
2022-06-07 12:14:17


  1. 第一题定位到文章最后一句话,结合文章主旨直


  A. 新内容,same time;

  B. 新内容,manipulate;(注:sought是seek(寻求)的过去式;) C. 答案;

  D. 新内容,game theory(实际上该文是由长阅读截取的,未保留的部门是有涉及博弈论的内容的), later development;

  E. 虽然貌似一直都在说reproduction,但是文章主旨是强调sex ratios;

  2. 回答问题多选题: “

  A. 文章没有任何数字; B. 定位第五行:

  “A female stores sperm and can determine the sex of each egg she lays”

  C. 文章后半部分并没有涉及到“卵在别人家孩子肚子里的这种情况”的具体性别比例。

  3. EXCEPT题

  A. 定位第五行:

  “A female stores sperm and can determine the sex of each egg she lays” B. 定位在12行:

  “Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their host—the larva of another insect”; C. 定位到17行:

  “because this one male could fertilize all his

  sisters on emergence”,也就是说,在同一个幼虫体内长大的兄弟姐妹们是可以互相交配的,事实上只有一个兄弟就够了。

  D. Female手里有sperm(杀夫取精),生男生女看心情,只要有她在,就不会灭绝。

  E. 定位在L13,“the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately”

  4. EXCEPT题:

  A. 定位L7:“establish the existence of an inordinately wealthy class.” B. 注意L11的不能self-made和 不能increasing holding是两个概念,文中的富二代们直接继承家产就是一个很好的例子。 C. 定位L9,“Though active in commerce or the professions”(再次在转折让步中设问) D. 这个是self-made的准确重复了。 E. 定位L12,“In no sense mercurial, these great fortunes survived the financial panics”,其中“in no sense”表示一种否定强调,“mercurial‖在填空题中考过,源于“Mercury”罗马神话中的墨丘利,希腊神话中的赫尔墨斯(Hermes), 由于墨丘利口才出众,聪颖过人但又喜欢偷东西,

  所以有eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness三个意思;正是因为具有聪明狡诈的商人特点,被奉为商业(merchant)之神;同时又因为墨丘利跑的很快(脚上穿着NIKE飞行靴),所以又有了rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood的意思,所以太阳系中离太阳最近,跑的最快的行星-水星,由他的名字命名,这里用的是变幻莫测的含义(老G填空考的也是这个意思),指的是在金融危机中,这些富人们,没有发生一丁点儿变化,毫发无伤的感觉。

  5. 文章首先从正向介绍了P的观点,L16出现了转


  6. 逻辑题:

  定位L4:“The amount of energy that can be produced anaerobically is a function of the amount of glycogen present—in all vertebrates about 0.5 percent of their muscles‘ wet weight.” 我们可以从中知道amount of anaerobic energy 和muscles wet weight正相关,

  题目中问的如果amount of anaerobic energy和vertebrate‘s size 正相关,基于的假设很明显当然是muscles wet weight和 vertebrate‘s size的正相关。


  A. 定位第一句话;

  B.定位最后一句话,注意这里的“such as”指的是“inherited from predecessors”这个行为,这种关系而不是单指“predecessors”; C. besides的M人就没有be of high aesthetic value,更何况其他人呢,排除;

  8. 定位L40,“but few listeners or musicologists

  would include these among the great works of music” 并不是一种十分强烈的负评价的感觉,所以marked indifference最合适。

  9. 定位L13,“Innovative science produces new

  propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways.”

  “Generalization” 重复 “diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways





