
2022-06-05 04:45:02


1. In the solar system, collisions among the planets are among the most _____ processes shaping surfaces: many a picture of the planets in it show that a proliferation of impact craters happened in the last 4 to 5 billion years.

A. cataclysmic

B. pervasive

C. misleading

D. clairvoyant

E. vivacious


解析:在太阳系中,行星碰撞形成的表面是最_____过程之一:根据这行星的图片显示,形成的许多陨石坑发生在过去4050亿年。A.激变 B.普适 c.误导 D.透视 E.活泼,通过后半句的年份可以看出其实是想体现过程的缓慢,也就是说最快的过程也需要非常久的时间,答案选E

2. Researchers in University of Maryland discover that many people subconsciously think that in assessment of others competence and warmth are (i) _____: when they feel someone is highly capable, they will assert that he or she must have a tendency to be (ii) _____.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A. clearly interconnected D. passive

B. inversely related E. nonchalant

C. physically paralyzed F. unfeeling


解析:A显然是相互联系的 D.消极的

B成反比 E.漠不关心的

C肢体瘫痪 F.没有同情心的


3. View people as "social atoms" that obey rather simple rules (which are not unlike the laws of physics), we may discover certain patterns, or "(i) _____" Buchanan illustrates the approach with a very simple example: the way channels emerge when people move in crowds. In the midst of initially (ii) _____ movements, one person begins to follow another in an effort to avoid collisions, and streams of movement emerge. As more people join such streams, there is greater pull on others to join in the flow, and the particular channels become (iii) _____.

Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

A. law-like regularities D. clear G. selfperpetuating

B. regular cases E. tranquil H. self-defacing

C. convoluted disorders F. chaotic I. self-sufficient



空白(i) 空白(ii) 空白(ii)

A法规 D.清楚的 G.能使自身永久存在的

B.常例 E.平静的 H.自我丑化的

C.紊乱 F.混乱的 I.自给自足的


4. The eccentric Canadian Prime Minister, Mackenzie King, often used stances to contact his dead pet dog for advice; despite this _____ behavior, the public had so much confidence in his ability as a leader that he was in power for 22 years.

A. capricious

B. lackluster

C. poised

D. unconventional

E. repulsive

F. decorous



A.任性无常 B.平凡 C.镇定 D.非传统 E.令人厌恶 F.稳重端庄


5. The circulation of the blood makes human adaptability to the _____ conditions of life, such as fluctuating atmospheric pressure, level of physical activity, and diet, possible.

A. inveterate

B. dynamic

C. timorous

D. cowed

E. turgid

F. oscillating



A.根深蒂固的 B.动态的 C.胆怯的 D.受到恐吓的 E.晦涩难懂的 F.浮动的


6. Despite the implications of their noble status, many aristocrats were virtually penniless and lived in a state of _____.

A. indigence

B. opulence

C. eminence

D. penury

E. depravity

F. complacency



A.贫穷 B.富裕 C.名声显赫 D.贫穷 E.堕落 F.自满



