
2022-06-09 01:10:52





  1.Describe a friend recently you meet once(描述你最近见过一次的朋友) ( who, where, why make you want to know more ) P3: how to makefriends ?

  2.Describe a person whom do you think is polite (描述一个让你觉得有礼貌的人,在哪,什么时候遇到的,怎么遇到的,为什么觉得他很有礼貌) P3: 你觉得礼貌重要么?.

  3. Describe anexperience you spend time with a child ( what did youdo,when did you do, how do you feel) P3: how to teachchildren ? Is sweet a god thing to reward them ?

  4.Describe aninteresting neighbor (描述一个有趣的邻居) P3:邻里关系咋样? 住在大城市和乡村的区别? 怎么改善邻里关系?

  5.Describe aninteresting house or apartment you visited (描述一个你访问过的有趣房子或公寓)( where,whosehome, why you go there , why it is so interesting ) P3: Why people want to movefrom new buildings ? 你愿意住这种房子么? 在中国人们更多选择住什么房子?

  6.Describe a touristattraction ( destination) 描述一个旅游景点 P3: 问一大堆旅游的问题.

  7.Describe a sportsplace near your home ( stadium , gym, park and etc.) where is it , who uses it, why it is important to your city ) P3: 为什么人们喜欢看国际体育比赛?why do young people doless sports than their parents ? why does somebody dislike watch the OlympicGames ? What kinds of sports are also popular in China ?

  8.Describea café you visited last time(描述一个你上次去过的咖啡馆) P3: 你在咖啡馆里干什么?为什么你认为咖啡馆是安静的地方? 咖啡馆和饭馆的区别? 中国人对于咖啡馆的印象?Will you choose orrestaurant when you meet others ?

  9.Describea time when something made you laugh (描述让你发笑的一次经历) (what it was , whenand where, who was with you, and explain why you remember it) P3: Is comedypopular in China? Are there any other form of comedy beside the comedy on TV?What are the differences between comedies in books and those on TV? Why comedyis used as advertisements ?

  10.Describe a weddingyou attended (描述你参加过的一个婚礼)( who,when, ) P3: 什么年龄结婚最好? Why?

  11.Describe a time you used imagination (描述你发挥想象力的一次经历) P3: 什么children need imagination 吗? 什么职业需要想象力?

  12.Describe an experience that you are not allowed use mobile phone ( 描述一次不允许带手机的经历) ( where , why, what did you do) P3:Different use phone of young & old people ? why ? your attitude ? 公共场合大声打电话什么影响?举例说明手机在生活上带来的很大的变化?用手机拍照浪费时间么?

  13.Describe anexperience in countryside (什么时候去的,和谁去,去做什么,然后为什么是enjoyable)(描述一下你在乡村度过的美好一天)P3:为什么有人愿意留在农村? 乡村和城市有什么不同? 现在的乡村跟过去比有什么不同?

  14.Describe anunforgettable experience (描述一次难忘的经历)(时间,地点,为什么记忆深刻)P3: 待更新.

  15.Describea plan which is irrelevant to your work and study (描述一个跟你工作和学业无关的人生规划)P3: 你认为人们每天需要做的计划是什么? 你喜欢做计划么? 有些人不喜欢做计划,为什么?你觉得大多数人能完成他们的Plan 吗? 什么愿意呢? 你觉得人应该有Plan 还是做喜欢做的? 年轻人考虑工作的原因? 家庭对选择工作的影响? Salary 对工作的影响?

  16.Describeyour experience on good service , a shop or restaurantwhen , where, what,how is you feeling) (描述一个经历的好的服务) P3: Service inlarge shop and small shop different ? how people do when they get bad service? whysome people don’t know what service is good ?

  17.describe a busy time (描述忙碌的时刻) P3: 小孩应不应该有假期?假期有什么好处? 压力对工作好不好? 工作强度大有什么优缺点?

  18.Describe a different festive you had on a different place (描述再别的地方过一个不一样的节日) (在哪过,和谁过,在节日做什么) P3: 过节日哪些地方比较好? 如果你住在过节的地方,感觉如何?如果出国过节有些什么建议?

  19.Describe a team work /project you did with others (描述一个团队活动) P3: 你觉得团队工作重要么? 团队工作对小孩好么? 作为组员,你应该怎么样?作为组长,是不是应该承担更多的责任? 组长应该有什么样的特质?


