
2022-05-30 06:46:25


  SAT语法考点之错位修饰浅析!众所周知critical thinking 贯穿于整个SAT考试,即需要考生以批判性,分析性的思维去分析考题,其中语法部分虽属于简单环节,不过有时候也经常暗藏玄机,比如我们之前在Identify Sentence Error中分析过的容易被同学们忽略的逻辑题,词汇误用题,今天我们来讲讲Improving Sentence中错位修饰的问题。


  1. 2010.1 / S6. 2

  The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.

  (A) The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.

  (B) The chair of the school board announced that two new elementary schools were planned to be built during an interview with a local news reporter.

  (C) The chair of the school board, during an interview with a local news reporter, announced a plan building two new elementary schools.

  (D) During an interview with a local news reporter, the chair of the school board announcing a plan to build two new elementary schools.

  (E) During an interview with a local news reporter, the chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools.

  这道题目的A选项(即NO ERROR选项)从我们常见的出发点比如时态,主谓,搭配,或者简洁方面来看,似乎没有问题,以致于同学在仓促的考试时间中不假思索地选择它。当然也有同学考虑到B选项用被动语态违背了SAT语法通常情况下的简洁原则 ,C选项则是犯了plan doing的搭配错误,而D选项是整个句子缺乏动词(Sentence fragment), 而E选项似乎和A选项没什么差别,只是换了下顺序而已。但是恰恰是这顺序的区别能够帮助我们发现问题。细心的同学则会注意到,其实A选项的表达方式是有歧义的,可以理解为:校董主席宣布在和当地记者见面的时候建两个学校。这个从逻辑上来看当然是有误的,两个学校岂能在开会的瞬时就能建成?因此必须将时间状态提前,句子的意思才够恰当:在和当地记者的见面会上,校董主席宣布计划将建两座新学校。正确选项为E.

  2. 2011. 1/ S10. 1

  When I asked which of the children was his daughter, he pointed to a little girl feeding a duck in a blue dress.

  (A) feeding a duck in a blue dress

  (B) feeding a duck and was in a blue dress

  (C) feeding a duck, she was in a blue dress

  (D) in a blue dress who was feeding a duck

  (E) in a blue dress, she was feeding a duck

  当同学们看见这句的题干(a duck in a blue dress),不禁会哈哈大笑起来,试想鸭子穿着一件蓝裙子,岂不是喧宾夺主了?因此我们可以轻易发现正确选项为D,解释为:他指出那个穿着蓝裙子正在喂鸭子的小女孩儿是他的女儿。原题中的in a blue dress放错位置了,引起逻辑的谬误。值得解释的是,B选项表达麻烦,而且连词前后的动词不平行,C和E分别都是RUN-ON SENTENCE,因此都是错误的。

  3. 2009.1/ S 10. 10

  When we were cleaning the garage, my sister and I found the old soccer ball in a dark corner we used to play with when we were young.

  (A) the old soccer ball in a dark corner we used to play with when were young.

  (B) in a dark corner from when we were young the old soccer ball we played with

  (C) in a dark corner the old soccer ball we used to play with when we were young

  (D) the old soccer ball in a dark corner, we used to play with it when we were young

  (E) the old soccer ball, having played with it when we were young, in a dark corner

  有了前两题的经验,我们不难发现,原题题干中的错误了吧,句子的原意不难理解,应为,当我们清理车库的时候,我的姐姐和我在角落里发现了我们儿时玩的足球。但是原句的错位修饰(corner played)导致了句意变成了“我们儿时玩的角落”(play with corner),试想角落要怎么去玩呢?实在谬以千里。正确答案为C选项,补充一下,B和E句子结构混乱罗嗦,主谓逻辑不分,完全违背SAT语法的规则;而D是RUN-ON SENTENCE,考试的时候这类选项应快速跳过,直奔核心选项。

