托福tpo37阅读翻译The Emergence of Civilization 原文+译文

2022-05-28 22:59:37

  涉及大量的专业术语和长难句,不熟悉的同学,读起来相当费事儿,但是如果能够结合原文和译文来看,它会帮助你理解文章,并在理解中,逐步学会和熟悉一些阅读的常用表达句式,提高大家的阅读能力。今天托福tpo37阅读翻译The Emergence of Civilization 原文+译文。  

  Evidence suggests that an important stimulus behind the rise of early civilizations was the development of settled agriculture, which unleashed a series of changes in the organization of human communities that culminated in the rise of large ancient empires.

  The exact time and place that crops were first cultivated successfully is uncertain. Many prehistorians believe that farming may have emerged in dependently in several different areas of the world when small communities, driven by increasing population and a decline in available food resources, began to plant seeds in the ground in an effort to guarantee their survival. The first farmers, who may have lived as long as 10,000 years ago, undoubtedly used simple techniques and still relied primarily on other forms of food production, such as hunting, foraging, or pastoralism. The real breakthrough took place when farmers began to cultivate crops along the floodplains of river systems. The advantage was that crops grown in such areas were not as dependent on rainfall and therefore produced a more reliable harvest. An additional benefit was that the sediment carried by the river waters deposited nutrients in the soil, thus enabling the farmer to cultivate a single plot of ground for many years without moving to a new location. Thus, the first truly sedentary (that is, nonmigratory) societies were born. As time went on, such communities gradually learned how to direct the flow of water to enhance the productive capacity of the land, while the introduction of the iron plow eventually led to the cultivation of heavy soils not previously susceptible to agriculture.

      The spread of this river valley agriculture in various parts of Asia and Africa was the decisive fACTor in the rise of the first civilizations. The increase in food production in these regions led to a significant growth in population, while efforts to control the flow of water to maximize the irrigation of cultivated areas and to protect the local inhabitants from hostile forces outside the community provoked the first steps toward cooperative ACTivities on a large scale. The need to oversee the entire process brought about the emergence of an elite that was eventually transformed into a government.

  The first clear steps in the rise of the first civilizations took place in the fourth and third millennia B.C. in Mesopotamia, northern Africa, India, and China. How the first governments took shape in these areas is not certain, but anthropologists studying the evolution of human communities in various parts of the world have

  discovered that one common stage in the process is the emergence of what are called “big men” within a single village or a collection of villages. By means of their military prowess, dominant personalities, or political talents, these people gradually emerge as the leaders of that community. In time, the “big men” become formal symbols of authority and pass on that authority to others within their own family. As the communities continue to grow in size and material wealth, the “big men” assume hereditary status, and their allies and family members are transformed into a hereditary monarchy.

  The appearance of these sedentary societies had a major impACT on the social organizations, religious beliefs, and way of life of the peoples living within their boundaries. With the increase in population and the development of centralized authority came the emergence of the cities. While some of these urban centers were identified with a particular economic function, such as proximity to gold or iron deposits or a strategic location on a major trade route, others served primarily as administrative centers or the site of temples for the official cult or other ritual observances. Within these cities, new forms of livelihood appeared to SATisfy the growing need for social services and consumer goods. Some people became artisans or merchants, while others became warriors, scholars, or priests. In some cases, the physical division within the first cities reflected the strict hierarchical charACTer of the society as a whole, with a royal palace surrounded by an imposing wall and separate from the remainder of the urban population. In other instances, such as the Indus River Valley, the cities lacked a royal precinct and the ostentatious palaces that marked their contemporaries elsewhere.




  农作物首次被成功种植的确切时间和地点还无法确定。许多史前学家确信当一些受持续增长的人口和一定数量的食物来源衰退所困扰的小群体开始为了能保证他们的生存而在土地中种植种子时,耕种已经在世界上一些不同地区独立出现了。第一批大约是生活在 10,000 万年的农民,虽然还是主要依靠一些其它例如打猎、觅食或田园主义等形式的食物供给,但毫无疑问,他们已开始使用一些简单的技术。真正的突破是当农民开始沿着河流体系泛滥的平原耕种农作物开始的。这样做的优势是在这样的地区种植的农作物不需要依靠降雨,因此丰收也就更加有保证。另外,由河水沉积而来的沉淀物给土壤带来营养,从而使得农民能够很多年种植同一块土地而不需要搬到新的地点。因此,第一批定栖的(没有迁移的)社会就产生了。随着时间的推移,在铁犁的引进最终使得农业不再像以前一样容易受到坚硬土地的耕种的影响的同时,这些群体也逐渐学会了如何通过控制水流量来提高土地的产量。




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