
2022-05-21 01:55:26


  What is the most useful action for people to help protect or improve the environment in their local communities:

  1.Plant trees and create parks.

  2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags to customers.

  3.Increase access to pubic transportation (such as buses and trains) thus reduce the automobile on the road.

  9月的第一场考试,也是大家下半年开学的第一战,这次考察的话题有关环境保护,还居然是三选一。So, the topic of this weekend is a little bit serious.







  1. Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.


  2. The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.



  第1题涉及到了政府应该重视的两个方面,environmental protection VS economic development。题目陈述也已经给出了观点:环境保护比经济发展更加重要。对于这种题目,我们可以巧妙的避开environmental protection的具体的细节论述,把重点放到政府上。因为对于政府,我们有一个常用分类,分为“发达国家政府VS落后地区政府”(developed countries VS undeveloped countries)。国力、国情、国民状况,在不同国家都不尽相同。简而言之,发达国家经济实力强,人们物质生活已经有了保障,同时人民的环保意识比较强烈,所以发达国家的政府更加应该重视环境保护。On the contrary, how about the undeveloped nations? 落后国家的经济状况比较堪忧,人们的生活水平也比较低。和环境保护相比,这些国家当然更加应该得视经济发展。在不同的发展阶段,政府所要重视的因素是不相同的。







  The choices of people living in different countries could vary. For people living in developed nations, it is wise and feasible for them to plant more trees and create more parks; However, when people of backward nations are involved in, increasing the frequency of using public transportation would be a proper choice.


  To be honest, developed nations, considering the prosperous economic condition, have sufficient budget in protecting environment. Planting trees and building more parks need a whopping expenditure, which is supposed to be provided by the government. Trees and parks covered by plants can absorb green house gases, provide shades for dwellers and walkers as well as serve as areas of out recreations.

  On the contrary, undeveloped nations can ill afford to directly invest too much money on protecting environments as developed nations. To invest money in developing public transportation would be a solution killing two birds with one stone(一石二鸟,一举两得). On the one hand, it will be more convenient for people getting out; On the other hand, less private sedans are going to be used and therefore less hazardous exhaust will be produced.

  这一次机经解析我们将环境的题目串讲了一下,也算 killing two birds with one stone。新的一周,大家工作、学习愉快。


  Sample answer:

  The reading and listening discuss about whether vent mining is reasonable. The reading points out three reasons why vent mining is advisable. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three points presented in the passage.

  Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s first reason that some rare metal will be excavated by claims that under the current technology, metal cannot be separated from sediment, and then transported.

  According to the reading material, unique sea organism will not be damaged, for the excavation works are conducted two kilometers away from the vent. The professor mentions that the harmful chemical will spread, thus even the excavation works are conducted far way, sea organisms will still be influenced.

  At last, reading material point out that laws and agencies will help to manage and regulate vent mining, which will prevent the harmful effects vent mining causes. However, the professor explains that Vent mining is conducted off the coastline, where laws are invalid.
