
2022-05-26 01:01:57





  阅读第一篇是说quiting jobs 在美国的频率比欧洲国家和日本高,有几个原因,第一是美国的mobility cost 不高,雇主不愿意挽留,还有在日本,政府对于定居在工作地点附近的雇员给予补贴并对首次initial lease 的租金管制,所以一旦离开原有住址,就没有补贴并且二次甚至三次以后的租金房屋中介可以随意加钱。

  另外一篇是说oceanic water 和plankton organisms 可以remove atmosphere carbon dioxide。



  第二个conversation说的是女生问supervisor要一封recommendation letter, more than 10 buildings ,这些buildings 都是新型建筑,有些是用recycled materials建造,有些是用新能源供电,,事无巨细。

  有一个lecture是说太阳光的可见光的波长的不同,因为会经过地球大气层造成偏射,人眼对蓝光和黄光的敏感度不同 所以看天空经常是蓝色的。

  有一个lecture是说statue雕像,说的是Greek的,为什么会只有一部分的残余雕像,貌似雕像缺了个arm和shoulder ,一开始的一个科学家不太抓住考古的关键点,用的是incorrect assumptions .and analysis ,没对雕像的历史做出合理解释,第二个科学家却做出了很好的解释,例如他找出了这个雕像缺的那部分其实是原本手里拿着个金苹果,历史的由来是在学校里上课,老师对那些对于老师做出的问题给出正确选择的学生会奖励他一个唯一的金苹果。

  第三个section的conversation说的是学生没带student card,passport也放在寝室里,驾照和其他所有身份证明都在wallet 里面,钱包根本都找不到了,所以只能请求男性speaker 帮女生在办公电脑中locate her personal information,直到男人确定女生身份 男人说很快就能替女生把学生卡挂失并尽快补办,并且同时女生抱怨说自己肚子饿,男生赶快补充说办理学生卡的同时马上可以同时补办饭卡,女生很感激男人。


  第一题问study exercise 和shopping..三选一你比较prefer哪个to do alone

  第二题 some people think government should spend funding to perotect endangered animal other think the funding should come from private sources选一个。

  第三题,说school library no longer provide book copies of journals and periodical materials for student.男生同意,理由1:library has no space to keep the books,they have to expand library by building new building.图书馆这样做可以 saves money 。理由2:students have computer in their dorm they can search the material online.

  第四题,说的是垂直迁移,意思是有些海洋动物会travel from bottom to the surface though the ocean.pro 举了个例子squid 白天的时候因为有sunlight 会让他们暴露在predator所以它们会躲到bottom of the ocean because the darkness will protect them.然后晚上就滚到surface to觅食然后呆一晚上...白天又滚回海底..

  第五题,说这个女学生 broken her ankle,but she has student teaching at downtown she can choose to take the taxi or have her friend drive her to downtown. Taxi is too expensive and her friend have to wait her. But her friend can wait her in a coffee shop.

  第六题讨论the reasons of the increase of the newspaper in 19th century. One is because the advanced technique so they can produce more newspaper for people. Second is they find more source of funding so the price of newspaper became low. Eg. Ad space for bussness.



  Which do you prefer? Upload picture and other information on social-networking. Others do not like to creat such records.是否应该将照片和其他个人信息传到社交网络上。


  讲了一种叫narwhal的鲸鱼有tusk,阅读中说第一,这种tusk是用来破冰,从而使得鱼的头可以伸出水面来呼吸,第二,tusk用来fight. against. with. male narwhals,第三,tusk是male. narwhal生存的需要。
