
2022-05-27 23:18:17




  A. 因果关系

  a. 显性因果

  1) 因:

  Because; for; as; since; on account of; with

  2) 果:

  So; so that; therefore; thereby; as a result; hence; thus; consequently; accordingly

  b. 隐性因果

  1) 导致(因→果)

  Cause; lead to; give rise to; result in

  2) 由…而来(果→因)

  Result from; derive from; originate from; initiate from; stem from

  3) 反映/体现(果→因)

  Reflect; demonstrate; suggest

  4) 考虑到/依赖于(因→果)

  Reason; considering; in view of; thanks to; rely on; depend on; according to; resort to


  The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.

  10. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?

  Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

  ○ Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people.

  ○ Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread over large areas of land.

  ○ The spread of deserts is considered a very serious problem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in the effort.

  ○ Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected.


  1. 观察阴影部分句子,发现表隐性因果的短语result from

  2. 浏览选项,发现A和B选项含有因果关系

  3. 分析原句:


  l 大量受到影响的土地vast areas of land

  l 大量受到影响的人口tremendous numbers of people

  l 很难去减慢或者颠覆沙漠化过程reverse or slow the process


  分析A选项:“因”:reverse process; affect large areas of land; affect great numbers of people;“果”:沙漠化是一个significant的问题。因对因,果对果,A完全可以匹配。




  Indeed, stability of the biological clock's period is one of its major features, even when the organism's environment is subjected to considerable changes in factors, such as temperature, that would be expected to affect biological activity strongly.

  Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

  ○ Stability, a feature of the biological clock's period, depends on changeable factors such as temperature.

  ○ A major feature of the biological clock is that its period does not change despite significant changes in the environment.

  ○ A factor such as temperature is an important feature in the establishment of the biological clock's period.

  ○ Biological activity is not strongly affected by changes in temperature.


  1. 观察阴影部分句子,发现该句子无明显逻辑关系,那么只能从语义的角度解题。

  2. 分析句子核心部分为:Indeed, stability of the biological clock's period is one of its major features, even when the organism's environment is subjected to considerable changes in factors. 大意为:biological clock的稳定性是它最主要的特征,即使它的环境受到很多变化因素的影响。至于后面具体举了factor这个细节因素可以省略不看。

  3. 核对选项,发现B选项与原文阴影句子的核心意思一致。

