托福阅读TPO23(Rock Art of the Australia Aborigines)

2022-06-09 19:45:16



  1.The word “infrequent” in the passage(paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to





  2.According to paragraph 1, the twentieth-century approach to studying Australianrock art was different from earlier approaches because the twentieth-century approach

  A.recognized that many different groups of Aborigines created Australian rock art.

  B.concentrated on a limited range of Aboriginal rock art.

  C.examined Aboriginal art from an Aboriginal rather than from a European perspective.

  D.focused more intensely on understanding and documenting rock art.

  3.The word “relatively” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to





  4.The word “discern” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to





  5.The word “revised” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to





  6.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in thehighlighted sentence in the passage (paragraph 4)? Incorrect choices change themeaning in important ways or leave ways or leave out essential information.

  A.The oldest rock art sites have simpler motifs than the best known sites of Panaramitee North.

  B.Because motifs primarily associated with the Panaramitee region are common in the oldestsites the term Panaramitee style has become the general term for rock art of this type.

  C.Because the Panaramitee style is so common in the older sites, researchers have described itmost extensively.

  D.The motifs carved in the rocky surface of the Panaramitee region make up the oldest form ofrock art discovered in Australia.

  7.According to paragraph 4, researchers have organized and structured Australianrock art by distinguishing between which of the following?

  A.Images found at Panaramitee North and images found in other parts of Australia.

  B.Images found in a particular type of rock layer and images found in other types of rocklayers.

  C.Images that have geometric elements and images that have figurative elements.

  D.Images that are typically found and image that are rarely found.

  8.According to paragraph 4, all of the following are signs of the great age of thePanaramitee engravings EXCEPT:

  A.The engravings consisted of simple animal drawings.

  B.The engravings were covered with a layer of a substance known as “desert varnish”.

  C.Local Aborigines who were asked knew nothing about the origin of the engravings.

  D.Geologic changes had occurred after the engravings were made.

  9.Why does the author include information about Tasmania in paragraph 4?

  A.To provide evidence that the Panaramitee style is widespread and of great age.

  B.To prove that Aboriginal Australians could not have made the carvings in Tasmania.

  C.To indicate how researchers have determined how long ago Tasmania separated from themainland.

  D.To illustrate the importance of geometric rock art to tourism in Tasmania.

  10.According to paragraph 5, the complex figurative style differs from the geometricstyle in that the complex figurative style

  A.varies significantly from region to region.

  B.is more meaningful.

  C.appears on only a few types of rocks.

  D.has changed little overtime.

  11.According to paragraph 5, Lesley Maynard made which of the following suggestionsabout Australian rock art?

  A.There were a pattern of human figures being represented in a more complex style thananimal figures.

  B.Australian archaeology should concentrate on determining the sequence of styles that ledup to the Panaramitee style.

  C.The great antiquity of Australian rock art would probably make it impossible to determinethe ages of the various styles found in rock art.

  D.The geometric style of Australian rock art was replaced by increasingly complex figurativestyles.

  12.In paragraph 5, the author indicates that twentieth century art has shown thatnaturalism does not necessarily follow abstraction in some kind of predeterminedsequence in order to

  A.emphasize that it may not be possible to determine what the figures in ancient rock artrepresent.

  B.suggest a reply to those who have questioned Maynard’s interpretation of the sequence ofAustralian rock art.

  C.provide a counterexample to Maynard’s interpretation of the sequence of Australian rockart.

  D.indicate that twentieth century art is more advanced than ancient rock art.

  13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could beadded to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to addthe sentence to the passage. While a great deal of information exists, the answers tothese questions are not yet definitive.

  Paragraph 2: The systematic study of this art is a relatively new discipline in Australia. Overthe past four decades new discoveries have steadily added to the body of knowledge. The mostsignificant data have come from a concentration on three major questions. First, what is theage of Australian rock art? Second, what is its stylistic organization and is it possible to discerna sequence or a pattern of development between styles? Third, is it possible to interpretaccurately the subject matter of ancient rock art, bring to bear all available archaeologicaltechniques and the knowledge of present-day Aboriginal informants? ■【A】

  Paragraph 3: The age of Australia’s rock art is constantly being revised, and earlier datingshave been proposed as the result of new discoveries. ■【B】Currently, reliable scientificevidence dates the earliest creation of art on rock surfaces in Australia to somewhere between30,000 and 50,000 years ago. ■【C】This in itself is an almost incomprehensible span ofgenerations, and one that makes Australia’s rock art the oldest continuous art tradition in theworld. ■【D】

  14. Direction: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is providesbelow. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express themost important ideas in the passage. Some sentences presented in the passage or areminor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

  Interest in the rock art of the original inhabitants of Australia has grown over the lasttwo centuries.

  A.Late nineteenth century studies of Aboriginal rock art failed to recognize that a variety ofstyles existed.

  B.The extreme age of the earliest Aboriginal rock art has been established but theinterpretation of rock art images is still debated.

  C.A sequence from geometric to more representative art fits many sites but does notnecessarily indicate a progression from simple to complex meaning.

  D.In determining the way in which Australian rock art was organized, archaeologists have madelittle distinction between geometric and figurative elements.

  E.Older examples of rock art consist of simple, repeated geometric patterns while later rock artincludes figures and animals.

  F.Aboriginal informants were able to explain the meanings of ancient rock art symbols.

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