
2022-05-21 10:16:40





  Passage 1

  The division of social insects

  The first and second paragraph introduces akind of bee, according to the body type, but the general bee is especially bigexcept for the queen, and the other bees are almost the same. There is no obviousdifference. Many insects are divided by age. The third paragraph first said thewasps, which were divided according to their age, but they worked at the sameage at flexible, which was the same age of bees that could be responsible forthe job or the job. Then said bees, there is a relatively clear division ofage, the young bees are responsible for keeping bees. The old bees are incharge of going out. The fourth and fifth paragraph said scientists wanted toknow whether their division of labor would change, so they changed thestructure of a bee's age, and then found that older bees transferred their workto the young bees in their nest, and then turned out to work out of the nest,so that their division of labor was variable.


  第三段先说了黄蜂,它们是按年龄分的,不过他们在同一年龄阶段的工作比较 随意,就是同样年龄的蜂既可能负责这项工作也可能负责那项工作。然后说了蜜蜂,有比较明确的不同年龄层的分工,年轻蜜蜂专门负责养小蜜蜂,大点的蜜蜂负责外出什么的。

