stroll 闲逛;
stagger 蹒跚;
pace 踱步;
loiter 游荡;
stride 大步行进;
plod 吃力地走;
stray 走失;
strut 昂首阔步;
ramble 漫步;
lurk 潜行;
creep 蹑手蹑脚;
crawl 匍匐前进;
stumble 跌跌撞撞;
trudge 步履维艰;
lurch 摇摇晃晃
stroll 闲逛;
stagger 蹒跚;
pace 踱步;
loiter 游荡;
stride 大步行进;
plod 吃力地走;
stray 走失;
strut 昂首阔步;
ramble 漫步;
lurk 潜行;
creep 蹑手蹑脚;
crawl 匍匐前进;
stumble 跌跌撞撞;
trudge 步履维艰;
lurch 摇摇晃晃
Blackwood High School
Purdue University
College of the Rockies
Harrisburg Christian School
Northcote High School
University of Abertay Dundee
Purdue University West Lafayette
Chattanooga State Community College
University Senior College
Queen City College
Tarleton State University
John Paul International College
La Sierra University
Harvey Mudd College
National Louis University
International Academy Business and Technology
Medaille College
Dean Close School