
2022-05-22 20:21:36


  1.While Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn Dodger, his courage in the face of physical threats and verbal attacks was not unlike that of Rosa Parks, who refused to move to the back of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

  #当 Jackie Robinson 是一个 Brooklyn Dodger 时,他的勇气面对身体上的威胁和语言上的攻击,并不像 Rosa Parks 的那样,Rosa Parks 拒绝移动到一辆汽车的后面在 Montgomery, Alabama。

  2.A recent study has found that within the past few years, many doctors have elected to retire early rather than face the threats of lawsuits and the rising costs of malpractice insurance.

  # 一个 近的研究发现,在过去的几年里,很多医生选择早点退休,而不是面临威胁/被起诉的和越来越多的费用/用于不当处置的保险的。

  3.In June of 1989, Princeton Township approved a developer's plans to build 300 houses on a large portion of the 210-acre site of the Battle of Princeton, one of only eight Revolutionary War battlefields that had remained undeveloped.

  # 在 1989 年六月,Princeton 小镇批准一个开发者的计划,建造 300 间房子在一大部分/210 英亩的 Princeton 战役的地方的,其中一个/仅有的八个革命战争战场中的/曾经保持没有被开发的。

  4.Problems in the management of water and other resources will be at the head of the legislature's list of concerns for the coming 基 session.


  5.Stable interest rates on long-term bonds are the financial market's vote of confidence that the Federal Reserve will keep inflation under control.

  # 稳定的利率/长期债券的/是金融市场的表现/信心的/联邦储备局将控制通货膨胀。
