
2022-06-06 14:15:26


  31.=Yet those/ who stress the achievement/ of a general consensus /among the colonists/ cannot fully understand that consensus/ without understanding the conflicts/ that had to be overcome or repressed in order to reach it.

  #然而,那些(史学家)/ 他们强调成果/一种普遍的一致意见的/在殖民者之间曾出现的/不能充分理解/这种一致意见/而不理解各种矛盾的存在/(那些矛盾)只有在被克服或压制之后才有可能获得它(那种一致意


  32.It can be inferred from the passage/ that the author would be most likely to agree with/ which of the following statements/ regarding socioeconomic class/ and support for the rebel and Loyalist causes/ during the American Revolutionary War?

  #可以推断出来从文章中/作者 ?

  33. =Although it has been possible/ to infer from the goods and services/ actually produced/ what manufactures and servicing trades/ thought their customers wanted/,only a study of relevant personal documents/ written by actual consumers/ will provide a precise picture/ of who wanted what/. #尽管这是有可能的/推知从商品和服务中/实际制造出来的/是什么制造商和服务业/认为他们的顾客所需要的/, 但是只有一番研究对相关的个人文件进行的/由真实的顾客撰写的/能够提供一幅精确的图像/关于“什么样的人”需要 “什么样的东西”。

  34.=Such philosophical/ as the mind-body/ problem or,more generally/, the nature of human knowledge/ they believe/,are basic human questions/ whose tentative philosophical solutions/ have served as the necessary foundations/ on which all other intellectual speculation/ has rested.

  #这样的哲学问题/如灵与肉的问题/,或更普遍而言/,人类知识的本质/ 他们相信/,都是一些基本的人类问题/其探索性的哲学答案/已经成为必要的基础/在其上所有其他的智力思辩/建立。

  35.=The idea of an autonomous discipline/ called "philosophy"/, distinct from/ and sitting in judgment/ on such pursuits/ as theology and science turns out/,on close examination/,to be of quite recent origin.


  36.=But the recent discovery of detailed similarities/ in the skeletal structure of the flippers/ in all three groups/ undermines the attempt/ to

  explain away superficial resemblance/ as due to convergent

  evolution/—the independent development of similarities/ between unrelated groups/ in response to similar environmental pressures.


  37.=Human genes/ contain too little information/ even to specify/ which hemisphere of the brain/ each of a human’s 10’’ neurons/ should occupy/, let alone the hundreds of connections/ that each neuron makes/.

  #人类因基/包含如此之少的信息/,甚至于不能去确定/大脑的哪个半脑/ 人类的 10 个神经细胞中/(哪一个细胞)应占据/,更不用说成千上万的连接/每个神经细胞所形成的。

  38.=These questions are political/ in the sense/ that the debate over them/ will inevitably be/ less an exploration/ of abstract matters/ in a spirit of disinterested inquiry/ than an academic power struggle/ in which the careers and professional fortunes/ of many women scholars/—only now entering the academic profession/ in substantial numbers/—will be at stake/,and with them/ the chances for a distinctive contribution/ to humanistic understanding/,a contribution/ that might be an important influence/ against sexism in our society.

将不可避免地与其说是一种探索/对抽象问题的/在客观冷静的科研精神指导下/,倒不如说是一种学术上的权力斗争/在此斗争中, 职业生涯和学术命运/许多女学者的/——只是在现在才开始进入学术界/以众多的人数/——将前途未卜/,与她们相伴随的/是机遇去作出一种独特贡献/ 对人文理解的/,这一贡献/则很有可能成为一个重要影响/消除性别主义在我们社会中所存在的。

  39.=In experiments/,an injection of cytoplasm/ from dextral eggs/ changes the pattern of sinistral eggs/,but an injection/ from sinistral eggs/ does not influence dextral eggs.


  40.=Recently/ some scientists have concluded/ that meteorites/ found on Earth/ and long believed to have a Martian origin/ might actually have been blasted free of Mars’s gravity/ by the impact on Mars of other meteorites.


