
2022-05-19 07:29:03



  1. When one develops an immunity to mosquito bites, as sometimes happens, it no longer caused swelling and itching of the skin.

  (A) it no longer caused swelling and itching of the skin

  (B) they no longer cause one's skin to swell and itch

  (C) they no longer cause your skin to swell and itch

  (D) no longer causing one's skin to swell and itch

  (E) no longer causing swelling and itching of the skin

  2. A few barges still move oil lip to Hartford, but in the old days they had more traffic then.

  (A) but in the old days they had more traffic then

  (B) but in the old days traffic was heavier

  (C) but in the old days they had a lot more

  (D) whereas the traffic was a lot more in the old days

  (E) whereas then there was more traffic in the old days

  3.Some of the applicants saw the position as the job they had always wanted, but for others they saw in it a stepping-stone to more prestigious positions.

  (A) wanted, but for others they saw in it

  (B) wanted; others peeing in it

  (C) wanted, to others as

  (D) wanted; others saw it as

  (E) wanted, while it was seen by others as being

  4.The management is not responsible for people’s property who are in the theater.

  (A) people's property who are

  (B) property of people when

  (〇 the property of people who are

  (D) people's property while

  (E) the property of people being there

  5.Many people say that dolphins arc as intelligent as human beings, but at present there is no accepted procedure for proving its truth.

  (A) its truth

  (B) them as such

  (C) how true it is

  (D) the truth of the assertion

  (E) the truth of such assertions of theirs

  6.Without consistent records we cannot determine why changes in the unemployment rate are attributable to seasonal business fluctuations.

  (A) why changes in the unemployment rate are attributable to seasonal

  (B) where change occurring in the unemployment rate is an effect from seasonal

  (C) about what changes in the unemployment rate were a result from seasonal

  (D) the changes in the unemployment rate that are accountable by seasonal

  (E) about certain changes occurring in the unemployment rate because of seasonal

  7.Alice Walker made a trip to Florida thirteen years after her death to visit the grave of Zora Neale Hurston, the woman who had inspired her as a writer.

  (A) Alice Walker made a trip to Florida thirteen years after her death to visit the grave of Zora Neale Hurston, the woman who had inspired her as a writer.

  (B) Thirteen years after her death, Alice Walker made a trip to Florida to visit the grave of Zora Neale Hurston, the woman who had inspired her as a writer.

  (C) Thirteen years after the death of Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker visited the grave of the woman to have inspired her as a writer in Florida.

  (D) Thirteen years after the death of Zora Neale

  Hurston, Alice Walker made a trip to Florida to visit the grave of the woman who had inspired her as a writer.

  (E) Alice Walker, making a trip to Florida to visit the grave of Zora Neale Hurston, who had inspired her as a writer thirteen years after her death.

  8.Centuries ago, the Phoenician emphasis on exploration and trade caused it to earn the admiration and envy of other peoples.

  (A) the Phoenician emphasis on exploration and trade caused it to earn

  (B) by emphasizing exploration and trade, this caused the Phoenicians to learn

  (C) Phoenician emphasis on exploration and trade caused them to earn

  (D) an emphasis on exploration and one on trade led to the Phoenicians’ earning

  (E) an emphasis on exploration and trade earned the Phoenicians

  9.Before the Chomskyan revolution in linguistics, it was widely assumed that babies learn all aspects of language from those around them.

  (A) it was widely assumed that babies learn

  (B) it was widely assumed for babies to learn

  (C) it is widely assumed that babies learn

  (D) the wide assumption was of babies learning

  (E) babies are widely assumed to be learning

  10.Isaac Newton developed his revolutionary theories at a time in history where ideas about science were rapidly changing.

  (A) where ideas about science were rapidly changing

  (B) where ideas about science rapidly change

  (C) where ideas about science had rapidly changed

  (D) when ideas about science were rapidly changing

  (E) when ideas about science will be rapidly changing


