
2022-06-11 14:12:00



  T1 【事件】

  What is the one thing foreign tourist need to pay attention to before they visit your country? Explain why? Include details and examples in your explanation.


  T2 【生活方式】

  When you give gifts to others, do you prefer gifts that are fun or gifts that can be used?


  T3.【公开信】有个人写信给学校,说student directory(college directory that has all the contact information of students.)可以两个方面改进:1. 加照片(Add photos of students)2. 制作一个网上在线浏览的版本(Put the directory on the internet)。【学生对话】听力里男人说好啊。1. some students may have the same name, photo helps students to find the right person. 因为上礼拜我用student directory找个人忘了他的last name,结果打错了各种囧,有照片就不会;还有在线浏览好啊,2. Some students can’t find the directory. 很多人一开学就displace了那本小书,有了在线版就啥时候都能看见了。(It is easy for students to find these information if there are electronic version of the directory available online.)


  reading 里讲一个概念 adjustable group size。是说对于种群来说有个合适种群规模。lecture 里面教授举例解释这个概念。例子讲狒狒 baboon 外出觅食时一般一大堆聚在一起,可以防狮子,说明有时候数量大好。但教授又说,食物短缺时,一大群就不好了,不如分成小群,更容易吃饱。

  T5.Problem: A boy needs to read a novel in order to write a paper. However, the library on campus is closed.

  Solutions: 1. To go to another library. But it's too far away. It will cost a lot of time, and the student will miss some interesting courses.2. To read another book. However, the student doesn't like the book.

  T6.Lecture: 教授说有好多市场营销策略。一种是让product tested, 就是让商品在严酷环境下使用让消费者觉得这东西质量太赞。 例子是把手提箱在雨里淋着,之后外面全湿了,打开一看里面的都是干的,太神奇! 还有一种是before and after demonstration, 就是有个problem解决不了用了产品就解决了。 例子是一个小正太的t-shirt 脏得不行了,吃的、泥点子全有,用了soap 洗了以后,跟新的一样。


  一湖 powell,把它抽干。


  1 这个湖本身是个tourist attraction,游客可以来划船玩水,是经济的来源。

  2 是该地区的water supply

  3 湖干,一种bass鱼会蔓延,影响其他wild 生物。


  1 在湖没形成的时候,这个地方是个美丽的大峡谷,同样吸引游客。

  2 这个水源不靠谱,蒸发量很大,该地区有其他很多更适合做水源的地方。

  3 湖本身已经造成了环境的威胁,石油倒入,大大的影响了下游的wild lives。

  W2 【工作】 【比较类(比较级)】

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.


