
2022-05-22 16:52:21


  W1、As the leader of a city, what would you do to ensure the prosperity and success of the city? A. creating job opportunities for the unemployed; B. lowering food price; C. providing affordable housing

  W2、Agree or disagree: people nowadays spend much more time than they should using text messages and new technologies such as social media to communicate with each other

  W3、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Professional athletes or performers shouldn’t be involved in politics.

  W4、Some people believe that teachers should communicate with students in class. Others believe that teachers should communicate with students by sending them emails. Which way do you think in better and why?


  W5、Most of the parents at some times find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their children/ It's not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval to the teachers/ Do you agree?

  W6、【阅读】Mayan 文化collapse 的原因:1.dry period 因为某次严重干旱2. writing system 在那个时候断裂了,因为干旱人移到其他地方cities were abandoned 3. 其他古代美洲文明如Anasazi 很多都是因为干旱消失的

  【听力】反驳,1. 玛雅地区每200 年就干旱一次,shells 分布在广大地区是因为当时湖水干涸,玛雅既然以前没事,这次都应该能度过这次干旱。2. 因为当时玛雅地区与其他地区常有战争,战胜者会将玛雅地区中会写字的educated people 带走,导致写作系统breakage 3。他们有很好的water system,玛雅有很好的水存储系统名可以存储1.5 年的水所以干旱不是问题。

  W7、Reading: 水力发电厂。



  3.对动物好,有个fish ladder的装置可以保护鱼类。




  3.虽然fish ladder保护了一部分鱼,但是另一部分鱼不能保护啊!举了salmon可以保护,但是英国的一个叫Shade(听音)的鱼就不能保护啦。

  W8、Reading: translocation 对于endangered animal的保护总是unsuccessful.(全文是以reptile来讲)

  1.在 translocation 过程中不仅仅是capture reptile 还要breeding它们; 而breeding 会带来一个负面影响, 那就是这些reptile不能像那些在野外生长的reptile一样have some important behavior, which help them to survive in wild.

  2.reptile 会有homing behavior, 这就会使得那些被translocate 到 new environment 的reptile返回原来自己的栖息地,而在这当中由于路途长远等各种原因,很多就都会die了

  3.reptile到了new environment 会不适应,而产生stress,文章给了个名词“hard release”

  Listening: reading 所说的问题都能overcome,问题并没有那么serious

  1. reptile有没有那种important behavior并不取决于外在的环境,因为那些important behavior 是inborn的, relate to genetical layer

  2.可以translocate yonger reptile, 因为年轻的还不具备homing behavior

  3. 把 “hard release”变成“soft release”,比如刚开始的时候给reptile提供食物并且保护它们,帮助它们适应新环境。

