
2022-05-29 02:43:59






  考生应注意数字、百分比、分数、时间或货币符号出现较多的段落; 引号、大写专有名词、括号及破折号出现较多的段落; 斜体字、黑体字、下划线出现较多的段落,这些段落基本上就是雅思阅读文章的考点所在。



  4. 扫描连接上下文的信号词

  顺承及递进关系 Also apart from besides moreover furthermore

  对比及转折关系 But however although though yet nevertheless on the other hand

  因果关系 As because for since owing to thanks to which in turn lead to as a result result in result from consequently therefore

  举例说明关系 That is to say in other words such as for example for instance

  5. 扫描文章文章中是否有图表或示意图



  In a recent survey that drew responses from 1400 CFOs in such businesses, 58 percent said they are responding to new corporate-governance standards. Of those, 36 percent are creating or expanding internal auditing, according to Robert HALF management Resources. An American company with $3 billion to $4 billion in revenue typically has about 16 internal auditors. The job is often a training ground for future management positions, but those who stay in the field and become directors earn an average of just under $100,000. The IIA offers certification for internal auditors, but many firms do not require it.


  私营公司现在也开始更加注重企业的内部审计工作。调查结果显示,一项对1400位公司首席财务执行官的调查结果显示,有58%的企业正在采取措施以符合系的公司管理标准的要求。当然,根据罗伯特哈夫管理资源公司(Robert HALF management Resources)的说法,36%的公司正在建立或是加大内部审计工作的力度。一般来说,营业额在30亿到40亿美元的一个美国公司就会有16个内部审计员。这种职位通常都是晋升为管理阶层的一个过渡,但是从事此项工作并最终成为主管的人员年薪都可达到100,000美元左右。IIA负责颁发内部审计员资格证书,但很多公司其实并不需要这种认证。



  我们来梳理一下阅读这段话给我们的启示。 ²

  段落由两个部分组成,即重要的内容,和次要的内容。 ²

  我们以后可以把重要的内容叫做主题,而次要的内容叫做支持性的细节。因为雅思考试阅读部分的文章都是论说文,即以说理为主,说明为辅。 ²

  一般而言,雅思考试文章的一段话中只有一个主题。 ²

  细节支持主题,是为主题服务的。 ²



  我们先来看一下主题句的特点: ²

  内容:一般比较抽象概括 ²


  通常而言,主题句就是一段话的第一句。后面的句子一般为支持性的细节,以解释、发展或是支持主题句所表现的主要论点。 …

  In the case of WorldCom, it was internal auditor Cynthia Cooper who blew the whistle on the company for inflating profits by $3.8 billion. She didn’t intend to be a hero, she said to Time magazine when it named her one of its Persons of the Year. She was just doing her job. … … .

  They complained that they provoked unfair criticism because they did not compare like with like. Mr. Denham said the graphs were easier to comprehend than tables. ―As people get familiar‖ with this type of graphical presentation they will realize it contains a lot of data that can be understood after an initial glance. ― The spidergrams are based on five indicators: reducing crime, investigation crime, public safety, deployment of resources and the view of a focus group of local citizens. …

  有时候主题句也会出现在整段话的最后。这样的结构安排,通常出现在一个讨论困难的、不为大众所接受的话题或者文章的主要目的是为了说服读者接受某种结论的段落中。因为先把道理说清楚,那么读者就会比较容易接受新的观点和看法。 …

  If the wind becomes gusty after a period of calm, you should seek shelter. The sky needs careful watching too. Gradual darkening and ―boiling‖ clouds should quicken your pace. Lightening and thunder are common enough storm indicators, but few people realize that the brightness of the lightening is not nearly as important as the number of lightning flashes.

  主题句也可能在段落当中: .

  Surgical and hospital costs fro regular heart transplants run as high as $500,000. these procedures haven’t burdened the medical system so far

  – but only because the supply of transplantable hearts has been limited to about 2000 a year. Abiomed plans to price its heart between $75000 and $10000 initially, and with volume production, the price could fall as low as $10000. says medical ethicist David Steinberg of the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass. What happens, Steinberg muses,

  ―if heart replacement

  – and intervention directly and visibly linked to who will live and who will die—becomes available only to those who can afford it?‖ ²



  上一讲我们讲到可以利用句子在段落中的位置来判断段落的主题句。其实除此之外,段落中的关键词也是确定主题句的重要线索。这一讲中,我们会重点分析这个问题,希望同学们以后能够培养起对这些词汇的―敏感的感觉‖,学会有效率地阅读。 ²


  A. 强转折性的词 强转折的词主要包括but, however, yet, in fact等。这种词一方面表示其前后连接的内容是相反的关系。另一方面,强转折的词强调的是后面的内容,所以but之类的词后面的内容应该是我们阅读的重点。特别是如果这种词出现在一段话的中前部,那么此句多半是整段话的论点,也就是整段的主题句。

  需要注意的是,像although, though, despite, in spite of, albeit, while这种词不同于强转折的词, Congress can pass laws, regulators can beef up enforcement, and shareholders can demand more accountability. It doesn’t sound glamorous, but it’s an expanding field beckoning to people with a lot of pent up we-can-do-better energy. Internal auditors keep an eye on a company’s

  ―controls‖-not just financial systems, but all sorts of functions designed to make the business run smoothly and protect the interests of shareholders.

  ... All good fun. STS-107-the final flight of the Columbia-had 80 experiments on board, including five that were conducted by the astronauts for private companies, funded almost entirely by NASA. One was for International Flavors Fragrances (IFF), which extracted the smell of a rose in space and was back seeking new scents. The other commercial experiments involved studies of ways to fight fire using fine Water mist, grow proteins with greater resilience to disease, manufacture crystals for such uses as hydrogen fuel storage and advance cancer-cell research. Is all this worth pursuing in space?

  … B. 表重要性的结构 Are Americans a nation of frivolous divorcers who selfishly pursue the bluebird of happiness, oblivious to their children’s needs? Divorce opponents like Judith Wallerstein seem to think most parents see divorce as a marvelous opportunity for the whole family. How immature do they think people are ?All over America, unhappy spouses lie awake at night wondering if they and their kids can afford divorce financially, socially, emotionally. Where will they live, how will they pay the bills, will the kids fall apart, will there be a custody battle, what will their families say? Most people I know who split up (not to mention my ex and me) spent years working up to it.

  … The Berlei bra, for instance, uses a Dupont material called CoolMax, which was derived from a fabric developed to improve thermal clothing by Outlast Technologies in collaboration with NASA’s Johnson Space Center. The proportion of Berlei bra sales accurately described as a NASA ―spinoff‖ is anyone’s guess, but critics say returns can’t even come close to covering the cost of a shuttle flight.

  ―The very fact that‖这样的结构通常用来提示重要内容的出现。所以当类似的结构出现在段落首末位置的时候,该句极有可能是全段的主题句,也就是主题句。类似的结构还有‖The point/problem/concern/idea/key factor is that…‖, ―what matters/accounts is…‖, ―what is extraordinary is…‖等等。

  C. 表示人物观点结论性的词:

  … The Welsh forces in Dyfed-Powys and Gwent both had impressively shape spidergrams thanks to comparatively good records on reducing and investigating crime. The force with the most dimming graph was Avon and Somerset, which was once regarded as a metropolitan force but had been grouped under the new scheme with areas including Norhampton shire and West Mercia which have much lower crime levels.

  … 类似的结构还有believe, suggest, conclude, hold, show, reveal, find, find out, discover等。#p#副标题#e#


  1.略读 (skimming)

  略读又称跳读(reading and skipping)或浏览(glancing),是一种专门的,非常实用的快速阅读技能。所谓略读,是指以尽可能快的速度阅读,如同从飞机上鸟瞰(bird's eye view )地面上的明显标志一样,迅速获取文章大意或中心思想。换句话说,略读是要求读者有选择地进行阅读,可跳过某些细节,以求抓住文章的大概,从而加快阅读速度。据统计,训练有素的略读者(skimmer)的阅读速度可以达到每分钟3000到4000个词。









  (1)要利用印刷细节(typegraphical details),如书或文章的标题、副标题、小标题、斜体词、黑体词、脚注、标点符号等,对书和文章进行预测略读(preview skimming)。预测略读要了解作者的思路、文章方式(模式),以便把握大意,有关的细节及其相互关系。



  (4)注意转折词和序列词。转折词如however, moreover, in addition等;序列词firstly, secondly等。


  2.快速泛读(fast extensive reading)


  3.计时阅读 (timed reading)

  课余要养成计时阅读的习惯。计时阅读每次进行5~10分钟即可,不宜太长。因为计时快速阅读,精力高度集中,时间一长,容易疲劳、精力分散,反而乏味。阅读时先记下“起读时间”(starting time),阅读完毕,记下“止读时间”(finishing time),即可计算出本次阅读速度。随手记下,长期坚持,必定收到明显效果。

  4.寻读 (Scanning)




  (2)利用章节标题和说明。寻读之后,首先看看文章标题或章节标题,确定文章是否包含自己所需要的材料,或者哪一部分包含哪些材料,这样可以直接翻到那个部分,进行寻找。 (3)抓提示词。读者找到包含所需信息的章节,准备寻读。这时,要留心与那个具体信息有关的提示词。例如,在报纸体育运动版上寻找某田径运动员的某项运动成绩,他的国名是提示词。在百科全书上寻找纽约市的人名,翻到New York City那一章后,population, census, inhabitants 等词就是提示词,找到提示词,就可以采用一般阅读速度,获得所需要的信息。 这也说明了在我们身边就有很多途径可以提高阅读速度,关键还要看你怎样去挖掘这些方法了。
