
2022-05-19 02:28:40

  Section1: White Rihsol Hostel

  租房场景: 朋友对话,女生让男生推荐hostel accommodation,男生就之前住过的hostel做介绍,如里面的facilities 以及价格,最短租期,还有相关trips

  P1. Notes Filling 笔记填空

  ₤ 18

  Minimum stay two nights

  Soap is not provided

  Names for different types of music

  Well-equipped kitchen

  Private room has ______

  Section 2: Center of Alternative Technology

  P1.Map 地图题 (信息配对)

  Telephone Box G

  Low engergy A

  Organic Garden C

  Food store B

  P2 sentence filling 句子填空

  Hot water for ______

  Special event “ Apple Day”

  Price for ticket ₤ 9.50

  Section3: Bricks made from waste Bitublock

  2人对话就bitublock 的好处及相关研究的内容探讨

  P1 单选题

  1. Adele 为什么对bitublock 研究感兴趣?

  2. 他认为Bitublock 最innotative 的方面是?

  3. 为什么要看关于hospital buildig 的文章研究

  4. 可以通过研究那些了解到什么?

  P2. 多选题

  两种block 对比有哪两个不同

  P3. 多选题


  Section4 . What does diet influence the climate

  关于人的饮食造成的gas emission 对环境的影响

  P1. Note filling 笔记填空

  ________a person does


  Manufaturing the chiken’s food

  manufacturing of products

  packing in markets