
2022-05-22 23:34:00


  Section One



  题型填空 10

  内容概述妇女新手咨询Scuba diving 课程

  1. 一女的要报游泳班

  男的劝她先上level of the beginning basic - or for beginners.

  2. the month on July

  3. on a Saturday

  4. Initially, they will have indoor training.

  5. 等学员学完课程,they will diving in a lake at a mountain.

  6. Equipment : only need to buy diving mask.(学员什么都不用买,学校准备好了,

  不过那个女人觉得用自己 的 mask)

  Section Two

  场次20151107A 20100821


  题型地图 5 填空 5


  地图 5

  1.花费:1 million 2.目的:develop tourism 3.朝向:southeast 4.命名:lawyer 命名的 5.用时:7 years

  配对 5

  6. Information center: photography

  7. refreshment

  8. souvenir



  visitor centre

  Section Three

  场次20161013 20110606 20091010 2008

  题型填空 4 多选 6

  内容概述两个学生讨论关于选修课程的事,会计和日语,一个 accounting course, 一个是 Japanese

  多选 5

  1-3. 女孩选择这门课程的原因是: important for the future job optional for the degree visit off the campus

  4-5. the description about the course: broad focus challenging content

  填空 5

  6. Lectures

  7. Enjoy learning vocabulary

  8. But it is difficult of grammar and

  9. Writing

  10. The teacher sometime ...that is strict/unapproachable

  Section Four



  题型填空 10

  内容概述" 洲 游 牧 部 落 和 定 居 部 落 -difference between settled nations and

  nomadic nations

  1. vertical

  2 then for accommodation, settlers: nomad cabin

  3. transport by camel

  4. young people

  5. farmers help local residents

  6. what to exchange for settlers: green grain

  7. What to exchange for nomad clothing

  8. harvest food and meat

  9. live in tents

  10. intermediate mixed between two lifestyle /portable
