Music is demonstrated to affect people’s emotion in brain scan. People engage higher order thinking if they hear music they like.

  d. Music can even help stroke patient recover through music therapy (A: by mimicking two sounds of similar pitch)

  e. Music can decrease pain

  f. However, An independent institution finds that music therapy may have limited value in colonoscopy.

  g. But still, research has demonstrated music therapy reduces pain in burnt patient, helps mental state of schizophrenia patient, helps autistic children communicate, strengthen immune response of hospitalized children.

  总体来讲,阅读并没有某些抽象,难懂雅思剑桥8,9文章难。虽然有很多专业单词,比如schizophrenia, colonoscopy, ,但是很多题还是不需要真正理解,也可以答对的, 当然真正理解也不妨碍 。 阅读速度快,会分析文章结构的同学应该可以取得不错成绩。

