
2022-06-07 19:16:08





  1) 一个种子休眠了10000年在三天时间就萌发了。

  2) 红袋鼠为例,同时有3个baby,一个在crouch外,一个在里面,一个怀着。袋鼠在袋里那个不能出去的情况下会freeze胚胎那个的发育。

  版本二:dispause(不记得怎么拼了)一种resistence stage,相当于动物的冬眠。讲了一种种子,wait the environment becomes favorable才发芽。然后讲了predictable的环境比unpredictable的更好。然后青蛙的例子,在干旱的时候藏在土里,下雨的时候mates,然后young can become mature in a short period。还有袋鼠的例子,生三个宝宝,一个刚好离开口袋,一个在口袋,一个在肚子里。


  P1 总体介绍rest stage,来节约能量等环境好的时候再繁殖等,举了某种seed的例子,说明rest stage的时间可能非常唱。

  P2 可预测的环境变化比如季节变化好处理,而不可预测的环境变化相对麻烦。

  P3 两种方法处理这种不可预测的环境变化

  P4 第一种,d开头的什么单词,举了袋鼠的例子,保证任何时候袋鼠妈妈都有三个处于不同stage的孩子,环境不好时,她可以freeze肚子那个孩子的发展直到袋子那个mature enough环境变好了离开袋子

  P5 第二种方法 加速自己的生理活动举了个沙漠里什么昆虫一类的东西的例子,dry的时候把自己埋地底下然后rest stage,一下雨就出来超快的速度搞定交配生娃然后干旱之前又回地底下了!



  Diapause, when referencing animal dormancy, is the delay in development in response to regularly and recurring periods of adverse environmental conditions. It is considered to be a physiological state of dormancy with very specific initiating and inhibiting conditions. Diapause is a mechanism used as a means to survive predictable, unfavorable environmental conditions, such as temperature extremes, drought or reduced food availability. Diapause is most often observed in arthropods, especially insects, and in the embryos of many of the oviparous species of fish in the order Cyprinodontiformes. (Diapause does not occur in embryos of the viviparous and ovoviviparous species of Cyprinodontiformes.)

  Diapause is not only induced in an organism by specific stimuli or conditions, but once it is initiated, only certain other stimuli are capable of bringing the organism out of diapause. The latter feature is essential in distinguishing diapause as a different phenomenon from other forms of dormancy such as stratification, and hibernation.

  Activity levels of diapausing stages can vary considerably among species. Diapause may occur in a completely immobile stage, such as the pupae and eggs, or it may occur in very active stages that undergo extensive migrations, such as the adult Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. In cases where the insect remains active, feeding is reduced and reproductive development is slowed or halted.


  版本一:birdsong总觉得某场考试考过但是题好像不一样。讲拿一种C开头的鸟作实验,发现它们在很小的时候就可以记住一些song并且8周后能准确的唱出来。就算把它们隔离开来也能,说明是genetic?后来讲鸟只唱自己species的song,有一些是向live tutor学的 后面不记得了


  P1 做了个实验,把一种c鸟从出生就隔离,于是它的叫声和其他野生的都不一样,推测鸟鸣和鸟的社交有关,

  P2 鸟只能发出自己种类的鸟的叫声?因为有种constrain?然后探究这个constrain是基因导致还是环境使然?两种都有,基因方面,p1中那个鸟,从小就被隔离发的声音跟其他野生动物差别不大,有很多共同点,环境方面举了个另外的鸟的例子,具体记不得了。有个说还是p1中的那个鸟,依然隔离,但是从小给他放他野生小伙伴的叫声,然后他的叫声和野生小伙伴的就没差,而另外有的就不行,只能跟活的小伙伴学!




  Auditory and Motor Phase

  Similar to human speech development, song learning is a two-stage process (Figure 2). Birds first memorize a tutor song and form an auditory memory, or "template," in their brain (sensory phase). They then translate the inner template into motor activity by practicing, comparing their own vocalization to the template, and refining the songs (sensorimotor phase).

  Sensory Phase

  With some exceptions (e.g., gray catbirds [Dumetella carolinensis], sedge warblers [Acrocephalus schoenobaenus], brown-headed cowbirds [Molothrus ater]), birds raised in acoustic isolation during the sensory phase produce atypical songs as adults. This is because most young birds learn the species-specific songs during the first year of their lives. In the wild, birds grow up listening to the songs of a variety of different species. So why don't they learn the songs of multiple species? Studies have shown that even without prior experience in hearing their own species' songs, young birds still increase their heart rate and beg more when they hear conspecific songs, indicating that they are born with an innate ability to discriminate their species-specific songs (Brainard & Doupe 2002). If given a choice, young birds preferentially learn conspecific over heterospecific songs, and if birds are raised in acoustic isolation, they sing abnormal songs yet still with species-specific elements. Timing of the sensory phase varies among species, but this window aligns with when adults of the species sing the most (Zeigler & Marler 2008). Thus, together with the genetic predisposition for recognizing and learning species-specific songs, this minimizes the risk of learning wrong songs.

  When the sensory phase ends varies among species, but this timing depends partly on experience. If young are raised only with heterospecific songs, birds can learn conspecific songs later than those raised hearing conspecific songs (Brainard & Doupe 2002). Interestingly, if birds are raised in acoustic isolation, the sensory phase can be extended even into adulthood in some species.

  Sensorimotor Phase

  At the beginning of the sensorimotor phase, young birds first produce generic, variable, and quiet vocalizations called subsong, which is similar to human baby babbling (Brenowitz et al. 1997). They then produce louder, more structured songs called plastic songs, which are still variable but contain some elements of the tutor song. Songs finally crystallize to stable stereotyped songs that are similar to the songs they memorized. During the sensorimotor phase, birds need to hear their own vocalization in order to develop normal songs. If juveniles are deafened after the sensory phase but before the sensorimotor phase, they develop aberrant songs (Konishi 1965).

  Birds of certain species produce more sounds during the sensorimotor phase than the sounds they will produce in adulthood. This means that during song crystallization, those species select which sounds are incorporated into the crystallized song. As you might expect, this selection is not random. White-crowned sparrows, for instance, integrate songs that match the dialects of neighboring males into the crystallized song (Nelson & Marler 1994). This can be advantageous because males that sing local dialects have a higher reproductive success than those that sing foreign dialects (MacDougall-Shackleton et al. 2002). Cowbirds, on the other hand, attain songs that are more effective in triggering mating-like behaviors in females (West & King 1988). In either case, song selection during crystallization is based on functional significance to maximize reproductive output.

  Hormonal Influences

  Neuroplasticity describes the lifelong ability of the brain to form new neural connections depending on season and experience. The hormone testosterone is necessary for song crystallization by reducing plasticity and producing stereotyped songs (Bottjer & Johnson 1997). Testosterone administration during the sensory phase has little or no effect on song memorization. However, testosterone levels are high during song crystallization and in the spring, when songs are more stable. Testosterone administration prior to song crystallization triggers premature crystallization of simple songs, and both castration and blocking testosterone receptors can delay or prevent crystallization. Thus, the timing and degree of elevation in testosterone are essential in proper development of birdsongs.



  1) 以前是一种plough。现在新的这种可以挖出shallow and straight的沟,在south这边mild的环境不是很体现优势,但在wetter的north派上大用场。North一直没怎么发展,砍了树开荒用一段时间就不用了。现在有了新式plough就可以利用肥沃的土壤。

  2) 马的利用:有了新的harness和horseshoe,马在地上很好拉。transportation好很多。

  3) 人的牺牲:以前养牛,牛吃的那些比较low,但现在马要吃燕麦那些(有题)人就不得不把种自己粮食的牺牲一部分种马吃的。显示了马的重要性。


  P1 经济发展因为农业发展很快!因为发明了一种新的plow!更适用于wet heavy soil,可以挖的更深!本来北边的森林很少用于农业,用了也只是last for a very short time,有了这个新plow,可耕种土地更多了!农业蹭蹭蹭发展了!

  P2 另一个重要因素,马取代牛!用来耕地用来transport!加上引进马鞍还是什么东西的和马蹄铁!使得马能跑的更远坨的更多,farmer更方便去市场!所以农业发展!

  P3 当时马有很大作用的另一个标志是,马吃的东西成本高,费时费力费钱!但是还是有很多农民养马间接表明作用很大




  The plough or plow is a tool (or machine) used in farming for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seed or planting to loosen or turn the soil. Ploughs are traditionally drawn by working animals such as horses or cattle, but in modern times may be drawn by tractors. A plough may be made of wood, iron, or steel. It has been a basic instrument for most of recorded history, and represents one of the major advances in agriculture.

  The primary purpose of ploughing is to turn over the upper layer of the soil, bringing fresh nutrients to the surface, while burying weeds, the remains of previous crops, and both crop and weed seeds, allowing them to break down. It also provides a seed-free medium for planting an alternate crop. In modern use, a ploughed field is typically left to dry out, and is then harrowed before planting. Plowing and cultivating a soil homogenizes and modifies the upper 12 to 25 cm of the soil to form a plow layer. In many soils, the majority of fine plant feeder roots can be found in the topsoil or plow layer.

  Ploughs were initially human powered, but the process became considerably more efficient once animals were pressed into service. The first animal powered ploughs were undoubtedly pulled by oxen, and later in many areas by horses and mules, although various other animals have been used for this purpose. In industrialised countries, the first mechanical means of pulling a plough were steam-powered, but these were gradually superseded by internal-combustion-powered tractors.

  Modern competitions take place for ploughing enthusiasts like the National Ploughing Championships in Ireland. Use of the plough has decreased in some areas, often those significantly threatened by soil damage and erosion, in favour of shallower ploughing and other less invasive conservation tillage techniques.

  Natural farming methods are emerging that do not involve any ploughing at all, unless an initial ploughing is necessary to break up hardpan on a new plot to be cultivated, so that the newly introduced soil life can penetrate and develop more quickly and deeply. By not ploughing, beneficial fungi and microbial life can develop that will eventually bring air into the soil, retain water and build up nutrients. A healthy soil full of active fungi and microbial life, combined with a diverse crop (making use of companion planting), suppresses weeds and pests naturally and retains rainwater. Thus the intensive use of water-, oil- and energy hungry irrigation, fertilizers and herbicides are avoided. Cultivated land becomes more fertile and productive over time, while tilled land tends to go down in productivity over time due to erosion and the removal of nutrients with every harvest. Proponents of permaculture claim that it is the only way of farming that can be maintained when fossil fuel runs out. On the other hand, the advantage of agricultural methods that require repeated ploughing are that they allow monocropping on a large scale at remote locations, using industrial machinery rather than human labor.

