
2022-05-18 22:47:48


  1. Roger had just walked into his office and that was when he was told that his plan had finally been approved.

  A. and that was when he was told

  B. and then he learned

  C. when it was learned by him

  D. and then they told him

  E. when he learn

  2. Burdened with three pieces of luggage and a pair of skis, Sarah’s search for a baggage cart was desperate.

  A. Sarah’s search for a baggage cart was desperate

  B. Sarah’s desperate search was for a baggage cart

  C. a baggage cart was what Sarah desperately searched for

  D. a baggage cart for which Sarah desperately searched

  E. Sarah searched desperately for a baggage cart

  例:Of all the states represented at the conference, the governor of Missouri was the only one to present plans for enforcing the new regulations. (P740.14)

  (A) the governor of Missouri was the only one to present

  (B) making the governor from Missouri the only one to present

  (C) Missouri’s governor only presented

  (D) Missouri’s governor presented the only

  (E) Missouri was the only one whose governor presented

  3. Karen, James, and Sam were hiking when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment.

  A. when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment

  B. and then he fell down a steep embankment after he stumbled over a rock

  C. when Sam fell down a steep embankment after stumbling over a rock

  D. when Sam fell down a steep embankment, since he stumbled over a rock

  E. and, since he stumbled over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment

  4. By attracting new industry when the old factory closed, the council kept the economy of the town from collapsing, this was a disaster many workers had feared.

  A. this was a disaster many workers had feared

  B. because many workers had feared a disastert

  C. the fear many workers had would be a disaster

  D. a disaster that many workers had feared

  E. it was feared by many workers as a disaster

  5. A healthy economy can be measured not only by the growth of business but it has a psychological effect on people.

  A. it has a

  B. as well in the

  C. also by the

  D. also the

  E. in the way of having a

  6. Today’s political candidates may reach wide audiences by appearing on television, but old-fashioned barnstorming still has value because it allows the electorate to meet candidates face to face.

  A. television, but old-fashioned barnstorming still has value because it allows

  B. television, but old-fashioned barnstorming still would have value because of allowing

  C. television; however, there is still value in old-fashioned barnstorming by allowing

  D. television, old-fashioned barnstorming still having value because it allows

  E. television, when old-fashioned barnstorming still has value in allowing

  7. Linguistic research often requires fieldwork where they can study and record the spoken dialects of a region.

  A. where they

  B. through which they

  C. and the linguist

  D. during which the linguist

  E. which they

  8. The primatologist has argued that sustained observation of a few animals provides better behavioral data than does intermittent observation of many animals.

  A. provides better behavioral data than does intermittent observation of many animals

  B. provides better behavioral data than many animals are observed intermittently

  C. providing better behavioral data than does intermittent observation of many animals

  D. do provide better behavioral data than intermittent observation of many animals do

  E. in contrast to intermittent observation of many animals, provides better behavioral data

  例:Of the following, which is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 5 below?

  Whatever it is, it seemed that the creature has a burrow under our front porch.(P722.31)

  (A) (as it is now)

  (B) In spite of what it is, it seems that the creature has

  (C) The creature, whatever it was, seemingly having

  (D) It would seem, whatever it is, that it would have

  (E) Whatever the creature is, it seems to have

  9. George Orwell’s term “doublespeak” referring to the intentional use of language to confuse or to mislead, as when one says “revenue enhancement” instead of “tax increase.”

  A. referring to the intentional use of language

  B. referring to language which is intentionally used

  C. which refers to the intentionally using language

  D. refers to the intentional use of language

  E. is when it refers to language used intentionally

  10. Scientists predict technological changes in the next century, they will be as dramatic as was the development of the transcontinental railroad in the last century.

  A. century, they will be as dramatic as was

  B. century, these will be as dramatic as

  C. century; being as dramatic as was

  D. century will be dramatic as is

  E. century as dramatic as

  1. With billions of tons yet to be mined, some argue that coal conservation measures are unnecessary.

  A. With billions of tons

  B. Because billions of tons of coal are

  C. Because of coal in billions of tons

  D. By considering that there are billions of tons

  E. Aware of the coal in billions of tons

  1. E 2. B 3.B 4. E 5. D

  6. C 7. A 8.E 9. E 10. C

  11. C



  (1) 读句子,挑错误;

  (2) 有错时,有仇报仇,有怨报怨,直接改正过来;

  (3) 无错时,对比A、B选项的不同,它们的不同即为该题的考点;

  (4) 一旦A没错,且A>B,考虑选A;

  (5) 群众的眼光是雪亮的(多数派为胜);

  (6) 不选面目全非的5E,但是选偷偷回到A选项的4D或者5E;

  (7) 排三剩二时,有A选A,无A选短。
