
2022-05-30 16:44:18



  College Board 官方发布了SAT Skills insight 语法部分不同分数段所要求的各项技能以及提分建议,为同学们的复习指明了方向,然而有些内容官方提供的信息比较含糊,不同分数段有重复的内容,所以新东方SAT研究院的老师们结合丰富的授课经验,为广大考生详细分析在SAT 官方备考建议中的各种技能,常考知识点和出题规律,从而拨开SAT 语法考试的云雾。因为大部分同学的基础水平在400 分以上,所以我们以400 分作为起点,重点解读400-490 分,500-590 分,600-690 分、700-790 这四个分数区间对于语法方面的建议。


  SAT 官方复习建议中,对于Writing分数位于400-490 区间的同学们给出的建议为:

  *1、Manage word choice and grammatical relationships between words处理词汇选择和词汇间语法关系

  (1In your reading ,choose a paragraph and examine the relationship between the pronouns

  and their logical antecedents. In your own writing, make sure that your pronouns refer specifically to logical antecedents.


  在语法部分中,经常涉及到一些代词指代的问题,比如指代不清、空指代、代词单复数、人称不一致的现象等。指代不清具体表现为三点:1、代词对于先行词没有明确的指代,句子中出现代词it,而句中出现多个单数名词,无法确定it 所指。2、代词it、this、that、which 等词指代一件事。3、同性别两个人出现,经常用he 或she 指代其中一人,指代不清。空指代具体表现为代词中没有先行词,无指代对象。

  如2013 年5 月亚洲真题中,考到如下题目:

  Even though most (A) Americans deplore the shortsighted exploitation of nature and the thoughtless disturbance of ecological balance, they are(B) still reluctant(C) to change it(D). No Error.(E)

  根据指代不清的第二点,D 选项中it 指代了the shortsighted exploitation of nature and the thoughtless disturbance of ecological balance,而不是简单的一个单数名词,所以认为指代不清,可以名词化,改为this situation。

  *(2)In your reading, try to become aware of idiomatic expressions, especially the use of prepositions. In your own writing, peer edit or proofread for the idomatic use of prepositions.


  在语法考试中,固定用法,尤其是与介词的固定搭配一直是同学们头疼的题目,而且基本是每次SAT 语法考试必考的题目,比如encourage sb. to do/resistance to/cope with 等。同学们需要注意平时多积累已考固定搭配,以及在语法题目中自己不够熟悉的固定搭配,比如condemn sth. as…这个词组在正确和错误的选项中都涉及过。

  *(3)In your reading, pay attention to how temporal elements (dates, times, etc.) dictate the appropriate verb forms. In your own writing, be sure to use consistent verb tense.




  如2012 年1 月真题中,考到如下题目:

  In the years following (A) the Second World War, as millions of soldiers returned to civilian life, the demand for (B) housing will cause (C) a massive expansion of(D) suburbs. No Error.(E)

  此题中,时间状语为in the years following the Second World War,未划线动词为returned,为过去式,所以按照句意,C 选项中will cause 一般将来时应该改为一般过去时caused。

  *2、Manage Grammatical Structures used to modify or compare 使用语法结构做修饰或比较 When reading, pay attention to how writers use introductory phrases to logically modify what follows.

  When writing, check to see that all modifiers and modifying phrases are used appropriately.


  此考点可以理解为逻辑主语题中的一致问题。通常结构为 Doing..., SVO./Done..., SVO./ To do..., SVO.过去分词、现在分词以及不定式等成分都是修饰句子的主语。注意与所修饰词分别起到的是主动、被动以及将来等意义。此考点为每次考试必考题。注意这些修饰词组如果放在主句之后,还是要保证说明主句主语,则结构为“SVO,doing...”。近年来的难点是分词前面会出现by, never 等词。

  如2012 年1 月真题中,考到如下题目:

  Founded in 1919, the aim of the Bauhaus School was

  to create a revolutionary modern style that would unite

  art and mass production.

  A .aim of the Bauhaus School was

  B. aim of the Bauhaus School having been

  C. Bauhaus School, whose aim was

  D. Bauhaus School aiming

  E. Bauhaus School aimed

  首先,分词结构founded in 1919 为过去分词结构表示什么东西在1919 年被建立,A、B 选项主语都为aim,不能被建立,先排除。C、D、E 都为Bauhaus School, 都可以被过去分词修饰,但是后面要保证是一个句子,而C、D选项都没有主句中的动词,E 选项动词为aimed,时态也对应,所以答案为E。

  *3、Manage phrases and clauses in a sentence在句中使用短语和从句

  *In your reading, choose a paragraph and be able to distinguish gerunds from main verbs, especially when both end in “ing.” In your own writing, make sure you use gerunds and participles appropriately.


