
2022-06-04 12:14:13


  1. averse vs. adverse

  averse : not liking sth; opposed to sth 不喜欢某事物;反对某事物 E.g. He seems to be averse to hard work.

  adverse: not favorable; contrary; hostile 敌对的,反对的,不利的 E.g. His health was adversely affected by the climate.

  2. adversity vs. adversary

  adversity: trouble; unfortunate event 不幸,灾祸 E.g. Mary faces adversity with courage.

  adversary: opponent; enemy 对手,敌人 E.g. He defeated his old adversary in the election.


  3. antipathy vs. apathy

  antipathy: strong or deep dislike 反感;厌恶;憎恶 E.g. He showed a marked antipathy to foreigners.

  apathy: lack of interest; indifference 缺乏兴趣;漠不关心 E.g. My parents do not feel apathy about the election.

  这一组词大家可以用词根词缀发来区别,path-作为词根是“情感”的意思,anti-作为前缀是“相反,对抗”,而a-是“不、无、非”的意思,相关单词有sympathy, empathy等。

  4. derive—derivative vs.deride—derisive

  derive: originate from sth; get sth from sth 源自,源于;得到获取 E.g. Thousands of English words derive from Latin.

  deride: mock sb/sth 嘲笑,嘲弄 E.g. They derided his effort as childish.

  derisive这个单词出现在阅读中经常被当做是derive的形容词性理解,其实是deride的形容词,意思为“嘲笑的,嘲弄的”,例如derisive laughter。

  5.exhausted vs. exhaustive

  exhausted: very tired 精疲力尽的 E.g. After a ten-mile hike, everybody is exhausted.

  exhaustive: very thorough; complete 详尽的;彻底的 E.g. Police make an exhaustive research.

  6. imprudent vs. impudent

  imprudent: not wise or discreet不智的;不谨慎的;轻率的 E.g. It would be imprudent (of you) to resign from your present jobbefore you are offered another.

  impudent: very rude and disrespectful 粗鲁的;放肆的;无礼的;不尊重的 E.g. Tom is an impudent child who never listens to his parents.


  7. callow vs. callous

  callow: immature and inexperienced 既不成熟又无经验的;乳臭未乾的

  callous: cruelly insensitive or unsympathetic 冷酷无情的;无同情心的

  8. congenial vs. congenital

  congenial: (of people) pleasing because of similarities in temperament, interests, etc ; agreeable(指人)(因性情、志趣等相近)彼此合得来的,意气相投的;适合自己性格的

  E.g. I find this aspect of my job particularly congenial.

  congenital: (of diseases, etc) present from or before birth (指疾病等)天生的,先天的 E.g. We should not deride people who have congenital defects.

  9. intelligent vs. intelligible

  intelligent: smart, educated 聪明的,智能的,智力的

  intelligible: that can be (easily) understood 可(易)理解的 E.g. That’s totally a muddled explanation which was scarcely intelligible.

  10. impassive vs. impassioned

  impassive: showing no sign of feeling 无表情的,无动于衷的 E.g. The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison.

  impassioned: showing strong deep feeling 充满激情的;热烈的 E.g. He made an impassioned plea for mercy.


