
2022-05-31 01:11:21


  The country of Maravia has severe air pollution, 80 percent of which is caused by the exhaust fumes of cars. In order to reduce the number of cars on the road, the government is raising taxes on the cost of buying and running a car by 20 percent. This tax increase, therefore will significantly reduce air pollution in Maravia.

  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

  解释:此题中is caused by和therefore表明其逻辑关系:因为城市中80%的污染是由过多的尾气排放导致的。政府正在提高买车和养车的费用20%,希望借此降低汽车的数量。所以,作者认为这样可以降低城市的污染。想削弱此命题有以下几种思路:

  1、 该国的80%污染并非来自于汽车尾气;

  2、 提高买车和养车费用并不会减少车的数量,于是不能降低污染;


  (A) The government of Maravia is in the process of building a significant number of roadways.

  (B) Maravia is an oil-producing country and is able to refine an amount of gasoline sufficient for the needs of its pollution.

  (C) Maravia has had an excellent public transportation system for many years.

  (D) Ninety percent of the population of Maravia is very prosperous(富有) and has a substantial amount of disposable


  (E) In Maravia, cars that emit relatively low levels of pollutions cost 10 percent less to operate, on average, than do cars that emit high levels of pollutions.


  II.解题方法2: 它因法,即其它因素导致了结论而并非文中的那个原因


  The excessive number of safety regulations that the federal government has placed on industry poses more serious hardships for big businesses than for small ones. Since large companies do everything on a more massive scale, they must alter more complex operations and spend much more money to meet government requirements.

  Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?


  1、 否定前提:大公司的规模效应不会带来更多复杂的操作以及更多的开销。

  2、 否定结论:小公司比大公司更容易受到安全规定的影响,即选一个对小公司不利的选项。


  (A) Small companies are less likely than large companies to have the capital reserve for improvements.

  (B) The operations of small companies frequently rely on the same technologies as the operations of

  large companies.

  (C) Safety regulation codes are uniform, established without reference to size of company. 但这并不等于对于大公司来说不会带来更多的开销

  (D) Large companies typically have more of their profits invested in other business than do small companies.

  (E) Large companies are in general more likely than small companies to diversity the markets and products.



  The population of elephant seals, reduced by hunting to perhaps a few dozen animals early in this century, has soared under federal protection during the last few decades. However, because the species repopulated itself through extensive inbreeding, it now exhibits a genetic uniformity that is almost unparalleled in other species of mammals, and thus it is in far greater danger of becoming extinct than are most other species.

  Given the information in the passage above, which of the following is most likely the reason that other species of mammals are less likely than elephant seals to become extinct?



  (A) Other species of mammals have large populations, so the loss of a few members of the species is not significant.

  (B) Other species of mammals have increased their knowledge of dangers though the experience of generation after generation of animals.

  (C) In other species of mammals, hunters can readily distinguish between males and females or between young animals and adults.

  (D) In other species of mammals, some members of the species are genetically better equipped to withstand a disease or event that destroys other members of the species.

  (E) Other species of mammals have retained habits of caution and alertness because they have not been protected as endangered species.



  During the day in Lake Constance, the zooplankton D. hyalina departs for the depths where food is scarce and the water cold. D. galeata remains near the warm surface where food is abundant. Even though D. galeata grows and reproduces much faster, its population is often outnumbered by D. hyalina.

  Which of the following, if true, would help resolve the apparent paradox presented above?




  A The number of species of zooplankton living at the bottom of the lake is twice that of species living at the surface.

  B Predators of zooplankton, such as whitefish and perch, live and feed near the surface of the lake during the day.

  C In order to make the most of scarce food resources, D. hyalina matures more slowly than D. galeata.

  D D. galeata clusters under vegetation during the hottest part of the day to avoid the Sun’s rays.

  E D. galeata produces twice as many offspring per individual in any given period of time as does D. hyalina. 该选项刚好相



  For the United Stats meat industry, there is good news and bad news. The bad news in that over the last three years people in the United States have been eating less meat. The good news is that during this same time period meat producer’s profits have risen steadily.

  Which of the following, if true during the last three years, contributes most to a resolution of the apparent discrepancy above?


  却稳步上升。 解题思路如下,利润必然和需求和价格有关。

  1、肉类价格上升所带来的正面影响超过了由于消耗量下降所带来的负面影响 2、美国的消耗量是少了,其它地方的需求量上升了。

  (A) People have been eating less meat because they are more health conscious than in the past. (B) In the United States many new restaurants that specialize in vegetarian meals have opened.


  (C) Competition from the growing fish industry has forced meat producers to sell meat at bargain prices in an attempt to

  attract more consumers. 与价格应该上升相反

  (D) Countries that are unable to produce enough meat for their populations have become a new and lucrative market for

  United States meat producers.正好讲到需求量上升

  (E) Meat producers have invested large amount of money on advertising in order to win back consumers who have

  decreased their meat consumption. ”在广告上化很多钱“ 倒是说明了为什么肉类行业的利润下降(而不是上升),因为增加了一块新的支出。



  Observations of the Arctic reveal that the Arctic Ocean is covered by less ice each summer than the previous summer. If this warming trend continues, within 50 years the Arctic Ocean will be ice free during the summer months. This occurrence would in itself have little or no effect on global sea levels, since the melting of ice floating in water does not affect the water level. However, serious consequences to sea levels would eventually result, because __________.

  Which of the following most logically completes the passage?



  A large masses of floating sea ice would continue to form in the wintertime 此种因素不会对海平面有太大的影响 B significant changes in Arctic sea temperatures would be accompanied by changes in sea temperatures in more temperate parts of the world

  C such a warm Arctic Ocean would trigger the melting of massive land- based glaciers in the Arctic

  D an ice-free Arctic Ocean would support a very different ecosystem than it does presently E in the spring, melting sea ice would cause more icebergs to be created and to drift south into shipping routes




  At a certain period in Earth’s history, its atmosphere contained almost no oxygen, although plants were producing vast quantities of oxygen. As a way of reconciling these two facts, scientists have hypothesized that nearly all of the oxygen being produced was taken up by iron on Earth’s surface. Clearly, however, this explanation is inadequate. New studies show that the amount of iron on Earth’s surface was not sufficient to absorb anywhere near as much oxygen as was being produced.Therefore, something in addition to the iron on Earth’s surface must have absorbed much of the oxygen produced by plant life.

  In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?



  A The first is a claim made by the argument in support of a certain position; the second is that position. (此选项谈到第一句话支持第二句话)

  B The first is a judgment made by the argument about a certain explanation; the second is that explanation.

  C The first expresses the argument’s dismissal of an objection to the position it seeks to establish; the second is that position.

  D The first sums up the argument’s position with regard to a certain hypothesis; the second provides grounds for that


  E The first is a concession by the argument that its initial formulation of the position it seeks to establish requires modification; the second presents that position in a modified form.
