
2022-06-01 09:18:30



  13-O-2-1.Architect Toyo Ito strives to design spaces that seem “aqueous,” creating environments wherein objects appear to___B____.

  A. fly

  B. float

  C. shrink

  D. smolder

  E. collide

  解题标志词:逗号+creating (动词ing形式,插入成分)

  解析:插入成分的题目前后互为同义重复,creating 前面的内容为“建筑师Toyo Ito努力想设计出看起来如水般的空间”(Architect Toyo Ito strives to design spaces that seem “aqueous,”) 最关键的线索词是aqueous。所以B. 漂浮,悬浮为正确答案。A(飞,起飞)C(收缩,缩水)D(文火闷烧,慢燃;郁积)E(碰撞,冲突)


  建筑师Toyo Ito努力想设计出看起来如水般的空间,创造出能让物体看起来漂浮的环境。

  Float:to rest on top of a liquid, to be carried along by moving water or air,to cause (something) to rest on top of a liquid : to cause (something) to float

  Smolder: to burn slowly without flames but usually with smoke,to feel a strong emotion but keep it hidden,to be felt strongly by someone without being directly shown or expressed


  13-O-2-2.Although it is often difficult to ____B___ someone as charming as Hank, his colleagues can no longer overlook his _______.

  A. dislike……achievements

  B. criticize……indiscretions

  C. tolerate……offenses

  D. admire……obligations

  E. excuse……resolutions


  解析:反义重复的转折的题目前后互为反义,HANK有魅力,所以很难批评才对。所以两空全选charming的反向意思,即负评价词。A. (成就)B(批评,不明智之举)C(攻击,冒犯)D(义务,债务)E(决心),正确答案是B。


  Tolerate: to express disapproval of (someone or something) : to talk about the problems or faults of (someone or something), to look at and make judgments about (something, such as a piece of writing or a work of art)

  Indiscretion: lack of good judgment or care in behavior and especially in speech, lack of discretion,an act or remark that shows a lack of good judgment, an indiscreet act or remark

  13-O-2-3.The scrapbooks compiled by artist and historian William Dorsey are so __B_____ that they constitute _______ view of Philadelphia`s African American community between 1873 and 1903.

  A. inventive……a constricted

  B. extensive……a comprehensive

  C. authentic……an imaginative

  D. compelling……an inconsequential

  E. prosaic……a vibrant


  解析:因果关系的题目前后互为同义重复,故两空选择近义词, A(发明的,别出心裁的;收缩的,受限制的)B(广泛的,大量的;综合的,广泛的)C(真实的,可信的;虚构的,富有想象力的)D(引起兴趣的,强制的;不重要的)E(乏味的,平凡的;充满生机的,响亮的)所以B为正确答案。

  翻译:剪贴簿是由艺术家兼历史学家William Dorsey编写的,内容如此广泛以至于它们构成了对1873-1903年在加州的美国黑人社区的广泛的看法。

  13-O-2-4.Patricia is so ____D___ that she is unable to tolerate others deviating in the least from rules and conventions.

  A. importunate

  B. facile

  C. unshakable

  D. punctilious

  E. complaisant


  解析:因果关系的题目前后互为同义重复,选择同义词,选择“她不能忍受别人哪怕一点偏离规则和惯例的行为”(she is unable to tolerate others deviating in the least from rules and conventions)的同义词,A(强求的,纠缠不休的)B(温和的)C(坚定不移的)D(谨言慎行的,一丝不苟的)E(顺从的,彬彬有礼的),所以正确答案选D。


  13-O-2-6.Although Elayne helped to ____C___ the defendant by supporting his alibi, she unwittingly _______ herself with her testimony.

  A. chastise……disparaged

  B. admonish……entangled

  C. exonerate……implicated

  D. denounce……incriminated

  E. acquit……absolved




  13-O-5-3.Although many companies ____A___ the idea of using solar power, the start-up costs are often too high to _______ the conversion from other technologies.

  13-O-8-2.The student`s actions struck many as ___B____, but they were actually intended to _______ a point: they demonstrated the absurdity of the new school policy.

