
2022-05-19 21:00:16


  abacus n. 算盘(frame with balls for calculating)

  (类)abacus·calculated=balance·weighted 算盘·计算=天平·称量(工具及其作用)


  abandon vt. 放弃(to give up without intent to return)n. 放任,放纵

  (类)abandon·inhibition=voluble·terseness 放纵·压抑=罗嗦的·简洁(反义)

  abandon·inhibition=conscious·numbness 放任·压抑=有意识的·麻木(反义)

  abandon·inhibition=tranquility·agitation 放纵·压抑=冷静·激动(反义) abandon·inhibition=despair·hope 放纵·压抑=绝望·希望(反义)

  (反)salvage ◆ abandon 救助 ◆ 放弃(to withdraw one's support or help from) (例)He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。

  abase v. 贬低降低地位、威望或尊严(to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem)

  (类)abase·prestige=damp·ardor 降低·声望=抑制·热情 (动作及其相关对象)

  abase·status=shorten·length 降低·地位=缩短·长度 (动作及其相关对象)

  curtail·duration=abase·strength 缩减·持续时间=降低·力量 (动作及其相关对象) (记)a+base(降低)→贬低 (同)bemean, degrade, demean, humiliate (例)A man who betrays a friend abases himself. 叛友者实为自贬身份。

  abash vt. 使不安,使愧疚(to destroy the self-possession沉着 or self-confidence of)

  abate v. 减轻,减低(to reduce in degree or intensity)

  (类)abate·tax=alleviate·distress 减轻·税=减轻·压力(动作与其相关对象)

  abate·force=fade·loudness 减轻·力量=减弱·声音(动作与其相关对象)

  abate·intensity=taper·width 减轻·强度=逐渐变细·宽(动作与其相关对象)

  abate·degree=discount·price 减轻·程度=减价·价格(动作与其相关对象) (反)intensify 强化


  augment 增加

  increase in intensity 剧烈增长

  (例)the storm abated slowly 暴风雨逐渐减弱。

  (同)lull, moderate, relent, slacken, subside, wane

  (记)ab(否定)+ ate(吃)联想:不吃是为了减轻体重。

  abbreviate v. 缩写,缩短,(to make briefer)


  删减·词语=简化·文字(动作及其相关对象) abbreviation·sentence=synopsis·narrative




  (反)extend 扩增 protract 延长 (同)abridge, curtail, cut,retrench, slash (例)to abbreviate the December to Dec 把December 简写为 Dec

  abdicate v. 让位,放弃(to relinquish formally)

  (类)abdicate·throne=recant·belief让位·王位=放弃信仰·信仰(动作及其相关对象) (反)abdicate ◆ constitute 让位 ◆ 任命

  abdicate ◆ assume 放弃 ◆ 采纳 abdicate ◆ usurp 让位 ◆ 篡位

  (记)ab+dic(说话,命令)+ate 联想:不再命令→退位 (同)discard, shed,slough, renounce, resign

  abdomen n. 腹,下腹(stomach and bowels)

  aberrant adj. 异常的,非常规的(deviating from the usual or natural type)

  (类)aberrant·standard=digressive·topic 异常的·标准=离题的·主题 (反)aberrant ◆ normal 异常的 ◆ 正常的

  (记)ab+err(=error错误)+ant→走向错误→越轨的 (同)anomalous, atypical, deviant

  (例)a rocket on an aberrant course 逸出轨道的火箭

  abet v. 帮助、支持、怂恿(to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose)

  (类)abet·assistance=counsel·guidance 协助·帮助=顾问·指导(同义)

  abet·encouragement=elucidate·clarity 协助·鼓励=阐明·清晰(行为及其结果) (反)stymie;frustrate;obstruct;thwart;impede;forestall(阻挠) (记)联想:因为一个赌,所以要帮助

  (例)abetted the thief in robbing the bank. 怂恿盗贼抢劫银行

  abeyance n. 中止,暂停,搁置(temporary inactivity)

  (反)abeyance ◆ continuance 暂停 ◆ 继续

  abeyance ◆ fulfillment 中止 ◆ 施行 (同)doldrums,latency, quiescence, suspension

  (记)abey=obey 遵守。联想:遵守停火(暂停)协议。 (例)The law go into abeyance. 这项法律停止生效。

  abhor vt. 憎恶,痛恨(to regard with extreme repugnance)

  (类)abhorrence·dislike=adoration·fondness 厌恶·不喜欢=崇拜·爱(程度) (反)abhor ◆ greatly admire 痛恨 ◆ 非常崇拜 (记)ab+hor(恨,怕) 参考:horrible 可怕的 (同)detest, execrate, loathe, contemn, disdain

  abiding adj. 永久的,持久的(to remain stable or fixed in a state)

  (反)evanescent;ephemeral(短暂的) (同)enduring, firm, steadfast, steady

  (记)来自abide容忍 联想:能忍的人能够持久地做一件事

  (例)an abiding love of music. 对音乐持久的爱好an abiding friendship 永恒的友谊





