
2022-06-10 09:30:53


  21. Nixon, for example, was a famous president of the US. Because of the watergate scandal, he lost people’s trust quitted the office.

  【错误1】缩写错误 – US 应为 United State

  【错误2】大小写错误 – watergate 应为 Watergate

  【错误3】连词错误 – quitted the office 前应加连词and

  【错误4】冠词错误 – office 前的the 要省略

  【正确句】Nixon, for example, was a famous president of the United State. Because of the Watergate scandal, he lost people’s trust and quitted office.


  22. To avoid to hurt the others’ feeling we sometimes tell white lies.

  【错误1】固定搭配错误:avoid to hurt 应改为 avoid hurting

  【错误2】冠词错误 others’ 前的the 要省略

  【错误3】标点错误 feelings 后应加逗号

  【正确句】To avoid hurting others’ feeling, we sometimes tell white lies.

  【难度】错误1 – 中等; 错误2 – 中等; 错误3 – 简单

  23. Though accurate even false, some information that are helpful for human beings should be trusted.

  【错误1】连接词错误 even false前应加连接词 or

  【错误2】单复数错误 are helpful中的are 应改为is

  【错误3】固定搭配错误 helpful for 中的for 应改为 to

  【正确句】Though accurate or even false, some information that is helpful to human beings should be trusted.

  【难度】错误1 –中等;错误2 – 简单;错误3 –中等

  24. As the society developed, people start to realize that it’s equally important for us to pay attention for both physical and mental health.


  【错误2】时态错误:start?have started

  【错误3】缩写不当:it’s ? it is

  【错误4】固定搭配pay attention for ?pay attention to

  【正确句】As the society develops, people has started to realize that it is equally important for us to pay attention to both physical and mental health.


  25. (形容Steve Jobs) Unfortunately, he caught a pancreas canncer and deprived his valuable talents.

  【错误1】冠词错误 pancreas cancer 的a 省略


  【错误3】连词不当 and ? which

  【错误4】搭配不当 deprived his?deprived him of his

  【正确】Unfortunately, he caught pancreas cancer which deprived him of his valuable talents.

  【难度】错误1 – 简单; 错误2 – 简单; 错误3 – 困难;错误4 – 困难

  26. During the history, countless famous and talent genius had to gave up or stopped their career because of mental diseases.

  【错误1】搭配不当 during the history ? in history

  【错误2】词语形式不当 talent?talented

  【错误3】单复数错误 genius ? geniuses

  【错误4】动词形式错误 gave up or stopped ? give up or stop

  【错误5】单复数错误 career ? careers

  【正确句】In history, countless famous and talented geniuses had to give up or stop their careers because of mental diseases.



  27. The passage talks about scientists may discover actual tissues in a 70 million year old fossil.

  【错误1】选词不当 talks?is

  【错误2】动词形式不当 may discover ? discovering

  【错误3】形容词形式不当 70 million year old fossil?70-millon-year-old fossil

  【正确】The passage is about scientists discovering actual tissues in a 70-millon-year-old fossil.



  28. Professor says it can’t last long time.

  【错误1】冠词错误 Professor?The professor

  【错误2】缩合不当 can’t 不能缩写,应写为cannot

  【错误3】固定搭配不当last long time?last for a long time


  【正确句】The professor says it cannot last for a long time.

  29. Charles Darwin, the pioneer in Biology who laid the foundation of modern evolutionary, smartly hided his revolutionary findings for twenty year, avoiding the threat from Catholic Church.

  【错误1】介词使用不当 in Biology?of Biology

  【错误2】词性选择错误 evolutionary?evolution theories

  【错误3】动词形式不当 hided ? hid

  【错误4】冠词使用不当 from Catholic Church ? from the Catholic Church


  【正确句】Charles Darwin, the pioneer of Biology who laid the foundation of modern evolution theories, smartly hid his revolutionary findings for twenty year, avoiding the threat from the Catholic Church.

  30. In 1995, a girl was illed suddenly. Doctors could not be sure what was wrong with her because of the syptom are rare.

  【错误1】固定搭配 was illed—fell ill

  【错误2】拼写错误 syptom?symptom

  【错误3】从句使用不当 because of the symptom are rare ? because of the rare symptom

  【正确】In 1995, a girl fell ill suddenly. Doctors could not be sure what was wrong with her because of the rare symptom.

