
2022-06-05 00:14:19


  1. Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Alarmingly, some improper human activities such as hunting rare animals or trapping some beneficial birds have been exerting a subtle impact on natural balance. There has been a heated debate over whether we spend too much resources on protecting wild animals and rare birds. As I see it, the government and every individual should make joint efforts to maintain the diversity of animals and birds. Protecting those wild animals equals to protecting ourselves.

  First, biodiversity is one of human beings’ greatest assets,even though some species are thriving,many others are endangered. A hard truth is that the disappearance of wild animals,especially endangered species,might trigger some problems. For example,the decrease of owl will lead to the multiplication of voles that are big eaters of crops. Likewise,wild animal trade,as a profit-making business,was once very active and even beyond control. Consequently,a great many species such as Tibetan antelopes or tigers cannot escape the destiny of being killed. However, biological diversity is a key factor in maintaining ecological balance.

  Also, people’s innovative ideas can be greatly inspired by animals’ behaviors. By that I mean, some great contrivances could actually to owed to the observation of animal behaviors. From our life, it is easy to find out plenty of examples, human beings have created flippers to facilitate swimming through observing the attribute of frogs’ fins. Similarly, the invention of airplane helps people realize the dream of flying high in the sky, which could also be attributed to duplicating the birds, thereby, to protect various animals is to preserve our sources of creativity for our future generations.

  Some people might argue that we need to resort to wild animals for delicious and nutritious foods. However, what I want to refute is that we have no reason to slaughter those innocent animals under the excuse of satisfying our stomach. Some people might also argue that we have more social problems that need to be given priority to,however,what I want to refute is that the protection of animals and resolving social problems are not mutually exclusive as long as the government can properly allocate financial budget.

  In a nutshell, my stand is that animals and human beings should and could live in harmony with each other. Wild animals impose profound and beneficial impacts on us. Therefore, it is advisable to do our utmost to preserve animals and birds.

  2. Children today are difficult to concentrate or pay attention in schools. What do you think causes this problem? What’s the solutions?

  Schools, which have been supposed to be imparting knowledge and shaping characters, have been less of a focus, if not totally ignored by children. The reasons are multiple and accordingly the solutions are varied.

  Schools in this case are mainly responsible because of their to-be-updated teaching contents and directions. Despite the fact that it is difficult to seat children down in an orderly classroom, it is the responsibility of the school to research for appealing yet educational contents so that children willingly learn. Moreover, schools are to educate with more of a focus on real-life issues, in which case for example, school kids will not be misled to believe that they would be as successful if they drop out of schools as Bill Gates did Harvard.

  Parents, against general belief, are to blame, too. They could have, as the past generations, reinforced to their kids the idea that schools are fun and helpful. However, most parents, because of their own education deficiency, their limited understanding about education or their busy schedule, fail to address the importance of schooling and thus their children lose focus and go astray. To address this problem, parents need to learn the significance of learning first.

  Astonishingly, this essay believes that children have their share in the issue under discussion, but are not responsible. For their young age and lack of life experience, their behavior, pleasant or dissatisfactory, are understandable, and it is the responsibility of the school and parents to interest kids and nurture the desire to learn.

  In sum, to make children interested in school learning, schools need improve their education contents and methods, and parents need to better knowledge of knowledge and the guidance of children.

  3. Vehicle free day means the private cars, trucks and motorcycles are banned in city centers. Only the bus, bicycles and taxis are permitted in the city centers. Do you think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

  As you have got accustomed to the annoying noise produced by the cars running along the street, can you imagine a quiet day without cars?Actually this has already been practiced throughout the world. Last year, September 22 was set aside as the “vehicle-free day”, when people were encouraged to walk, ride the bicycle, or take public transportation such as the bus, the taxi and the metro rather than drive their own cars.

  Personally, I believe this “vehicle-free day” can bring about a host of positive effects. At the most basic level, people can enjoy a quiet day. Without the cars hustling and roaring, the city will become a much more peaceful and cleaner place to live in, but to most city dwellers, this seems to be a dream that will never come true. What is more, on this special day, the awareness will dawn on people that they should no longer take for granted their life with cars. They will be made to understand that the benefits of driving cars do not come without prices. Cars, for example, emit greenhouse gas, produce huge noises, pollute the air and cause traffic congestion and even dangers that may threaten our lives. Once they realize these hazards, they may minimize the use of their cars and then the condition of the city will be improved.

  Undoubtedly, the “vehicle-free day” may also cause problems. The most immediate one is that, when people do not drive their cars, the public transportation system may subject to tremendous pressure. If not planned carefully enough, this well-intended day may turn out a disaster to the city commuters. Fortunately, there do exist solutions to this problem. For instance, we can encourage people to ride bicycles or work at home whenever possible on this day.

