
2022-05-28 03:20:58



  Confirm= prove Abandon=left Stamina=endurance Further=additional

  Inhibit= slow down Ornament= decoration Fluctuation=variation Impeded=restrict

  Derive from= obtained from Spectacular= remarkable Peak= the high point


  题材划分: 地质类

  主要内容:土壤的形成和风化,soil formation parent material 可能是由bedrock形成的,也可能是被水,风,冰川等从别的地方带过来的。提到水对土壤的影响,会经流土壤或者变成气体蒸发出去。水可能会给土壤带来一些矿物质,也可能带走一些。这个叫做leaching。森林土壤里的矿物质在表面,grassland在地下的root system里面,后面还提到高处的土壤比低处的土壤更干,因为水会直接流向低处。泛滥平原地区有更多矿物质,所以土壤更肥沃。土的形成从三种情况形成,因为来源不同所以内容营养不同。斜坡的土不能保持水分,所以营养流失多比较贫瘠,平地的营养多。


  TPO27- The Formation of Volcanic Islands


  Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and countless organisms that together support life on Earth. Soil is a natural body called the pedosphere which has four important functions: it is a medium for plant growth; it is a means of water storage, supply and purification; it is a modifier of Earth's atmosphere; it is a habitat for organisms; all of which, in turn, modify the soil.

  Soil is called the "Skin of the Earth" and interfaces with its lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. The term pedolith, used commonly to refer to the soil, literally translates 'level stone'. Soil consists of a solid phase of minerals and organic matter, as well as a porous phase that holds gases and water. Accordingly, soils are often treated as a three-state system of solids, liquids, and gases.

  Soil is a product of the influence of the climate, relief (elevation, orientation, and slope of terrain), organisms, and its parent materials (original minerals) interacting over time. Soil continually undergoes development by way of numerous physical, chemical and biological processes, which include weathering with associated erosion.

  Most soils have a density between 1 and 2 g/cm3. Little of the soil of planet Earth is older than the Pleistocene and none is older than the Cenozoic, although fossilized soils are preserved from as far back as the Archean.

  Soil science has two basic branches of study: edaphology and pedology. Edaphology is concerned with the influence of soils on living things. Pedology is focused on the formation, description (morphology), and classification of soils in their natural environment, In engineering terms, soil is referred to as regolith, or loose rock material that lies above the 'solid geology'. Soil is commonly referred to as "earth" or "dirt"; technically, the term "dirt" should be restricted to displaced soil.

  As soil resources serve as a basis for food security, the international community advocates for its sustainable and responsible use through different types of Soil Governance.


  题材划分: 历史类

  主要内容: 如何研究史前人类的生活,重建史前人类的生活,对比史前人类栖息地的动植物遗迹和其他地区动植物遗迹。判断骨骼化石中钙和另一种物质,如有有该物质,说明它们吃了一种ingested plant,也可以探测牙齿化石上的microbe,史前人类用一种river coddle做遮蔽物,而且发现这种结构的建筑最多。用动物的骨骼构建一种construction,每种风格不同,需要很多人才能建起来。提到了fireplace,在寒冷的天气下用来取暖,fireplace里有一代一代人类留下的或大或小烧木头的痕迹。一种木头燃烧时间长所以作燃料很好,然后根据他们住的地方不同有各种各样的取暖措施搭建方式。


  TPO33- The First Civilizations



  主要内容: 雄性动物为了进行交配会有什么表现,提到了鸟择偶的情况,雌鸟喜欢选择体型大且有鲜艳羽毛的雄鸟,认为这种鸟更具有躲避捕食者的生存能力,提到good gene hypothesis, 达尔文理论说火鸡和一种鸟外表有特点所以能让雌鸟选择这些雄鸟当配偶,事实比达尔文想的还普遍,bright color能让雄鸟远离天敌,提高生存机会,飞的好能更好的照顾更多后代,根据鸡冠也可以看出公鸡是不是健康,来避免疾病。


  TPO28- Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes
