
2022-05-18 05:00:06


  passage 1

  一个人教一只叫Alex的鹦鹉发音,想教会后问问Alex是怎么看待人类世界的,被其他人说很傻。其他科学家觉得动物没有这种高级思维能力,要教也应该教猩猩,parrot的大脑太小。这个科学家说,我教它不是想让它说话,是想研究鸟类的认知能力。这个科学家特地让卖鸟的人随机选了一只,以防别人说Alex是经过特别选择的。后面说实验中科学家问Alex问题,问两个物体有什么一样的,Alex说color,然后又问除了Alex之外一些young parrots有什么问题,wrong pronunciation。最后说parrot就像一个teenager。



  单词填空(almost 100 words, chimpanzees, avian cognition, particularly chosen)

  简答题(两个物体在color是相似的;wrong pronunciation,像teenager)


  该篇讲述的是汽车制造的一种方法,里面有说手工生产和流水线生产mass production的优缺点比较,just-in-time和自动化生产。里面涉及的是operation management的知识,比较专业。前面7个matching对有一定的难度。


  List of Heading


  passage 3

  前面几题单选主要问到science as argument 和 science as explanation,以及作者引用故事想说明什么。







  Polly Talks, Therefore He Thinks?

  Calling someone a “birdbrain” is not intended as a compliment. But some birds seem pretty smart. Parrots, for example, can mimic human speech. But does a parrot’s ability to repeat human words and phrases mean that it can actually think and reason?

  Scientists have debated this question for many years. Some believe that parrots can be trained to express abstract concepts. Others say that while their ability to mimic speech makes it seem as though parrots can really think, in the end they’re more like tape recorders, thoughtlessly repeating what they hear.

  One firm believer in parrot thoughtfulness is Irene Pepperberg, a researcher associated with Harvard University. Her African Gray parrot, Alex, not only has a sizeable vocabulary but has demonstrated the ability, according to Pepperberg, to think abstractly.

  In a typical experiment, Pepperberg will ask Alex to identify a particular object, say a blue square, from among a jumble of toys on a tray. According to Pepperberg’s reports, which she has documented on video, Alex can use his understanding of the concepts “blue” and “square” to pick out the correct object, say how many there are, and even can report “none” if there aren’t any.

  While some scientists are willing to concede that Alex’s abilities indicate primitive thought processes, they do not agree that Alex can reason in any complex sense. Instead, they claim that Alex has been trained to perform very sophisticated imitations.

  So why should we care whether or not parrots can really think? We tend to see conscious, complex thought as separating humans from other animals. The existence of other thinking animals might urge us to reconsider our innate superiority. And that’s something worth thinking about.
