
2022-05-24 19:38:17









  对比butconj.I used to work hard, but now I don't.

  对比whileconj.While I used to work hard, now I don't.

  对比whereasconj.Whereas I used to work hard, now I don't.

  对比althoughconj.Although I used to work hard, now I don't.

  对比in contrastadv.I used to work hard. In contrast, now I don't.

  对比on the contraryadv.I used to work hard. On the contrary, now I don't.

  对比on the other handadv.I work hard. On the other hand, he doesn't.



  同义改写on the contraryadv.I am not lazy. On the contrary, I work very hard.

  同义改写ratheradv.I am not lazy. Rather, I work very hard.

  同义改写insteadadv.I am not lazy. Instead, I work very hard.

  同义改写that is to sayadv.I am super industrious. That is to say, I work very hard.

  同义改写in other wordsadv.I am super industrious. In other words, I work very hard.

  同义改写that isconj.I am very industrious, that is, I work very hard.

