
2022-05-22 06:26:38



  What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a good teacher should have? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation. "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的特征类话题。


  How can you ensure that you can finish the assignment on time when the studying work is heavy? Please include details in your answer. "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的建议方法类话题。


  Talk about a hobby of yours. Give examples and details in your response. "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的特征类话题。


  Your university plans to provide another type of food to attract more students. What kind of food would you like the university cafeteria to add? Explain the reasons with examples and details. "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的建议方法类话题。


  Is it important for students to have computers? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation. "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的物品类话题。



  Some people always try the food that they have never tasted before while others don't. Which do you prefer? "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的生活方式类话题

  2)建议答题思路:比如选择prefer to try new food,理由一:more kinds of food,more joy;理由二:take in different nutritions."

  Do you prefer to give your friend a present that he likes or something else, e.g. money? "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的生活方式类话题

  2)建议答题思路:比如选择a present your friend likes;理由一:a present's value depends on whether your friend likes it or not ;理由二:it shows that you cherish the friendship or not."

  Do you prefer to study in the classroom or outside the classroom? Explain why. "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的学习类话题

  2)建议答题思路:比如选择 study in the classroom;理由一:more focus on study, and won't be distracted by environment;理由二:limit all possible noises into the classroom, which may have a noise influence on others."

  Do you prefer watching news or reading news? "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的生活方式类话题

  2)建议答题思路:比如选择reading news;理由一:select what you think that you are interested in, not receiving news passively 理由二:have a transition time to digest what you read."

  When things at home such as furniture or electrical devices are broken, some people prefer to have them repaired in a shop, while others prefer to fix them at home. Which do you prefer and why? "1)本题属于TOEFL口语常考的生活方式类话题

  2)建议答题思路:比如选择have them repaired in a shop;理由一:specialized techinicans will repair them quickly; 理由二:gurantee they won't be quickly back to the broken-down state in the near future."



  标题:ice-skating rink converted into student housing 变化:认为当前学生数量上升,意图把滑雪场改成学生宿舍,该滑雪场在镇中心,离学校 4km 远。


  态度:男同学认为不应该改造。原因 1:It’s fun. 很多学生喜欢这个滑雪场。如果改造,很多学生会 upset。原因 2:离校区太远,不便参与很多校园活动。


  标题:school request that students club contain at least ten members 原因 1:学校不好拨款:不能清楚判断资金流向,可能会浪费钱。原因 2:人员过少不会长久存在下去。


  态度:反对原因 1:学校在学生会活动上的资金支持很少只有一些小型的活动比如 hiking,并没有浪费学校很多钱。原因 2:不管时间存在的长久,俱乐部为学生提供了交朋友的机会这对他们未来事业都会有好处。


  标题:Role-playing 定义:在培训销售人员的时候,让受训者做销售,而培训人员做顾客,这样受训人员更能了解问题所在。


  例子: 教授的哥哥是卖车行老板。在培训新来的销售的时候,他哥哥表演购买人,来训练新的销售,这样在实际环境中,这些新来的就慢慢学会怎么样和真正的顾客打交道了。
