
2022-05-31 09:13:25


  1. Machines have replaced physical work in many industries. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  Some people think that robots are very important for humans’ future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  Nowadays, technology develops fast. In contemporary settings, the development of technology revolutionized people’s life in many aspects. There are various of robots. Someone some people think that robots are beneficial for humans’ future development. Others think robots are a dangerous invention. I believe that each of views has its own merit. Considering the issue, it is crucial to explore it from two sides.

  On the one hand, it is undeniable that inventions of robots generate favorable influence on consumers’ lives. Firstly, Scientists invent some robots in order to make people’s life more convenient. For example, the robot which could sweep the floor and wash windows. It brings some convenience for family. could save consumers’ time and labor to the maximum extent, especially for people who are very busy in work. Robots can also play a significant role in factory due to their overwhelming advantages of efficiency and efficacy. Because there are some simple and repetitive operation could be replaced by robot to save employee’s labor. Boss doesn’t spend much money in employing those workers. At the same time, work efficiency can improve in a way.

  However, other people think robots have more focus their attention on the disadvantages than advantages robots bring. It’s harmful for people who don’t receive good education. It means some easy job they could do before. Primarily, the intervention of robot in doing labor-intensive work could also rob job opportunities of some employees. When robots are qualified for the work, these people lacking professional skills might have difficulties to find finding another job. The probable result maybe they can’t live by themselves. The unemployment issue could pose threat to social stability. It will lead to some society problems. As we know, robots are invented by human, someone are worry about that if robots are designed complex or become smarter than people. They could have passive effects on society or cause safety concerns.

  In conclusion, the invention of robots have both benefits and drawbacks, when people could make fully use of robots, the robot’s positive value is really shown to be maximized. At present, buying a robot is not cheap. With progress of society, robots might one day become common on society. However, measures should be taken to mitigate its negative influence.

  In conclusion, robots would play more and more optimistic role in our life. We could look forward to lives which are surround by robots.

  2. Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills. Does the advantage outweigh the disadvantage?

  In modern time, the young generation is called the computer generation sometimes. Some folks render that young people spend so much time communicating on electronic devices that their reading and writing skills are badly impacted. However, I think that there are both merits and demerits of the increasing usage of computers and cellphones to communicate.

  Nowadays, young people usually spend a huge amount of time on the Internet, chatting or sending emails, etc. Communicating too much in the virtual world means less time spent on paper books and writing tasks on paper, weakening reading and writing abilities. Generally, they are presented information passively rather than 'hunt' for what they want to comprehend. This may exert negative influence on their accepting information. Most importantly, spelling mistakes can be corrected by word processors, which causes less attention on their mistakes even when it comes to writing on paper.

  Nevertheless, there are advantages if the young can utilize the high convenience for communication in a good way. A great variety of well-written articles and electronic books are available in a simple click. Their reading and writing skills can be improved through these abundant resources. There are also some free online courses and well-designed websites for language learners. As typical example of them, lang-8 is a website where language learners all over the globe can correct essays for each other, as well as socialize.

  Overall, to some extent, over-dependence on electronic devices to communicate does descend young ones' capabilities of reading and writing. However, they can benefit from the convenience if making good use of it.

  3. Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

  Some countries today invest huge amount of money on specialized facilities for the training of their top athletes to achieve sporting success internationally. I think this investment is rewarding as long as it is not at the expenses of the sports facilities for the public.

  The benefits of athletes winning on international sports arena such as Olympic Games or the World Cup Championship are multiple. For the athletes, who often come from economically underprivileged families, a champion can save them from their financial embarrassment, not just for themselves, but for the entire families as well. An Olympic champion, furthermore, can become a national hero and serve as the role model for numerous young people, who will try to be as hard-working, self-disciplined, and persistent as the champion. Most importantly, a hard-won champion title can even bring pride to the entire nation and help the nation to move on, especially in hard times.

  However, more international champions should not become the excuse to cut down on the investment on the public sports facilities. A country without adequate sports facilities for the general public can never be truly encouraged no matter how many world champions it boasts. You will understand the frustration when you put on your sports shirt and go out, spurred by the perfect performance of an athlete you love in an important game, only to find that all available gyms and stadiums are crowded, leaving you nowhere to go.

  To conclude, international sporting success is necessary, which explains why a country ought to put money into specialized facilities to train its top athletes. However, if the government has to make a choice between the world champions and the public sports facilities, I will support the second one. To my mind, only when the general mass of people enjoys the adequate sports facilities will they be encouraged and motivated by their world champions.

  4. In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on TV and the general public can watch them. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  Whether criminal trials should be shown on TV or not has always been a controversial issue. After discussing the advantages of this practice and its disadvantages, I come to believe televising criminal trials is a good thing as long as its negative effects are brought well under control.

  Showing criminal trials on TV can serve multiple purposes at the same time such as educational, deterrent and regulatory. When watching how criminals are tried and sentenced, TV viewers will learn a great deal about the law and the legal system. In fact, it was from a televised trial that I understood it is a violation of law if you do not stop your car when you see a stop sign. Meanwhile, TV trials can help bring down the crime rate. People are fearful of their faces shown on TV after they commit crimes because it is generally considered as a disgrace to the family. Finally, aware that they are watched by the general public, the lawyers and judges will have to make sure that the law is followed strictly and the justice is done to the highest standards.

  Admittedly, TV trials, particularly the live shows, may bring about negative effects as well. Often the TV trials will present a lot of details of the criminal offenses such as killing, embezzling, cheating, so much so that they become a promotion of these crimes. As a matter of fact, many juvenile offenders admit they have been under great influences of TV criminal shows. More importantly, in TV criminal trials, lawyers and judges may often pay more attention to their own personal images to the TV viewers, thus forgetting the real purpose of the trial, which is to find if a person is guilty or innocent and in this way, the justice may be sacrificed.

  However, I personally do like the idea of putting criminal trials on TV. Besides telling us right from wrong in a more vivid way and preempting us from committing crimes, TV trials will let us know how the punishment is meted out and how justice is done. This, I believe, is what our basic civil right is all about.

  5. Some people think living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  While enjoying all the conveniences in big cities such as supermarkets, shopping malls, and public transport, many people complain that living in big cities is harmful for our health. This opinion certainly carries a lot of truth, yet it should also be treated with a grain of salt.

  Compared with the rural areas which are usually more peaceful and quiet, big cities are often extremely noisy. The forever crowded streets are full of people rushing back and forth, vehicles hustling along, and stores vying for attention. Besides, with factories producing wastes and vehicles emitting exhaust gas, the air in big cities is often so heavily polluted that many people have to put on a mask when walking outside in the street.

  Then, the busy city life is also negative for our mental health. The fierce competition that exists everywhere in big cities is destructive to our relationship with our colleagues, neighbors, and even friends, resulting in our isolation and loneliness. In order to catch up with the Joneses, we often have to make more money by working extra hours which will eventually affect our health.

  Yet big cities do offer many things that can benefit our health. Big cities, for instance, have better sports facilities and better equipped gyms and stadiums. They also have more parks and gardens. So we can see many city dwellers enjoying themselves by doing sports in gyms or walking in parks on weekends while in the countryside people can only stay at home. More importantly, in big cities, people enjoy better medical services because the best hospitals and medical professionals are often found in big cities rather than rural countryside.

  So it is hard to decide with certainty whether living in big cities is bad or good for our health. Life in big cities does bring about many negative effects on our health (both physical and mental), but it also has much to offer which actually helps us stay healthy.

