
2022-06-12 18:54:33


  96. The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended the use of fail-safe mechanisms on airliner

  cargo door latches assuring the doors are properly closed before takeoff and to prevent them from popping open in flight.

  (A) assuring the doors are properly closed

  (B) for the assurance of proper closing

  (C) assuring proper closure

  (D) to assure closing the doors properly

  (E) to assure that the doors are properly closed

  97. Iguanas have been an important food source in Latin America since prehistoric times, and it is still prized as a game animal by the campcsinos, who typically cook the meat in a heavily spiced stew.

  (A) it is still prized as a game animal

  (B) it is still prized as game animals

  (C) they are still prized as game animals

  (D) they are still prized as being a game animal

  (E) being still prized as a game animal

  98. The financial crash of October 1987 demonstrated that the world's capital markets are integrated more closely than never before and events in one part of the global village may be transmitted to the rest of the village--almost instantaneously.

  (A) integrated more closely than never before and

  (B) closely integrated more than ever before so

  (C) more closely integrated as never before while

  (D) more closely integrated than ever before and that

  (E) more than ever before closely integrated as

  99. New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth's magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions.

  (A) splitting apart continents

  (B) the splitting apart of continents

  (C) split apart continents

  (D) continents split apart

  (E) continents that were split apart

  100. Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, and Minnesota have

  begun to enforce statewide bans prohibiting landfills to accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings.

  (A) prohibiting landfills to accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings

  (B) prohibiting that landfills accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings

  (C) prohibiting landfills from accepting leaves, brush, and grass clippings

  (D) that leaves, brush, and grass clippings cannot be accepted in landfills

  (E) that landfills cannot accept leaves, brush, and grass clippings

  Answer to Question 96

  The correct choice will include to assure, an infinitive parallel to to prevent. Thus, A, B, and C are disqualified.

  Moreover, the participial phrases in A and C (assuring... ), easily construed as adjectives modifying latches, are confusing. Choices B and C are additionally faulty because, in omitting the noun doors, they fail both to specify what is being closed and to supply an antecedent for the pronoun them. D offers the necessary infinitive, but the gerund phrase closing ... imprecisely refers to the act of closing the doors rather than to the condition of the closed doors. Choice E, with its idiomatic and precise noun clause, is the best answer.

  Answer to Question 97

  All nouns and pronouns grammatically referring back to the plural noun Iguanas must be plural. Choices A, B, D,and E all produce agreement problems by using singular forms (it, animal), leaving C the best choice. In addition, D is awkward and wordy, and E offers a participial phrase (being ...) where the beginning of an independent clause is required.

  Answer to Question 98

  Choice D, the best answer, produces a clear sentence in which parallel structure (two clauses introduced by that) underscores meaning: the crash demonstrated [1] that markets are integrated and [2] that events may be transmitted. The other choices lack this parallel structure and contain additional faults. The phrases more...than never in A and more ... as never in C are both unidiomatic: the idiom is more than ever. Choices B, C,and E end with so, while, and as, respectively: and that is needed so that two parallel clauses may be properly joined. Finally, B and E misplace the adverb more, which here should come just before closely: closer, not more frequent, integration of the world's capital markets is what facilitates the transmission of economic events.

  Answer to Question 99

  The word splitting must function as a noun to parallel the other items in the noun series of which it is part: reversals, onset, and eruptions. In B, the best choice, the definite article the clearly signifies that splitting is to be taken as a noun. In A, splitting introduces a verb phrase that breaks the parallelism of the noun series. In C, the verb split is similarly disruptive. Choice D, grammatically vague, resembles C if split is a verb and E if split is an adjective. In E, continents illogically replaces the splitting in the series: although the impacts in question may have caused continents to split, they did not cause those continents that were split apart 80 million years ago to materialize.

  Answer to Question 100

  Choice C is the best answer. Either of the following constructions would be idiomatic here: x forbids y to do z or x prohibits y from doing z. Choices A and B violate idiom; \ D and E introduce constructions that, in context, are faulty. First of all, both bans that x cannot be done and bans that y cannot do x are unidiomatic formulations. Secondly, the negative cannot after bans is illogical.

