
2022-05-30 06:01:39






  The map describes the change of a park from 1980 to now.


  地图题。一个公园从 1980 年到现在的变化。



  1. 增加了 picnic chairs and desks

  2. 道路被扩建

  3. 两处 flower 变成了 bush 和 play ground

  4. gate 和 wall 消失 (这是本题中的一大重要考点)

  对于没有发生改变的 pond,bench 和 tree 可在段落末尾进行简单的概述。另外一点需要特别注意的就是两幅图之间的时态切换:图一过去时,图二现在时。

  Roger IELTS 2015 写作真题


  Sample answer:

  These pictures apparently depict the layout transformation of a park between 1980 and nowadays.

  When it comes to the situation of 1980, the west and the south gate of the park was connected by a west-to-south road, which divided the park into two districts. In the east side of the road, a forest area and a flower bed located in the northeast corner and the southeast corner of the park, respectively.

  Turning to the other side of the road, a pond was surrounded by rows of benches, next to the benches, another flower bed placed in the southwest corner. The whole regions were surrounded by walls.

  At present, the previous outside wall and two gates have disappeared and the road is massively expended simultaneously thereby leading the travelers to each side of the park. Meanwhile, picnic chairs and desks that are utilized

  for barbecue is added among the trees, the east and the west flower beds are substituted by play ground and bush, separately. The pond and benches have no change.

  To conclude, after a series of variations, the park switches to an open area from the original closed type.

