
2022-06-10 10:24:15


  56.=This doctrine/ has broadened the application of the Fourteenth Amendment/ to other,nonracial forms of discrimination/,for while some justices/ have refused to find/,any legislative classification/ other than race/ to be constitutionally disfavored/,most have been receptive to arguments/ that at least some nonracial discriminations /,sexual Discrimination in particular/,are "suspect" and deserve this heightened scrutiny/ by the courts.


  57.=Only when a system/ possesses natural or artificial boundaries/ that associate the water within it/ with the hydrologic cycle/ may the entire system properly/ be termed hydro geologic.



  58.=Research/ during the past several decades/ on the nature of language/ and the processes/ that produce and make it understandable/ has revealed great complexity/ instead of underlying simplicity. #调查研究/在过去的几十年里/关于语言的本质/和过程/制造并使语言可以被理解/已经反映出了极大的复杂性/而不是强调的简单性。

  59.=The delinquency rates/ on mortgages/ for office buildings, hotels, shopping malls, and other commercial properties/ held by the nation's insurance companies/ have increased sharply in recent months /, leading to predictions/ that foreclosures on these types of loans/ could double/ over the next three years.


  60.=Warning/ that computers in the United States/ are not secure/, the National Academy of Sciences/ has urged the nation/ to revamp computer security procedures/, institute new emergency response teams/, and create a special non-government organization/ to take charge of computer security planning. #担心/计算机在美国/不能保证安全/,国家科学院/已经敦促国家


