1mile(mi)=1,760yards=5280feet=1.609千米 1yard=3feet 1foot=12inches 1decade=10years 1year=52weeks 1quart=2pints 1gallon=4quarts 1bushel(蒲式耳)=4pecks(配克) 1pint=2cups 1ton=2000pounds 1pound=16ounces 1ounce=16drames
1mile(mi)=1,760yards=5280feet=1.609千米 1yard=3feet 1foot=12inches 1decade=10years 1year=52weeks 1quart=2pints 1gallon=4quarts 1bushel(蒲式耳)=4pecks(配克) 1pint=2cups 1ton=2000pounds 1pound=16ounces 1ounce=16drames
St. Jerome's University
Birkbeck, University Of London
Cerro Coso Community College
Salter School Malden
University of Idaho
Spring Hill College
Downe House School
Downe House School
New Jersey City University
Seton-La Salle Catholic High School
Tufts University
Valley Forge Military Academy
Dulwich College
Buckinghamshire New University
Grand View University
Coquitlam School District
San Bernardino Valley College
University of the District of Columbia